Who has a Office in Williamsburg coddling to the nighbert Fletcher team on a regular basis. The New Journal!!!! do you see the Times running around in a london based office???
Who cared enough about our local Nibroc Coverage? The Times did. You saw how much little emphasis by the News Journal was placed on the Nibroc vs a losing candidate that will easily be defeated in the Fall Election.
The News Journal sure didn't give this years Nibroc much Coverage??????
But, I still don't like the coverage of london laurel sports over corbin sports, and never will. And sorry, this is a corbin paper, like it or not. If Les Dixon wants to cover london sports, then move him to london to work for their paper.
I've looked at the numbers on the other thread, and I'm surprised at how little the laurel business people advertise with your paper, and at the tremendous amount of coverage they get. It looks like the corbin business folks are over 3 to 1 in advertising. If they get mad, and use their dollars to voice it, be prepared.
But again, thank you for your reply. I had heard you were a true professional, and you've just validated that. And, I love your editorials, keep them coming.
Swindler's reply was honest, professional, courteous, caring, and explanatory. Very nicely done, and I appreciate it.
I can imagine one that Estep would write. He'd blame everyone but him, and start pointing fingers at how we, the public, is at fault, and how the public should accept his paper without complaining. He would be livid. He can't take criticism of any kind. He fits right in with Bruce and the gang.
I appreciate everyones feedback on our sports coverage. Its always helpful to hear what the community thinks and how we can improve. I live in Corbin and my daughter attends Corbin schools, so I know all about the pride and legacy of Corbin and its sports teams. We do cover two Laurel schools, but also havent missed a Corbin high school event, unless coaches werent able to return our calls. Because we are a sports department of two people trying to cover seven high schools, we sometimes have to call coaches to get scores from games we couldnt attend. We have a great working relationship will all the Corbin coaches. Its also hard to make every away game, but we always call to get scores and stories. When school starts, we work very late nights to put together a sports page six days a week. Because of time issues, we cant be at events on the weekend or scrimmage or middle school event, but please, if you send in photos or stories from these events, well publish them. If you sent something but it hasnt run, let me know, sometimes I dont get these things, call me at 528-2464. We may not have received it. Also, if anyone has any interesting Corbin features ideas from old-school athletes to even our student-athletes now, email me at ldixon@thetimestribune.com and Ill be more than happy I know myself and Chris Parsons take pride in this job. Thats why Ive tried new things like the Fear Les Forecast, and the 13th Region Basketball, Baseball and Softball Ratings. Once again, thanks for the feedback and Im looking forward to everyones feature ideas for Corbin. Thanks, Les Dixon Sports Editor
I appreciate everyone's feedback on our sports coverage. Its always helpful to hear what the community thinks and how we can improve. I live in Corbin and my daughter attends Corbin schools, so I know all about the pride and legacy of Corbin and its sports teams. We do cover two Laurel schools, but also haven't missed a Corbin high school event, unless coaches weren't able to return our calls. Because we are a sports department of two people trying to cover seven high schools, we sometimes have to call coaches to get scores from games we couldnt attend. We have a great working relationship will all the Corbin coaches. Its also hard to make every away game, but we always call to get scores and stories. When school starts, we work very late nights to put together a sports page six days a week. Because of time issues, we cant be at events on the weekend or scrimmage or middle school event, but please, if you send in photos or stories from these events, we'll publish them. If you sent something but it hasn't run, let me know, sometimes I don't get these things, call me at 528-2464. We may not have received it. Also, if anyone has any interesting Corbin features ideas from old-school athletes to even our student-athletes now, email me at ldixon@thetimestribune.com and I'll be more than happy to try and get information on the related subjuect and do a feature story. I know myself and Chris Parsons take pride in this job. Thats why Ive tried new things like the Fear Les Forecast, and the 13th Region Basketball, Baseball and Softball Ratings. Once again, thanks for the feedback and Im looking forward to everyones feature ideas for Corbin. Thanks, Les Dixon Sports Editor
Swindler's reply was honest, professional, courteous, caring, and explanatory. Very nicely done, and I appreciate it.
I can imagine one that Estep would write. He'd blame everyone but him, and start pointing fingers at how we, the public, is at fault, and how the public should accept his paper without complaining. He would be livid. He can't take criticism of any kind. He fits right in with Bruce and the gang.
Its so easy to sit behind a computer and throw slams.... Why not tell Bruce and his gang how you feel to his face??? Everything he does bothers you so much So obvious.................................. By the way.. NIBROC was GREAT!
Lets try and stay on the subject at hand. These poster would be great canididates for attention deficit disorder. The topic here on this site is Times Tribune should be called London Times Tribune. Specifically the paper carries London sports over Corbin. Stick to the subject.
I agree lets stay on track here and make some changes to Times Tribune. Excuses are ok but the facts are Times Tribune is slanted towards London sports. Either change, sell company or corbin people will stop buying papers and taking out ads.
Last Poster is Correct, let's stay on the subject here.
I saw Les Dixons's Comments and also saw today's Times Tribune which had alot more Corbin News in it. I can Imagine the Advertising Reps from the Tribune having to talk with Local Advetisers, I'll bet their Jobs were tough.
You live an learn, Ole Dad always said Shoot the Goose that laid the Golden Egg and you'll pay in the end. No question 60-70% of the Times advertising dollars are coming from Corbin Business's.
Take Care of the Folks who are taking care of you!!!!!
Lets try and stay on the subject at hand. These poster would be great canididates for attention deficit disorder. The topic here on this site is Times Tribune should be called London Times Tribune. Specifically the paper carries London sports over Corbin. Stick to the subject.
Samantha and Les have shown they are willing to listen. There are many good things the Times Tribune does for our community. The Downtown Corbin program has gotten very good coverage in the Times Tribune and virtually zero in the News Journal. Make your suggestions and give your ideas but don't act like you want to run people out of town.
Make your suggestions and give your ideas but don't act like you want to run people out of town.
I don't think anyone is suggested running these folks out of town, cool it on the dramatics. Most of the Ads in the paper are generated in Corbin and paid for by us! I am one those advertisers, the paper needs to appeal to our business base as the Majority of our work is in the Greater Corbin area, not London.
Another quality reply from a professional. Thank you very much Les, I do appreciate your response and explaination.
I hope you also understand our concerns about the sports coverage of corbin sports. Only time will tell if our complaints are addressed.
I do not like the apparent lopsided coverage of laurel county sports over corbin's. There is no excuse. And also, while the written reports are bad enough, the photos that accompany them make it even worse. Those large photo spreads give the appearance of an even more biased position, as someone had to attend that activity to get those shots.
Why should I buy an ad in a corbin paper to show any person from london playing sports, when my business is in corbin, and my kids or grand kids attend and play for corbin. I hope you see our (my) point.
It's wonderful for you and Samantha to address our concerns, but if your just patronizing us, it will show very quickly. We don't mind news and other information from other areas, as long as corbin's is in there too. But, when you're dealing with sports, that's our OWN children and grandchildren we're talking about, and that's a big thing to us.
The Times Tribune is not a Political bias newspaper like the news Journal. All you hear with the News journal is Ernie Fletcher Bill nighbert From the reporters and Editor. And they also try to tell you who you should vote for. How about some news coverage instead of personal opinions from the News Journal Folks.
The Times Tribune is not a Political bias newspaper like the news Journal. All you hear with the News journal is Ernie Fletcher Bill nighbert From the reporters and Editor. And they also try to tell you who you should vote for. How about some news coverage instead of personal opinions from the News Journal Folks.
I thought that politics was news, especially during an election year. I don't understand why you would slam the News Journal for reporting on politcal events. Considering the number of people that Fletcher has employed in Frankfort from this area I feel anything he does is news worthy. I also do not think that Neighbert is mentioned that much in the News Journal and if he is it is because he was at an event that Fletcher attended.
When I saw so many of the London writers in the Times Tribune, I just figured that the Senile Echo had folded. But I called them today and they answered the phone and told me that they still publish three papers a week.
So if they're still in business, then why is that annoying London-homey Carl Keith Greene writing a column for what used to be Corbin's paper?
I thought that politics was news, especially during an election year. I don't understand why you would slam the News Journal for reporting on politcal events. Considering the number of people that Fletcher has employed in Frankfort from this area I feel anything he does is news worthy. I also do not think that Neighbert is mentioned that much in the News Journal and if he is it is because he was at an event that Fletcher attended.
......................................................................... Politics is news but in the News Journal it is biased and the Democrats never get any coverage. Is it newsworthy that Fletcher pardoned so many wrong doers and worked out a deal for himself? Is is newsworthy how some of the great Whitley Countians in Frankfort were part of the group that got Whitley County in such terrible financial condition? Is it newsworthy when Gov. Fletcher can't even get along with his personal selection to be his Lt. Governor? Is it newsworthy when his team had a game plan to violate the law and fire merit employees just for political reasons?
Wednesday's editorial in the News Journal was a big joke!
So the Weekly prints stories about Fletcher. He has been good to the area. You still have the Lexington Herald the Courier and Pravda and Algerher Lighten up
So the Weekly prints stories about Fletcher. He has been good to the area. You still have the Lexington Herald the Courier and Pravda and Algerher Lighten up
This poster has a point - they have one weekly paper nobody reads, we have the rest of the state.
obviously people read it because it seems to be discussed on here all the time, unless this board consists of just one person.
You are the same yard bird that always suggests that all the posts on here are written by the Administrater, Bob Jr. You better get used to the idea many of us participate in this website and the number is growing each week.
You guys are so bored! So comical, The city should be embarrassed.
Embassased by what? That people have opinions and ideas? Sure, some of the comments are silly, but I've come across some great stuff on here, and I'm not embarrassed - I think this is great.
The Weekly is a Corbin paper.It prints articles that are positive about Corbin. It has Corbin people running it. Its just a better paper. The dailey paper appeals to outsiders who were not born here.
The Weekly is a Corbin paper.It prints articles that are positive about Corbin. It has Corbin people running it. Its just a better paper. The dailey paper appeals to outsiders who were not born here.
Your funny. Both papers have their pluses and minuses, but the daily paper appeals to people who want to know what is going on in Corbin as well as outside our fences. Some people want to stay in their own yard, some of us like to know what is going on in the rest of the world also.