My goodness Folks--------All Mr. Foley did was Help create a 18-20 Million Dollar Deficit, get appointed to the Job by Governor Fletcher (Who has all but sank his own party).
Mr. Foley simply raised and created an occupational Tax and then gets Thanked by The Times Tribune for leaving 50% of the Budget in Place?????? What in the World is going on here??? Is the NO Investigativive Reporting to the Other side to this???
Anyone could show up and Create a TAX then say they have did a great Job, Leave these kind of Folks in office for another 20 years and the People of Whitley County will have little Income, remember Folks ,this is a County with an Ave Yearly Income Level of $20,000 Dollars per year per Household.
It's gonna take a Long time to UNDO the Damage Foley and his gang have put on Whitley County, if Foley had done much better you would have been paying 5%-10% in Occupational Tax's.
Wonder where the Gov will put this Miracle Worker/Taxer next?? I am sure there is some District or State Agency out there that needs a Nice New Tax! We have the man for the Job!
What a Joke!!!! Foley's advice in the latest issue of The News Journal. Foley claims he hated to look people in the eye and tell them they had to be laid off.???? I would too, if I helped create the Tax and the DEBT that he helped create along with Judge Executive and the other magistrates.
Foley claims the job is not done! Tell us Burley, why is that??? Why could you not get the job done when you were attending the Fiscal Court Meetings as a Magistrate and Voting on County Buisness??? I wonder if these folks really worked together including the County Treasurer who also plays a vital role in conducting the County's fianancial Buisness? He also made remarks that there is a different TONE when he got there and no slap at Mike patrick? I wonder why that Tone Foley refers to never was achieved the 5 years before when Whitley County was sinking into MASSIVE 18 Million Dollar debt.
I Wonder why Burley Foley and and the previous administration that he was a part of---Conducting and voting on Whitley county buisness would never tell the folks of WHITLEY COUNTY what SPECIFIC DECISIONS on their part Put the County in such massive DEBT That they had to level a 1% Occupational TAX on the folk's????
Do all the Folk's in this County really know what Specific Buisness Decisions this group made that led to this kind of Debt? My Advice to the News Journal and Times Tribune Reporters,Go back about 10-12 years ago and look at your articles you were writing about how Current Judge Executive Leroy Gilbert was bringing the County out of debt and how successful he was according to your own articles. THEN CALL LEROY AND GET SOME GOOD ADVICE!!!!!!!!! Tell the whole story!
A newspaper's job is to get the facts - ALL of the facts. The stories of the past couple of weeks regarding Whitley County finances, particularly the Times-Tribune's "Whitley County Ends Year Debt-Free" are a disgrace. Why do they cover up for these people who are a bunch of liers and are costing all of us money and slowing area growth? Please, if you can't print what is true and best for the people of this community, sell your publication to someone who has some guts.
We need news outlets that care about the truth, their readers and the community, not just ad revenue.
I agree. Whitley County is in debt by over 18.5 Million dollars. In addition the Tourism Commission of Williamsburg, as I understand it, has to pay $250,000 a year for the Waterpark. The new Whitley County Airport is growing whiskers and sits there idle day after day. Someday the new county jail may collapse since being build on top of a strip mined mountain. And who made the money on selling the land for the new post office? When are people going to wake up?
I hadn't posted in this thread yet, and thought I would.
We had a chance to change things, and we didn't. Not enough folks that were truly wanting change and were upset with the status quo voted. The other side did. They won, we lost. We, the people, the ones paying through the nose, lost.
Now, it's time to see how the new man works out. He's changed the meeting times to the evening, a great first step.
Let's give him his rope and see what he does with it. Reigns it in and meets the problems head on and honestly, or hangs himself.
Your comments are interesting. I assume you are refering to the Bob Terrell-Pat White Election. If you examined the race results, Troy Sharp-Democrat,(Jailer) won more precincts in the County than Bob Terrell-Democrat,(Judge Exec) in his own race??? I thought this was very strange, based on Terrell's campaign expenditures. If one examines Pat White's expenditures, and it was published in the local newspaper, you would find out his BIGGEST CONTRIBUTER already had him HANGING from his BILLBOARD on the falls road.
Yes, if you're referring to me, I was talking about the Terrell-White race.
I didn't check the precinct results overall.
Who was White's biggest contributor??
By changing things, I meant that with regard to Terrell being elected, first time in politics, being from corbin, being a democrat in a republican county, and so on and so on.
Terrell had about 500 votes more than Sharpe. Sharpe ran strong in the South and Terrell ran strong in Corbin, Woodbine, Meadow Creek, and the Bee Creek area. He didn't do well out in the county.
I had heard that he didn't fare well in the county.
In my travels, I know that not many people in the county knew who he was. I just hoped that the folks in corbin would get out and vote and put him over the top.
That said, the new judge has a chance to prove us wrong.
Since Burley and Mike are gone now as County Judges, they will be long remebered for their service of helping create one of the Biggest Financial Messes and TAX HIKES in Whitley Counties History. Now that the damage has been done, What is your opinion on the New County Judge PAT WHITE JR. Do you think he has the neccesary Buisness and Financial skills along with these other Magistrates to bring this County closer to being Debt Free? Dissolving the Occupational Tax? Reducing the 911 Tax back to .95cents from $2.00. Or will He be just another TAX COLLECTOR?
Is it correct that Judge White has hired an Assistant Judge Executive to be close to the people? At $50,000 a year? I thought he was supposed to be close to the people.
I've heard it. So have many people out in the county. Hope it isn't true. If he does this, he will have bilked the citizens just as Mike patrick did and we will be in worse shape than ever.
I've heard that they are cutting $50,000 usually budgeted for the Whitley County Animal Shelter so they can hire Pat White an assistant, and so that he can still work at his lumberyard (and drive his bulldozer). The usual Whitley County political BS
I haven't seen this in either of the papers. Maybe one of them will address it next week. Usually the weekly paper has better stories on county politicians.