How about some grants from City Government in the form of returning occupational tax money to the downtown (or any city business) business who would like to use the money to improve their storefront. Put a cap on the dollar amount of $5000, and put an application deadline date to review all applications and choose the ones with the most cost effective plan to spend the money on- get specific improvement plans. Another thought is to take an amount of $500 - $1000 that can be raised through fund raising activities, and put it out to city businesses and ask for applications, just to see if anybody would send an application in at all to try to win this "grant" from local government. It may generate a lot of good ideas for Ms. Meyers and lead to an overall "theme" of improving downtown.
She was at the Bypass Cleanup picking up garbage on Saturday like a real trooper. God Bless her!
Is she working for the street department now or something?
She was working with about 100 or so other volunteers cleaning the Corbin bypass on Suzie and Greg Razmus' Tri-County Cinema clean-up project. We don't recall seeing your fat ass out there, but we could tell you were a trash donator with the dozen or so dounut boxes we had to collect.
She was at the Bypass Cleanup picking up garbage on Saturday like a real trooper. God Bless her!
Is she working for the street department now or something?
She was working with about 100 or so other volunteers cleaning the Corbin bypass on Suzie and Greg Razmus' Tri-County Cinema clean-up project. We don't recall seeing your fat ass out there, but we could tell you were a trash donator with the dozen or so dounut boxes we had to collect.
Yes you are right. I drove down the bypass tossing garbage out of my car left and right the night before so you would have something to pick up the next day. I wanted you to feel good about yourself.
Don't be so self righteous. I participated in the cleanup the last two years with my Sunday School class. Because me and the volunteers those years did the heavy lifting, you and the your crew had to scrounge around for something to pick up. You are welcome.
You're as full of crap as your comments are. If that were the case you wouldn't have been such a smart ass with your self-righteous "Is she working for the street department now or something?" crack.
If you really do go to church, maybe you should remember the "Do unto others" lesson we were all supposed to learn as a kid. Using your Sunday school class as part of your line of crap won't get you too far either.
Yes you are right. I drove down the bypass tossing garbage out of my car left and right the night before so you would have something to pick up the next day. I wanted you to feel good about yourself.
Don't be so self righteous. I participated in the cleanup the last two years with my Sunday School class. Because me and the volunteers those years did the heavy lifting, you and the your crew had to scrounge around for something to pick up. You are welcome. How can anyone make fun of a group of 100 people who spend time trying to make our community look better? I want to thank those 100 people for helping all of us present a better image of our area?
How can anyone criticize a successful Halloween experience for many of the children of our area?
There are a couple of people who are the ones who trash people who do things well as they try to help others.
I want to thank the ones responsible for having such a successful Halloween for our kids. The police officers were great.
Some people are very satisfied with mediocrity. They don't like to see people make Corbin an even more special place. There are some things in our community we should strive to be the best in doing.
I wouldn't blame Bob, Jr. for getting out of providing a Tourism website. Why should he go through all that crap? I would not blame him for resigning from the Main Street Committee in which he gives up a lot of his time for no financial return. There are going to be some who don't have any ambition to see our community as the best it can be. They are the vipers who suck the blood from growth and enthusiasm.
Mediocrity is commonplace. It is being one of the pack. It is don't worry about how we can improve, just keep things the same. Mediocrity is avoiding ideas and new concepts to be better. Mediocrity is to not even try to climb the mountain to be more successful. Buy that which is mediocre and get mediocre results. Mediocrity is not being prepared for tomorrow.
Fortunately Corbin has a good number of people who are not willing to accept mediocre performance. Those people have to have the strength and fortitude to keep trying and overcome the obstacles that are in the way of improvement and progress. Let's not give in to those who want to keep us mediocre. Let's be willing to take criticism when we do something well for our kids and to keep our area cleaner. Let's not give up!
You're as full of crap as your comments are. If that were the case you wouldn't have been such a smart ass with your self-righteous "Is she working for the street department now or something?" crack.
If you really do go to church, maybe you should remember the "Do unto others" lesson we were all supposed to learn as a kid. Using your Sunday school class as part of your line of crap won't get you too far either.
It's like this. Those of you who showed up for the first time to help clean up the bypass this year including the main street woman had it easy because we did most of the work in previous years when whole thing started. nice to see you take interest in cleaning up our area finally.
You're as full of crap as your comments are. If that were the case you wouldn't have been such a smart ass with your self-righteous "Is she working for the street department now or something?" crack.
If you really do go to church, maybe you should remember the "Do unto others" lesson we were all supposed to learn as a kid. Using your Sunday school class as part of your line of crap won't get you too far either.
It's like this. Those of you who showed up for the first time to help clean up the bypass this year including the main street woman had it easy because we did most of the work in previous years when whole thing started. nice to see you take interest in cleaning up our area finally.
I just took time to go through the Tourism section on this website, and Corbin's Tourism Commission doesn't need any new message board. They get the value of this one at no cost, and it is outstanding. I had no idea they were getting two excellent website's for the price of one.
I wouldn't blame you for taking the Tourism information off your site, but understand you like to promote our area. Thanks.
Thank goodness this website still has a Tourism Section. Corbin's Tourism Commission changed to a new website server the first of November and I can't find their new website anywhere. It has been over three months for us to have a cheap website to replace a very excellent one.
Remember all the big deal that was made in the NEWS JOURNAL about saving money on the website? Now we don't even have one. A city like Corbin should have first class information about the community and especially Tourism. Again, thanks for keeping your website section alive and well for Corbin. And you are doing free for the people of this area.