As if I don't have anything else to do, this newspaper thing has me concerned. I'm on vacation this week, with nothing really planned, so, I'm trying this this week.
I'm breaking down the paper. Ads, news, sports. I'm going to see what is in it.
I'm not using the legit classifieds I am using the "call the experts" section. I'm not using the dear abby page or comics, unless there is a legit ad there. I am using the hospital and nursing home ad page section. I am not using the "Around Town" section. I am not using the police report and jail report section. I am not using the obituaries.
Excellent way to analyze the paper, keep it up. If you can why not do both New Journal and Times may be both papers can see how things should be printed Keep reporting this is what we need
I can see your arguement to a point, but what if nothing is going on regarding Corbin sports. What do you expect, a story on water breaks at practice, or maybe something on how the coaches wahs uniforms and what sopa they use. Some people are way too petty if you ask me! Oh yeah, I like the way everyone remains anonymous on here so you don't have to stand up for your opinions!
You may have a small arguement, but do you people expect a story on water breaks or maybe what soap the coaches use to wash uniforms, because some times that is all that goes on. If you ask me, some people are way too petty. Oh yeah, I also like the way people are anonymous on this site, that way they don't ever have to stand up for their opinions. Brilliant idea Mr. Webmaster!
This is a GREAT website, as usual several folks get out of their comfort zone when they have to speak with Facts, Plans, Improvements and Technical details of how to improve. My guess here is the same guys who continue to whine about the website and signing your name is the same gang who tries to hide their budgets, actual job they have and where our tax money is going.
I would just as much read about a water break on 4th street in Corbin as the Number of Hotdogs sold at Weaver's in London.
If those are the things you truly want to read about, then you my friend, must have an empty and boring life! Just for the record, I'm not hiding anything. I am just trying to fit in with the anonymous people on here.
You may have a small arguement, but do you people expect a story on water breaks or maybe what soap the coaches use to wash uniforms, because some times that is all that goes on. If you ask me, some people are way too petty. Oh yeah, I also like the way people are anonymous on this site, that way they don't ever have to stand up for their opinions. Brilliant idea Mr. Webmaster!
Some of you crack me up, wanting to know the name behind the comment, like it matters...
"Oh yeah, I also like the way people are anonymous on this site, that way they don't ever have to stand up for their opinions. Brilliant idea Mr. Webmaster!"
Signed, ANONYMOUS!!!
Hilarious post. If you going to complain about anonymity, sign your name jerk! By the way, my name is Steve - feel better?
There are a few people who post messages who make it sound like the webmaster is the one who posts many of these anonymous messages. I see Bob Terrell, Sr. and Bob Terrell, Jr. use their names.
This website draws a great many followers. Most of them are very positive about this website.
My purpose for this is to show myself, and any concerned, the amount of advertising in the Times Tribune by corbin business, vs. London/Laurel and other towns business's. The reason for that is, that corbin business's are supporting, actually paying, for this newspaper, and we, the corbin business's have a right to expect what we want for our dollar. Not in reporting the news, but the coverage of our local sports, where our kids play. I also would rather read about a corbin teams water break or airing up the football than any laurel county or london sports team. That said, if the majority of advertisments are from the london laurel county area, then fine, they have a right to expect the same of the paper.
An empty and boring life, maybe. But, we're all here on this site reading and commenting just the same.
A special NIBROC section was with todays paper. Mostly pictures, with some ads.
Corbin: 1
L/L : 1
Other: 3
Corbin: 45
Lodon/Laurel: 16
Other: 8
* any ad with two or more separate business locations noted, will be counted as an ad for each area separate. Eg. a doctor has two offices, one in London, one in corbin, and advertises each address, each area gets 1 ad.
Yes I wish news journal would buy out London Times Tribune, then it would be a Corbin paper. Williamsburg doesn't have a daily either. Wouldn't mind sharing with them. LOndon does not need us to cover their sports, they have a paper. When is Times Tribune going to fully wake up.
Who ever is keeping stats is doing a great job. I hope the advertisers and Times see who is buying ads and do something about our paper. It needs to be primarily Corbin with some small article on London.
May be the Times can have another contest to help them sell papers on which news paper writer etc they think is doing best job. If they would start covering corbin they wouldn't have to have all these little contest in order to sell papers. Its a joke all these little contest. Just get down to covering the news and leave out the little contest. Its usually only one or two people who send them back in anyway, not a real indication on what people really like.
Who ever is keeping stats is doing a great job. I hope the advertisers and Times see who is buying ads and do something about our paper. It needs to be primarily Corbin with some small article on London.
I believe the Times Tribune leaders are already listening and responding. I am delighted Samantha and Les have responded. This willingness to communicate with the people they serve is a good step forward. Thanks, Times Tribune!
One more day to go, and I must say, I've been surprised at both the results, and the comments I've heard from some folks. A few friends of mine in business that I have talked with, didn't realize the difference in the volume of ads from corbin business's vs. all others. Paying for advertising is costly and you never know if it works (unless they mess one up and try to sell a car for $99 bucks.) then people come out of the woodwork.
The folks I talk with have said the interesting time, sports wise, will be when football and others starts, and into basketball, when there are corbin teams playing 4 or 5 nights a week, including all ages, and we see how corbin teams are covered vs. the laurel teams. This will be when the cream rises, or sinks.
Sixth grade girls and boys basketball should be above any laurel county sport in any grade in my opinion, and from what I'm hearing, it's the opinion of many of the advertisers as well.
Remember, you can pick any week, and the news and sports will differ depending on the time of year of course, and the sporting seasons. Although corbin sports had the majority of coverage, it wasn't by much. I still say not enough corbin sports are covered, especially compared to the amount of corbin advertisers there are.
I wasn't really surprised at how many more corbin based business's had ads versus london or other towns, I just wanted to know how many more. I do know that I've talked with a few corbin advertisers, and they had seen these numbers through the week, they now feel they have more of a say in regard to the sports coverage issues.
I also learned how many more people than I thought read this site daily. I was really amazed. Most don't post, but a tremendous amount of them just read it. While talking to one advertiser, another walked in, heard us talking, and he too reads this site and had kept up with this thread. He also agreed on the point of corbin vs. laurel sports coverage.
Oh, and I'm sure I could have missed something, so give me a margin of at least =/- 2 or 3, just to be fair.
In my opinion, will all due respect to Ms. Swindlers and Mr. Dixions replies, and their professional responsibilities, this is still a corbin paper, and we expect corbin coverage above all others, particularly in sports.