Since I read the state golf course issue fell through, how about this.
The city of corbin buys a block of land in the new, and vacant, industrial park. Of course, the $10k per acre price would have to be negotiated a great deal. It would then enter into an agreement with a golf course management company, who would build, manage, and run the course. The company would pay a lease payment to the city, but operate the course. The management company and the city would appoint a board of directors, some NEW folks by the way (they wouldn't be paid, this would cut down on the same old stale people serving on the board). This board, would jointly coordinate the operation of the course. They, the management company would have to make money in the operation, but, it would be more in line with the state park prices and fees, rather than the huge privatly owne, publicly played, courses.
I'm sure there are courses in and around kentucky that operate in this way, although I don't know of any. There was a course in Knoxville, TN, Three Ridges Golf Course, that was a county owned, management firm operated course when it originally opened, which was back in the mid 80's. I don't know if it still this way or not.
This would be a good first project for our new mayor and commissioners to look into.
It's worth a try. It would only involve time at first, to see if it is even a workable project.
And, we would finally see something done with all that valuable land.