We will never know. The Nighbert coverup. The jail real estate coverup. The Barton coverup. The waterpark real estate coverup. The post office real estate coverup. We will never know. And most people in the county just don't care. They are used to being cheated and accept it.
Seems to me that Mr. Barton would have learned his lesson back in 1998 or 99 when his daughter was doing the fake ID's in HIS office as a part time employ. My son, under the cumstances, would have a size 10 1/2 up his backside first. Second, he would face the music in the court system. Has anybody ever heard of ENABLING? Bail 'em out$$$-Bail 'em out$$-Bail 'em out$$$.
It really makes you wonder. Linda Schutz loses by 2 votes 4 years ago, and then by hundreds of votes this past May. Did Barton do such a great job those 4 years and become some sort of local hero to warrant picking up this type of additional support in this year's primary? I don't think so.
After talking to people who were at the court house in May and last Tuesday, and listening to both WCTT and WEZJ that night and hearing how screwed up the process was at the court house last Tuesday night, it makes you wonder.
Seems to me that Homeland Security should get involved. Eight years ago, those ID's were produced primarily to access clubs and bars. Today, post 911, identy theft, in any capacity, constitutes a threat to my safety as a United States citizen. Does Hal Rogers protect Whitley County residents or all citizens of this great and fearful nation.
It really makes you wonder. Linda Schutz loses by 2 votes 4 years ago, and then by hundreds of votes this past May. Did Barton do such a great job those 4 years and become some sort of local hero to warrant picking up this type of additional support in this year's primary? I don't think so.
After talking to people who were at the court house in May and last Tuesday, and listening to both WCTT and WEZJ that night and hearing how screwed up the process was at the court house last Tuesday night, it makes you wonder.
The current Whitley County voting machine -->
What Whitley County needs is to gather every,supposedly elected candidate, into that toilet and let Linda pull the handle.
It was not surprising to read in the Times Tribune Thursday the small item tucked on page 11 that the charges against the Circuit Clerk's son were placed on hold. It is strange that the arrest made in Corbin was transferred to Whitley County's court system. The Whitley County corruption is deeply ingrained in the total system. Have you heard anything else about former police officer Nighbert's arrest after driving 92 MPH for reckless conduct while on duty which caused an accident and the tests ended up showing he had two types of drugs in his system?
Governor Fletcher's TV Commercials about Kentucky's tough drug laws are another indication that justice in Kentucky and Whitley County is a sham. If you are in the power circle you can get away with doing anything. What are we letting happen to our great nation? Doesn't anyone care anymore?
It was not surprising to read in the Times Tribune Thursday the small item tucked on page 11 that the charges against the Circuit Clerk's son were placed on hold. It is strange that the arrest made in Corbin was transferred to Whitley County's court system. The Whitley County corruption is deeply ingrained in the total system. Have you heard anything else about former police officer Nighbert's arrest after driving 92 MPH for reckless conduct while on duty which caused an accident and the tests ended up showing he had two types of drugs in his system?
Governor Fletcher's TV Commercials about Kentucky's tough drug laws are another indication that justice in Kentucky and Whitley County is a sham. If you are in the power circle you can get away with doing anything. What are we letting happen to our great nation? Doesn't anyone care anymore?
Small Southern Town Corruption Satire
Scandal and public corruption have hit a quiet Kentucky city best known for a national park with a legendary waterfall that overlooks a scenic mountain and lush ravine.
After a lengthy federal investigation, two city councilmen and a political consultant have pleaded guilty to corruption charges in a bribery scheme over a real estate development.
The councilmen accepted cash payments in exchange for their vote in support of a lucrative project along the banks of the Cumberland River.
The officials, __________ and _________ as well as the political consultant, _____ _________, pleaded guilty this week in U.S. District Court in Kentucky to participating in a bribery and wire fraud conspiracy that operated from August 2005 to February 2006.
The men admitted that they agreed to enrich themselves by soliciting and accepting cash bribes totaling thousands of dollars, something federal prosecutors called a "shocking betrayal of the public's trust."
For its part, the FBI claims that this case proves that public corruption at all levels of government remains a high priority for the agency. The FBI has even set up a corruption tip line (1-877-628-2533) to facilitate reporting such crimes and a web site http://reportcorruption.fbi.gov.
The corrupt Kentucky officials could spend up to five years imprison and be forced to pay $250,000 each. That is big news for a little city whose main draw is a falling cascade called Cumberland Falls.
The article about the Circuit Clerk's son was stuck back in the paper and it is obvious the case is going to be swept under the rug. This is Whitley County politics at its worst. Two families who do not have to live by the laws our founding fathers established for this nation. Is this the way they intended for our constitution to be used in providing equal justice for all?
Anonymous wrote: The article about the Circuit Clerk's son was stuck back in the paper and it is obvious the case is going to be swept under the rug. This is Whitley County politics at its worst. Two families who do not have to live by the laws our founding fathers established for this nation. Is this the way they intended for our constitution to be used in providing equal justice for all?
The FBI has set up a corruption tip line (1-877-628-2533) to facilitate reporting such crimes and a web site http://reportcorruption.fbi.gov.
from the day of the article on November 23 until today December 1 there is no more reports on the grand jury being scheduled to hear the details about the arrest of the Circuit Clerk's offspring. The Nighbert accident in April seems to be a cold case file that will be soon forgotten. There are two sets of laws for the people of this county. And no one seems to care.
Where will the Grand Jury convene to consider the case of Circuit Clerk's kid? Who picks that Grand Jury? When will it be conducted? I have uneasy feelings on whether justice will be served with fairness.
It really makes you wonder. Linda Schutz loses by 2 votes 4 years ago, and then by hundreds of votes this past May. Did Barton do such a great job those 4 years and become some sort of local hero to warrant picking up this type of additional support in this year's primary? I don't think so.
After talking to people who were at the court house in May and last Tuesday, and listening to both WCTT and WEZJ that night and hearing how screwed up the process was at the court house last Tuesday night, it makes you wonder.
The current Whitley County voting machine --> :toilet.
First, before you make wild accusations or rumors of conspiracy, you should do some research. The main reason for Barton's margin of victory in this election was due to a much larger voter turnout, as opposed to the previous election, in which there was one of the lowest voter turnouts, per capita, ever recorded. Barton may also have worked much harder in this election. Do you know for a fact that he didn't?
Next, before you run down the voting process in Whitley County, you should know that new voting machines were purchased to help expedite the voting process and eliminate voter fraud. Anytime you have change within a system or process, you must allow for additional time for personnel to learn how to effectively use this new equipment. Or we could go back to the old way, where anyone with a little $$$ could manipulate the numbers, and with little chance of being caught.
The more I read in the papers, the happier I am I live in Laurel County. Several people commented that this case will be a joke, and after reading todays Corbin Times, I can see why. I can understand the two sets of laws stuff from Whitley, and Knox isn't much better. When you are caught with 21 ID's, which is identy theft, expired or not, how are you allowed to plea bargan from a felony charge of trafficking in stolen identities to one count of prohibited use of license, a misdemeanor, and a dismissed charge of alcohol intoxication? As I recall in the first article, the guy is also under the legal age to drink. No wonder there is so much crime in that county and Whitley has such a crooked rep. I had a friend that was punished far worse for only having his brothers expired license. WHAT A JOKE!
It is ridiculous! What kind of a lousy message does this send to the people of our area? In an era when we are supposed to be careful about false identification with terrorists bringing danger to our nation one of the privileged can get away with thumbing his nose at our rules. They should investigate the Circuit Clerk's office and see if they have any controls at all on how they dispose of old drivers licenses. I bet the same kind of lenient punishment is given to Nighbert's son. Whitley County is a corrupt place. And the new Judge Executive's family sold the county the land for the jail that is located on a mountain that was strip mined.
Is there a mountain in this area that hasn't been strip mined? Just wondering..........And about that kid, they should've really thrown the book at him. Who does he think he is? Out drinking and trying to get him and his buddies into the bars underage???? Why, I'm sure no one on this message board has ever done anything so foolish when they were young. Perhaps one of your offspring may just screw up royally too one day. And I'll bet you won't be so anxious to see him (or her) rot in prison. Do you really believe this was a sinister act by this young man?
You're right, screw all the laws. Lets just all go out and do whatever the hell we feel like - seems to be the way it works in your part of the state. While you're at it, make sure you continue to send your message out to your area kids that, as you seem to be saying, having numerous ID's that belong to other people, whether its 2, 5, 20 or 100, is really OK as long as it's to get drunk with your friends - even if you get caught. Your attitude is amazing, to put it kindly.
Rot in prison? 7 to 30 days in the County jail is considered rotting in prison? If one of my children were to ever pull that kind of crap, you bet I wouldn't like their puniushment, but if he or she got 30 days, it might be what it takes to wake their butt up. But as long as we keep babying and coddeling our kids, they will keep pulling this kind of crap, and you will keep seeing this kind of stuff in your local papers. You think he would have pulled this stuff if his sister wasn't let off so easy for the exact same offense six years ago? Maybe if one of your own kids, family members or friends gets killed because of this kind of stupidity, then maybe you will take laws seriously in your area.
This is the way the system is supposed to work on this earth. Those who have taken charge and gained the upper hand should be able to do the things they want to do. They have the clout, and they are the leaders. They should gain the rewards in life.
The meek and the lowly will get their reward someday in heaven when those who abuse others and exercise full power over others are burning in hell.
I agree, the problem today is we take this kind of thing so lightly. Out drinking and trying to get him and his buddies into the bars underage with 21 stolen licenses. Do you encourage your kids to do this? If they got caught doing the same thing, not just one but two of your kids, whould you just laugh it off? Is that how your parents raised you, and wanted you to raise your kids? Maybe your parents had the same attitiude as you, but I doubt it.
Yeah, we all do stupid things, but some of us wise up and grow up. Some people, because of their parents always bailing them out, never do. Neighbert is another prime example. Daddy, the Mayor and their other "friends" will take care of it for him, just like all of the past stupid acts he has committed. He's was a cop for god sakes. Somehow we have let these people ruin our community, and it will always be ruined until we wise up and get rid of the bad politicians we elect (if we really elect them).
Thanks for expressing your opinion in such an effective way. When are we going to wake up in this county and get people elected who are not in it for personal gain and power. The United States was not established to be a royalty system for a few people. It was set up as a Democracy for all the people. And the law is supposed to be just and equal for all.
Anonymous wrote: I'm tired of two sets of laws in this area. For some of the bigshots there is no law. We have some royalty who are the "untouchables".
"Untouchables"? There will be a time when Elliot Ness comes to Whitley County reincarnated with no ties to The Royalty. I pray that it is soon. That regime has blackened the eyes of every citizen of this county and has become an embaressment to those of us who have to work in other counties. People have,all my life, laughed at Clay County for thier corruped history but Clay County should be looked at as an icon of society compared to Whitley. At least you know where they stand. Gary Barton should be ashamed of himself for curing this illness when he is an elected official sworn to uphold the standards of law. Were George Washington and Ben Franklin talking to themselves when they helped draft our equal rights?Who is equal in this county? The supposedly elected Royalty or Joe Schmo?
In most cities the news media would be asking these kinds of questions, and would be all over this type of political corruption, i.e. County Clerk's two children arrested six years apart on the same Felony charges with little or no punishment, a cop with a history of trouble with cocaine and Meth in his blood while on the job, voting irregularities, county's $18 Million debt, $$ spent on a new airport that just sits there, thousands pumped into a useless waterpark, etc, etc, etc.
My wife and I just moved here from Michigan, and are amazed at what goes on here. Why are the local papers here such whimps? Is it a lack of talent and ability? Are they muzzled by ownership? Are they afraid? Do they enjoy dedicating 3/4 of the paper to children's beauty pageants? I feel like I'm reading the printed version of Regis and Kelly, not a newspaper.