John Edwards is a very impressive candidate. As Hillary gets out and meets and talks to the people she will get stronger and stronger in the race. I believe she would be a great President. Obama needs more experience, but he has a great personality and is very intelligent. All three of those candidates care about the people. They won't be owned by the lobby groups.
I got Hillary winning, and taking Obama as the VP.
The reps don't have a clue as what to do. George W. has screwed up things so bad for that party, they don't know how to do damage control first, then get on with a candidate.
John McCain is their only hope.
Right now, it's Hillary's to lose.
Edwards will have to come up with some real ideas to grab the dems attention.
Oh, and Guilianni, or how ever you spell it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,don't think so.
George W. is like a bull in a china shop, just causing damage until they can get him out of there.
These are just opinions based on watching and reading the news.
Compared to the Bush Presidency, Hillary and Obama will either on be so much better. Another Bush favorite, Paul Wolfowitz bit the dust this past week. But right up till the end Bush and his group said, "We have total confidence in Woldowitz".
After a Republican former Assistant Attorney General testified that Gonzales and Bush aid Card went to the hospital's intensive care unit to pressure the seriously ill Attorney General to sign an approval on Executive Order actions he did not believe were legal. President Bush again said "I have full confidence in Attorney General Gonzales."
Never have I seen such blatant defiance of the rule of law and justice our nation is supposed to be an example of to others.
I would welcome Hillary, Obama, or Edwards as President if one of them is elected.
Hillary is running a great race. Obama is also a fine candidate. Either of them are better than any of the Republican candidates. Bush has been worse than Hoover, Nixon, or Harding and they were all pretty bad.
My point is that until the Dems can field a mainstream candidate they will continue to to lose. I would vote for regular, God fearing Dem, but will nver vote for a liberal woman or closet Muslim
There isn't one Democrat Candidate for President who would be worse than George Bush. What is better now than when he took office? Back then we had many friends in the world and now our only friends are those we payoff.
Talk about Liberal, this administration has spent our money so fast our debt is at an all time record. They are liberal in giving special deals to Haliburton and other war products suppliers. They are liberal in telling lies and very liberal in taking away many or our rights to privacy and free speech.
If you can't recognize the incompetent and pitiful leadership we are getting now as our brave troops and their frightened families carry the burden of this war then shame on you.
I am not going to defend Pres Bush to you. I like him. Again, the Dems have no ideas. They only want to bash Bush. Why not find a God Fearing Dem to run and then support him. Find someone who will not bow to the liberal "blame America First " crowd, that's all I ask.
I am not going to defend Pres Bush to you. I like him. Again, the Dems have no ideas. They only want to bash Bush. Why not find a God Fearing Dem to run and then support him. Find someone who will not bow to the liberal "blame America First " crowd, that's all I ask.
....................................................................... I am not blaming America. I am blaming the poor way President Bush and VP Cheney have led our nation. The Republican party is not God's party. If so why would the last six years have been so horrible. These last six years have been a disaster. Bush was going to be the moral leader but he has let people off the hook who have lied, deceived, cheated, taken trips and money from lobby groups, tortured, screwed up Katrina rescue and rebuilding, and gotten rid of Generals or budget leaders who told him this war would cost a lot more money and require many more troops. Name one thing that is better today than six years ago.
My point is I wish your party would give us a reasonable alternative to vote for. jsut drop the anti America platform and you will win. Drop the pro abortion pro gay anti famliy platforms and you can win
The low paying job statement is certainly true locally. See we can agree. Now find us a goodregular Dem to run for Pres and I will vote for him. Bush did make a terrible political decision to go to war.
You are an open minded, reasonable person. I see some of your points and you are willing to look at mine. We need a good President every four years whether they are Democrats or Republicans, or even an Independent.