Post Info TOPIC: Times Tribune is London paper

RE: Times Tribune is London paper

You had better be glad there are a lot of us in the Corbin area "who were not born here". If we were not here Corbin's population would be like a ghost town.
Many of our leading companies are owned by people "who were not born here."

I get sick of hearing that term used, "you were not born here." You need to get out of that tunnel vision mentality and hope more people will come and raise their families here.

Personally, I like the Times Tribune much more than the Weekly biased newspaper. 



The Weekly is a Corbin paper.It prints articles  that are positive about Corbin. It has Corbin people running it. Its just a better paper.  The dailey paper appeals to outsiders who were not born here.

Ok---I was with you up to the point about Positive things about Corbin, at that point as usual you made a Dork of yourself. Do you really think everyone at the News Journal was Born an raised in Corbin?? If that were the case they would not even be able to print the darn paper.

Outsiders?????? The folks posting 70% of the ads in the times are local business??? Born where? Knox, Laurel, Whitley, Mt. Vernon??? Under a Cave at Lynn Camp Creek.

No Question the Times needs to look more toward Corbin, an the last few days they have, objective somewhat met and a step forward. The last poster has some very good points as Corbin would have dried up had it not been for Outsiders as you say.

One of the Ole Times did a study about 7 Years ago, be went back to 1970 to track how many Corbin High School Grads lived in this area, you ready for this, 20%. There were some graduating Class's that he could not find a Single Alumni that was still here.

My advice, you better thank the folks that have moved in because without them you would maybe have a Gas Station and I-75 running through McCreary County where it was originally intended.

Thanks to all who have moved here and helped continue to Build our area and Invest in our Children, Schools, City & Business's!!!!!!

Thank You



Anonymous wrote:

The Weekly is a Corbin paper.It prints articles  that are positive about Corbin. It has Corbin people running it. Its just a better paper.  The dailey paper appeals to outsiders who were not born here.

Ok---I was with you up to the point about Positive things about Corbin, at that point as usual you made a Dork of yourself. Do you really think everyone at the News Journal was Born an raised in Corbin?? If that were the case they would not even be able to print the darn paper.

Outsiders?????? The folks posting 70% of the ads in the times are local business??? Born where? Knox, Laurel, Whitley, Mt. Vernon??? Under a Cave at Lynn Camp Creek.

No Question the Times needs to look more toward Corbin, an the last few days they have, objective somewhat met and a step forward. The last poster has some very good points as Corbin would have dried up had it not been for Outsiders as you say.

One of the Ole Times did a study about 7 Years ago, be went back to 1970 to track how many Corbin High School Grads lived in this area, you ready for this, 20%. There were some graduating Class's that he could not find a Single Alumni that was still here.

My advice, you better thank the folks that have moved in because without them you would maybe have a Gas Station and I-75 running through McCreary County where it was originally intended.

Thanks to all who have moved here and helped continue to Build our area and Invest in our Children, Schools, City & Business's!!!!!!

Thank You

I will give u one guess who wrote this.biggrin



Lets hear it Karnak...



We'd love to know.  All he does is gripe and never offers any suggestions along with his criticisms. 



I wonder if the News Journal Editor and his News reporters have autograph pictures of Ernie Fletcher and Bill Nighbert hanging in their offices in Williamsburg and Corbin?

Anyone heard this??



The poster hear has ADD this site is Times Tribune is London paper.  Time will only tell if they are able to handle the request of Corbin people.  Your board may help their paper.  This topic has been discussed for a couple of years, every since they were bought out.  The advertizers need to really watch and see if its just a quick fix or if it will change of good. 



I just ondered if the News Journal Editor and his writers have autograph pictures of Bill Nighbert and Ernie Fletcher hanging on their walls a their Corbin and Williamsburg offices???????

Just a thought anyone heard about this??????



I have been in the Corbin office and didn't see any political pictures



Possible News Journal operatives have identified the Times Tribunes WEEKEST LINK. Sports- Thats right, these posters are correct when they blast the times reporter on his poor coverage of our area when it comes to sports.

Swindler and Dixon have come out of hiding and have had to defend themselves lately. Wow!!!! Homerun for the News JOurnal
After all this Swindler lays out an article in Saturday's paper comparing Corbin to a Movie called Footloose. SHe also makes snide remarks toward our commission.

I read her column, and I have to say I could hardly breathe and see straight because of the Smoke and Mirrors used in trying to  make her point.
Sounds like those Cherry stink Duds launched at the NewsJournal Editor have all Backed fired into your ugly column!!!!!!



I don't see it that way. The News Journal is a controlled media that supports the status quo.



How dare anyone to express an opinion that anyone might disagree with. we must allow those in positions of power to just go along and do things as they please regardless if we have questions or opinions.

Several times I have read in posts that the people are mis-informed or don't understand the real facts.  Why are people mis-informed or don't understand?
Because they don't hear the facts!  Often those in power assume that because they understand the facts, that by osmosis all the rest of us just naturally are informed.  That is why we have newspapers and radios and television, but often times people in power don't want us to know the facts.

I wish someone had asked more questions and probed more deeply when the Whitley County Airport project was approved and built?  Someone should have dug into the Whitley County Jail, the Waterpark land, the Post Office land,and the real estate for the Airport.  But that would have upset some feelings of the big bosses.  There is a philosophy of never ask, never tell, just keep the people blind to the facts. 

If that is what you want, don't use this message board. We want to get more informed from each other and this message board is one way to do it. It may not be perfect but it is better than any other option.



Anonymous wrote:

Possible News Journal operatives have identified the Times Tribunes WEEKEST LINK. Sports- Thats right, these posters are correct when they blast the times reporter on his poor coverage of our area when it comes to sports.

Swindler and Dixon have come out of hiding and have had to defend themselves lately. Wow!!!! Homerun for the News JOurnal
After all this Swindler lays out an article in Saturday's paper comparing Corbin to a Movie called Footloose. SHe also makes snide remarks toward our commission.

I read her column, and I have to say I could hardly breathe and see straight because of the Smoke and Mirrors used in trying to  make her point.
Sounds like those Cherry stink Duds launched at the NewsJournal Editor have all Backed fired into your ugly column!!!!!!

This person is right on!  Only time will tell with the Times.  Especially when corbin plays london teams and the wording in the columns.  They have always been for laurel county schools.  She had to respond the paper was going to die in Corbin and the advertizers have seen it.



Swindler and Dixon have not been hiding. They have put their names on some responses on this message board.

The approach the News Journal takes is that "you better be careful, we have barrels and barrels of ink and if you mess with us we will drown you in that ink". They don't reach out to gain feedback and to look at us face to face. They look down on us.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Possible News Journal operatives have identified the Times Tribunes WEEKEST LINK. Sports- Thats right, these posters are correct when they blast the times reporter on his poor coverage of our area when it comes to sports.

Swindler and Dixon have come out of hiding and have had to defend themselves lately. Wow!!!! Homerun for the News JOurnal
After all this Swindler lays out an article in Saturday's paper comparing Corbin to a Movie called Footloose. SHe also makes snide remarks toward our commission.

I read her column, and I have to say I could hardly breathe and see straight because of the Smoke and Mirrors used in trying to  make her point.
Sounds like those Cherry stink Duds launched at the NewsJournal Editor have all Backed fired into your ugly column!!!!!!

This person is right on!  Only time will tell with the Times.  Especially when corbin plays london teams and the wording in the columns.  They have always been for laurel county schools.  She had to respond the paper was going to die in Corbin and the advertizers have seen it.

You guys at least have most us chuckling. Yes, I know a few people that live here too, and while both papers have their good and bad points, and while I for years have liked the weekly a little better, nearly all the people I have talked to prefer the daily (including businesses who advertise). You may not like the fact that they report on competing teams, but add up the coverage Corbin teams receive in 6 issues versus 1 per week and there is no argument. Many of the weekly's editorials have soured people I have talked to also.

As far as Swindler coming out of hiding, the only News Journal people I see at community events are Trent Knuckles and Terry Forcht. Attend the Relay for Life meetings, the Main Street program meetings, and other community meetings and you will usually see Swindler. Her post was a Home Run for the Tribune, a paper I used to not have much respect for. She had the guts to respond, the smarts to say that the Times can always improve, and offered to talk with anyone about any issues they have with the paper - that is how a successful business is run. I'll also bet that the few of you complaining will not have the guts to e-mail her to discuss your ideas and complaints, like she asked you to do. The News-Journal would do themselves a big favor in the court of public opinion to proclaim that they also have room for improvement. It is usually the nervous folks though that can't accept the fact they are not perfect, and that they have room for improvement.

Keep posting your repitive knocks - it only makes who you are trying to oppose look even better.

And it will keep us chuckling  -  "Cherry stink Duds".



The talk has been for a couple of years that the times does not cover our sports.  I go to most all corbin sports events and read the paper.  It has been slanted towards laurel county school for 2 years.  Hopefully with Ms. Swindler she will turn it around.  I can pull article and specifically show the slant.  This site is not to compare Weekly for Daily.  It is to try and get the times to print corbin sports articles as main feature.  It has done a better job in the past week.  Hopefully football will get some good coverage now.



Sounds like to me the Times Sports is been catering to Laurel Co. for for several years as well. Maybe Buisnesses who are sponsors with Times Tribune in Corbin should take a more closer look  at the best bang for their buck.

And again Swindlers's article comparing Corbin to the Footloose movie was Foolish. With Rumors swirling around Town today about an Incident that happened in O'malley's Parking lot saturday night and whats been on the Radio, shows you just what the Police and City Commission have been telling you.

Will the Times Tribune Report this Incident at O'malley's  saturday Night in their paper Tommorrow?????????



There are so many husbands who mistreat their wives that maybe we should ban marriages. We should keep men and women apart. Whoa, Nellie, we can get carried away in how we will punish the innocent for the sins of the guilty.

I thought the editorial in the Times Tribune was very good. Did I agree with all of it? No.  But it should have gotten us all to think and before we jump into a decision we should examine both sides of the issue.



My question is the same as the one who started this post.  Why are we covering so much London sports now.  Do they need two papers to cover their sports.  Are they lacking in self esteem in Laurel Co. schools.  Todays paper had some of corbin but how many laurel co sports.  If you are taking an ad out in this paper, please mention our dissatisfaction in the coverage of sports.



I guess the point still hasn't gotten across, the Times-Tribune is a tri-county paper, trying to appeal to Corbin, London, Barbourville, Williamsburg and beyond. As an occasional advertiser,  I want my ad seen not only by Corbin people - I also get business from London, Barbourville, Williamsburg and beyond - why would I only want Corbin people viewing my ad? If you owned the paper, you would do the same thing. It's like the Cincinnati Enquirer - they cover not only the Cincinnati city limits, bur Blue Ash, Glendale, Reading, Nortern Kentucky, etc.

It hasn't been called The Corbin Times-Tribune for years.



WE know and the previous owners are turning over in their graves.



If they are trying to appeal to Williamsburg, Barbourville, etc. where is coverage on these towns.  I haven't seen to much on them.  The focus seems to be London/Laurel County Schools and some Corbin.  Why not focus more on Williamsburg and Barbourville instead of London.  I think it is because you own that paper as well.  Its easy to email to us and put in.  Do you really think London people come to Corbin?  You must be kidding yourself.  Maybe some, but majority go north.  I have lots of friends in London and they don't come here.



Anonymous wrote:

WE know and the previous owners are turning over in their graves.

You think if they really cared about this silly issue that they would have sold their paper to an Alabama publishing company that own dozens of papers across the country? 

I do know people who drive from London to do business in Corbin - many of them. They don't seem to have this closed in attitiude a few of you around here seem to have. This is 2007, not 1940. Get past this "let's put a fence around Corbin" way of thinking.



I am glad we have the Times Tribune in Corbin. The News Journal is a controlled business and has a consistent political message.  The Times Tribune at times tells us what we don't want to hear. They tell us the truth.

I was born in Corbin. I have family in Knox County. Friends in Laurel County, Relatives in South Whitley. I agree with the last post. We don't need to build a wall around Corbin.  Samantha and Les have had the spirit and willingness to acknowledge your comments.  The Publisher of the News Journal blasted this website and also said he never looks at it. How do you blast something you say you never look at? 



He may have just seen the division that it has caused between people that otherwise would be working together for the common good.



People London has a paper.  What about Williamsburg and Barbourville.  Stop trying to take up for London Times Tribune.  I am trying to make a point to help them with their paper.  I have heard it for several years when the talk is on sports and how the Times covers London.  Even when Corbin beats London schools the slant is towards London team, defending them.  But when London beats Corbin its always slanted towards London being so dominate.  The people of Corbin and surrounding area laugh because it is the truth.  I would like to see the number of papers sold in each of these towns.



Anonymous wrote:

He may have just seen the division that it has caused between people that otherwise would be working together for the common good.

I suggest you take some time and review this website in total. This is a website that promotes our area in every possible way. The message board is just one small part of it. The only ones who think this is divisive are those who don't like to see other people get a chance to express their opinions. I dare you to review it and tell me anything negative about it. A lot of business people refer to it frequently. It has all the good reasons businesses should locate in this area. You have never looked at the many good features about it.

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