I never said every decision Burley made was excellent. But also consider, Burley did not vote those things in alone. You should know as well as any other that it was a collective vote. I never said Burley cured things in a year, but you cannot dispute that he helped make them better. You can harp on it for the next 20 years if you like but don't just call out Burley, name them all. It was not just one magistrate, they should all be held accountable. However, Burley is probably the most-well known so therefore he is the one that is most despised and judged for his decisions. One thing is for sure, you may not like him, but you know who he is so I can't help but think that good or bad he made a difference, what have you done?
Also, the 1% payroll tax has done nothing but good for Laurel County, why is this such an issue? Every county around us pays this tax, Whitley is the only county who complains so much. As I see it, you're right. The fiscal court created the mess and Burley was a part of that Fiscal Court, however, Burley is one of the few who acknowledged the mess and who stuck around and tried to make a difference. The way I see it, yeah, a mistake was made, it couldn't be erased but at least he tried to help correct to the best of his ability. But again, it was not a one-man show and it was not a situation that could be turned around in one-year so let's hope Whitley Countians made a good decision when the elected Pat White to carry on the job. By the way, I am Sandy Foley and yes I am his sister-in-law and you are? Compassion plays no part in my opinion. Burley is a grown man and he makes his own decisions and I chose to agree or disagree, and I have disagreed, I just think that everyone wants Burley to be the scape goat here and I don't believe that is fair.
From her post, I take it that she was not there, so, like the rest of us, she has to go by what others say. There are two sides to every story in a case like this. I would like to read the police report. That would tell the whole story. After all, that's what is presented in court.
And, sorry, but I'll be paying the 1% for probably the rest of my working life because of the fiscal court Burley was a part of, and their irresponsibility to the public they serve, and I don't like that. He's no hero for what he did as judge, he had to undo the damage he helped cause. These taxes never go away once they're started, and after the money begins flowing, all the fiscal court sees is a steady spending spree available to them. The whole court should have been investigated and prosecuted for the way they handled the finances of the county. The court won't simply stop the tax when the debt is paid.
To tax my salary because of an incompetent fiscal court and their politics, because they didn't and couldn't do the right thing with the money entrusted to them by the voting public, should be a crime. I do not want to pay any 1% tax before the court did this, and certainly not now. They court, as a whole, should be prosecuted for the way they allowed the county to get into this shape.
Do you think for a moment the people of whitley county don't mind paying a 1% tax on their salaries just because the fiscal court screwed up? Do you really think that. If you think they don't mind, then why don't you go ahead and write a check for another $2500 bucks and pay a few peoples taxes for them if you're all for this tax.
We'll see if Pat White gets us out of this mess, and when the debt is paid, if he's still in office when it is, if he cancels the tax.
It is good for difficult issues to be discussed. It gives each side a chance to understand all sides of the issue. It is understandable that B. J. wanted to take up for his father.
Burley has done some fine things for others. This has been a tough issue for him and I believe it will have some positive influence not just in him but in all of us who are not perfect. Our prayers are with him and his family.
My prayers are also with the police officers. It is not easy for them when they have to take action on a well known person. We should also remember our police officers in our prayers as they work in danger each day.
Our rules are being enforced, and we now need a spirit of foregiveness in our hearts. May we use this to help all of us.
I still don't see anyone of you brave enough to say who you are but that's okay hide behind this board. And no "she" wasn't there but you can trust that I don't blindly listen and just say, "Oh, well, Burley's my brother-in-law, so he must be right." There are two sides and I didn't hear any other side but I also have not heard Burley's side. I got my information from a totally different party and, no, it wasn't my husband. Anyway as I said earlier, Burley paid his fine and has apologized and accepted the disciplinary action handed down to him. So if you live in a glass house, better watch how hard you are throwing the stones, otherwise, if you're perfect and have never found yourself in a compromised position, go ahead and judge. As for the political turn this has taken, well, as I said earlier, Yes, Burley evidently was on the Fiscal Court that helped create the mess, but bottom line, Whitley County voters voted all of those people in office, not only placed them there but kept them there, not only these but others that they have placed in positions of power before this, and continually kept voting in. I hope that the voters now find theirselves educated and they start making more informed decisions about who they vote for. You really only have yourselves to blame and if you never voted against them, you may as well to have voted for them. Your voice is really only heard through your votes. As for the tax, I pay it too. I don't find it necessary to gripe about it. Hey, if the world were perfect there would be no taxes of any kind, but guess what we unfortunately do not live in a perfect world.
It is good for difficult issues to be discussed. It gives each side a chance to understand all sides of the issue. It is understandable that B. J. wanted to take up for his father.
Burley has done some fine things for others. This has been a tough issue for him and I believe it will have some positive influence not just in him but in all of us who are not perfect. Our prayers are with him and his family.
My prayers are also with the police officers. It is not easy for them when they have to take action on a well known person. We should also remember our police officers in our prayers as they work in danger each day.
Our rules are being enforced, and we now need a spirit of foregiveness in our hearts. May we use this to help all of us.
I usually put my name with any posts I submit. I failed to do so on the above post. I'm sorry.
Not 100% sure of all the details. I know there was a suspension. I am sure if you inquire of the right parties, they can tell you more specifically what took place.
Mr. Terrell, I certainly respect that you are not ashamed of your opinions. It is a fact that the officers all deserve our respect and prayers.
Every county and/or town in the area has an occupational tax. Do I like paying it? No, but it was inevitable that Whitley County would have an occupational tax, especially with the Whitley Co. jail problems from the past.
Burley made an error in judgement, but it should not overshadow the time that he has donated to the youth of Corbin over the years.
Every county and/or town in the area has an occupational tax. Do I like paying it? No, but it was inevitable that Whitley County would have an occupational tax, especially with the Whitley Co. jail problems from the past.
While I agree in part, not every county has an occupational tax, only the lower income counties who don't seem to be fiscally responsible. Its kind of like the child that comes home from school and says "everyone else is doing it". They might be, but it doesn't make it right.
I know Burley and he's a good man, and like ALL of us, made a mistake. None of us are perfect, although some of you can't seem to admit that. Also, was it Burley by himself that created the county's financial problems? You seem to want to stick Burley with all of the blame, when there were many, many others involved, some now with jobs up on Frankfort - but you don't talk about anyone but him. It's time to get off his back and start worrying more about the others we somehow elected, and who we elect in the future. The jail is another one of the many pieces of the puzzle in this problem.
If Burley had voted "NO" on all those spending bills that got us into the mess we're in, and voted "NO" on the occupational tax, he would have done what we elected him to do. Support the people that elected him, the people of corbin.
He's as guilty as the whole court and the judge. They should have all been prosecuted for their financial irresponsibility, and held personally accountable for the debt they incurred. And, he was appointed judge and ordered to straighten up the mess they made. Hopefully, his politicial career is over, as he's shown he can't be trusted to stand up for the people that elected him. If you don't agree, fine, too bad. I vote, I have one vote, and that's the way this voter feels, and I'll feel even stronger about it when I write that check next year and pay the tax he helped put on us.
As for the arrest, it's a misdemeanor, not a felony. Many traffic violations can be a misdemeanor too. So can writing a bad check. He's not a criminal, just a violator. I'd let him coach my kids or grand kids any day, I have no problem with that. But I wouldn't elect him to office again.
Remember a few years ago, corbin hired a man for city manager that had done time in prison, when he was an elected official, a sheriff I believe, and no one had any heartache over that.
We need to get off his back on the arrest issue. You can get back on it over the county finances and occupational tax issue is you want.
The last poster is interesting, seems he is upset about the Tax's he has to pay because of Burley and the Fiscal Courts Mishandling of Funds but is OK that we have drunk Coach's having to be accountable?
Sure it is a Misdemeanor and not a felony but that's not quite the point, the point is that a Bad Example was set for the Kids and the School Board had to act.
They also had to act because of their OWN DRUG policy that has just been set into motion, if a player had done this and been arrested what would be the penalty under the new drup policy be, I'll bet this will apply to Burley also.
He will get a suspension and be back within a game or two, what ever the new policy reads is what will happen. Wonder if the City Government & City Employee's have this same type of drug policy in place as the schools?
Do our officialls get drug tested? Who the City hired 30, 40 or 50 Years ago has nothing to do with Burley getting himself in trouble last Friday night nor what we face today as far as drugs and alcohol issues with our young folks, the School Board has a Drug Policy, they will handle it as the Supt. said they would and that's the end. If it happens again then I am sure the repeat offender part of the policy would probably kick in and other punishment might be handed down.
As far as the Occupational Tax's, the people of Whitley County elected Burley so that's your own fault for not being more involved in your choices when election time rolls around.
Does the last poster know the actual policy and procedures with regard to his incident and the school board policy. I don't, so maybe you could enlighten us all. I wonder if it states disciplinary action for a misdemeanor arrest of any kind, or just alcohol, or what. I don't know, do you? If so, please tell us and we can move on.
Do you know, last poster, the difference in disciplinary actions for students, and for staff-faculty-volunteers. I don't, do you? If so, please tell us.
Is his suspension from coaching for just a game or two, I don't know, do you? Even his sister in law, who says she don't know the real story, doesn't mention the exact punishment handed out, or she hasn't told us if she does. I would like to know. I'm sure she'll read this eventually, maybe she'll tell us.
I remember the issue mentioned about the city manager from years ago. I think the point of that part of the post is the old time corbinites, many of which are still around and still in power and influence with regard to the politics and operations of the city and school system today, will simply sweep all this under the rug soon, and Burley will be right back in the saddle again, and all this will be for naught. The arrest part I'm talking about. If I'm wrong, we'll see, as it'll take a few months to find out.
The tax thing, well, we just got burnt. He and the fiscal court burned us badly, and we'll all be paying for it the rest of our lives.
It is strange though, now that I think about it, that we're more upset about this coach getting a misdemeanor arrest, than we are our county court putting a tax on us for the next 100+ years for us and our children to pay. Burley won't coach forever, he'll grow old like the rest of us and eventually retire and be replaced. But, when we're all old, and working some part time job to supplement our social security or retirement income, we'll still be paying the tax that he and the court caused us to have to pay. Our children, and their children will be paying it too.
The School Board just adopted a New Drug policy, if your interested call the school and get a copy, if your interested in what corrective action was taken against Mr. Foley your gonna have to talk to Mr. McNeal.
I did read where he said these matters are internal so you may not get an answer but again, you should direct your questions to the School Board and what their Policy is. A few months ago they debated this in Public, you may want to ask for the Minutes of those meetings and a copy of the Policy.
When you get that Policy please post it here so we all can read it, I think everyone is interested. As far as Old Time Corbinites, how old are you talking? The City Commission is elected with Bruce Farris, Joe Shelton being very young people 40's-50's?????????? The Mayor also is only around 60 Himself so the Old Time Corbinites are long gone, Most of your School Board & Leadership Positions are folks who were not from this area???
So if your sore at the School Board or Supt you can not blame it on "Old Corbinites" (Another Excuse)
Why don't you just Accept Responsibiltiy & Accountability for this silly action from the coach and ex-judge executive and move on. Also let us know if any acton was even taken and what the Policy is? The last poster seems to want the system and everyone else to take the Responsibility of Burley's mistake, instead of Burley, it's always someone else's fault that these things happen!
The Tax issue is a separte thread, this was debated in detail over many months on this very site.
I know several teachers, so I think they can get me a copy of the drug policy. We'll see.
I know what the poster two up is talking about. The people he is speaking of and the situation I think they are talking about is around 20-25 years ago, and that group is still going strong in the politics of the town. Actually, there are some younger folks, now in their 40's and 50's, and some even in their 60's and 70's, who are protege's of those folks who can still generate some influence. I don't think anyone is sore at anyone, it's just we know how some things can or won't work when certain people want to intervene. I'll just say time will tell on this. It'll take awhile to see how it turns out.
I would have to say that I suspect that a large percentage of you who do all of this "talking" are just as guilty as Burley, many of you have probably had a drink with him on occasion. The only difference between you and Burley is that you didn't get caught. And I would say that you'd find that quite a few people who are in positions of responsibility with our children, are guilty of the same or worse. Burley did not drink in front of the kids he coaches, or with them. If he had, I'd be the first to say get rid of him myself. As for being a bad example, most of the time parents are the worst examples because we fail to be forgiving and kind to our neighbors. Instead, in front of our children, we exhibit hatred, judgment and expose them to some of the worst gossip imaginable. Most of what you know is hearsay or simply your opinion derived from the knowledge you gain from gossip. Somewhere in one of the earlier posts it talks about Burley getting help for his "problem." I've known Burley for more than 23 years and while I have seen him drink a time or two, I have never, ever seen him drunk. I don't hardly believe that qualifies him as having a problem. Burley is over the age of consent so if he chooses to have a drink or two with his meal, there's no harm. Again, most of you probably do the same. It's hypocritical to sit here and condemn a man for something you take part in yourself.
I have taken a lot of grief over the whole political thing because people seem to think that because I am his sister-in-law, I know everything he does, or decides, or thinks or even that I agree with him. I will be the first to step up and say, yeah, ALL of the Magistrates obviously screwed up but I again I think that Whitley County voters enabled them. All I will say is that I stand behind the fact that I truly believe that Burley tried to rectify the situation as best he could in the time he spent in office as Judge Executive. I believe that he made some progress. Did he fix it? NO. But healing is a process, and I hope that he helped to start the healing process. Now it's up to the Voters to be informed and put the right people in office to finish the work.
Someone again wondered if I knew his punishment. Sorry to say I don't other than it involved a suspension. If I felt qualified to tell you, believe me I would have no problem telling you so. I told you earlier that I hadn't talked to Burley about this and I still haven't. It's none of my business. I really only posted because I was so dumbfounded by some of the remarks I read. I heard all I heard from a third party (and no, not my husband) and I know that he paid his fine and apologized and as that is all the law required of him, why do the rest of you want blood? As for the taxes, you are right, you will pay taxes everyday for the rest of your life. I don't get so mad about paying the taxes, I really get mad when I think about my tax money being spent to support people to sorry to work for theirselves. Honestly, I am proud that God has blessed me with a job, the ability and pride to work, and that I have a paycheck from which I can pay taxes.
I see that none of you, other than Mr. Terrell, are really that proud of what you have to say.
I would have to say that I suspect that a large percentage of you who do all of this "talking" are just as guilty as Burley, many of you have probably had a drink with him on occasion. The only difference between you and Burley is that you didn't get caught. And I would say that you'd find that quite a few people who are in positions of responsibility with our children, are guilty of the same or worse. Burley did not drink in front of the kids he coaches, or with them. If he had, I'd be the first to say get rid of him myself. As for being a bad example, most of the time parents are the worst examples because we fail to be forgiving and kind to our neighbors. Instead, in front of our children, we exhibit hatred, judgment and expose them to some of the worst gossip imaginable. Most of what you know is hearsay or simply your opinion derived from the knowledge you gain from gossip. Somewhere in one of the earlier posts it talks about Burley getting help for his "problem." I've known Burley for more than 23 years and while I have seen him drink a time or two, I have never, ever seen him drunk. I don't hardly believe that qualifies him as having a problem. Burley is over the age of consent so if he chooses to have a drink or two with his meal, there's no harm. Again, most of you probably do the same. It's hypocritical to sit here and condemn a man for something you take part in yourself.
I have taken a lot of grief over the whole political thing because people seem to think that because I am his sister-in-law, I know everything he does, or decides, or thinks or even that I agree with him. I will be the first to step up and say, yeah, ALL of the Magistrates obviously screwed up but I again I think that Whitley County voters enabled them. All I will say is that I stand behind the fact that I truly believe that Burley tried to rectify the situation as best he could in the time he spent in office as Judge Executive. I believe that he made some progress. Did he fix it? NO. But healing is a process, and I hope that he helped to start the healing process. Now it's up to the Voters to be informed and put the right people in office to finish the work.
Someone again wondered if I knew his punishment. Sorry to say I don't other than it involved a suspension. If I felt qualified to tell you, believe me I would have no problem telling you so. I told you earlier that I hadn't talked to Burley about this and I still haven't. It's none of my business. I really only posted because I was so dumbfounded by some of the remarks I read. I heard all I heard from a third party (and no, not my husband) and I know that he paid his fine and apologized and as that is all the law required of him, why do the rest of you want blood? As for the taxes, you are right, you will pay taxes everyday for the rest of your life. I don't get so mad about paying the taxes, I really get mad when I think about my tax money being spent to support people to sorry to work for theirselves. Honestly, I am proud that God has blessed me with a job, the ability and pride to work, and that I have a paycheck from which I can pay taxes.
I see that none of you, other than Mr. Terrell, are really that proud of what you have to say.
None of us should blame you for anything Burley may have done. If a person's relatives stick up for them it shows that they are with them in good times or tough times. You are not the one who will decide the penalty.
I believe most of us respect you for putting your name on the line and expressing your opinions and the information as you understand it. It will be up to the School officials to decide the action that will be taken. Sometimes good comes from adversity. We should all pray for good to come from this experience.
The difference is we are not hanging out at the Local watering holes with our Sons who are about as young as the players he coach's. I am sure their are people in the same roles who may have done this or that but they were not the one's arrested last week, now were they? How do you know none of the High School Team or Middle School Team were not there eating with their parents that night?
You call people Hypocrites and throw everyone else under the Bus but as usual 90% of your post are excuses and someone else's fault, not Burley"s. I don't think anyone on here has accussed ou of being the problem or causing it, your the one who seems to be taking it personally and making the excuses and writing the posts?
For someone who claims they have not talked with Burley you certainly seem to know quite a bit about what is going on?
Why would you be dumbfounded by a Former Judge Executive and Current High Profile Coach & Figure getting alot of attention for being arrested for Public Intoxication? This is still a small town, Burley was elected many times by the people and is very well known, you as a relative should should some contrite behavior in your postings but you seem to want to lash out.
Since you have no spoken with Burley maybe you need to so you can get what really happened and settle your feelings with him and not the folks who are just asking questions and wondering what happened.
Here is a guy who was charged with Public Intoxication,Arrested, but wait, according to relative Sandy, he has never been drunk. I guess this was just like getting a speeding ticket or running a stop sign????
Here is a guy who was charged with Public Intoxication,Arrested, but wait, according to relative Sandy, he has never been drunk. I guess this was just like getting a speeding ticket or running a stop sign????
These are some real intoxicating excuses!!!!!!
I don't know what it is about this poster and others that so enjoy kicking people when they're down. Dear Poster, You need to look hard in the mirror and realize the nastiness in your personality does more damage in people's daily lives than all the mistakes Burley has ever made. If you do go to church, you need to listen to the message.
First off, I never called anyone a hypocrite, I said it was hypocritical to sit and condemn someone for something you yourself take part in. If that's not you, don't worry about it. Second, I don't make excuses for Burley, wouldn't even attempt it. I didn't take him to raise, he can speak for himself. As for what I have taken or not, how do you know? You have no way of knowing what has or has not been said to me and again, I reiterate, I have taken a lot of grief over the political issues. Again, if it's not you, don't worry about it.
I haven't spoken with Burley about it and don't intend, unlike most of you, I don't think it's any of my business. The only reason I ever spoke up is because I find it ridiculous that many of you find it necessary to speak about things of which you know nothing about. Dumbfounded, yes, because as you said FORMER Judge Executive and that's what he is and that is past and had it been left in the past, none of this would have taken place to begin with. I hardly think that going out for a meal at a restaurant with your family means you are hanging out at the "waterhole". I have no feelings to settle, like the rest of you this is simply my opinion! As for relative Sandy, she never said Burley had never been drunk. I said that I had never seen him drunk in 23 years of being a part of his family. As for having a drink with his 24 year old son or even in his presence, you cannot possibly compare this to drinking with someone between the ages of 15-18. To start with this is legal, BJ's of legal age. Is it right morally? You have your opinion, I have mine, and Burley has his own. It's simply none of your business. He paid his fine, get over it already. I like what the last two posts say, the nastiness is way more harmful than Burley getting picked up for AI and the point has been stated numerous times already, He made a mistake, get past it and move on. Leave the man in peace, his term is over, this is his private life. As for the coaching, that's strictly up to school board policy, so just like your employer would handle your discipline if you had a problem at work, let the school board handle their's.
First off, I never called anyone a hypocrite, I said it was hypocritical to sit and condemn someone for something you yourself take part in. If that's not you, don't worry about it. Second, I don't make excuses for Burley, wouldn't even attempt it. I didn't take him to raise, he can speak for himself. As for what I have taken or not, how do you know? You have no way of knowing what has or has not been said to me and again, I reiterate, I have taken a lot of grief over the political issues. Again, if it's not you, don't worry about it. Mr TERRELL JR
You can put a end to this topic,lets move on shall we. Thank you. I haven't spoken with Burley about it and don't intend, unlike most of you, I don't think it's any of my business. The only reason I ever spoke up is because I find it ridiculous that many of you find it necessary to speak about things of which you know nothing about. Dumbfounded, yes, because as you said FORMER Judge Executive and that's what he is and that is past and had it been left in the past, none of this would have taken place to begin with. I hardly think that going out for a meal at a restaurant with your family means you are hanging out at the "waterhole". I have no feelings to settle, like the rest of you this is simply my opinion! As for relative Sandy, she never said Burley had never been drunk. I said that I had never seen him drunk in 23 years of being a part of his family. As for having a drink with his 24 year old son or even in his presence, you cannot possibly compare this to drinking with someone between the ages of 15-18. To start with this is legal, BJ's of legal age. Is it right morally? You have your opinion, I have mine, and Burley has his own. It's simply none of your business. He paid his fine, get over it already. I like what the last two posts say, the nastiness is way more harmful than Burley getting picked up for AI and the point has been stated numerous times already, He made a mistake, get past it and move on. Leave the man in peace, his term is over, this is his private life. As for the coaching, that's strictly up to school board policy, so just like your employer would handle your discipline if you had a problem at work, let the school board handle their's.
Can't really tell what happened with that last post. Was someone trying to put it in like I said something about Mr. Terrell, Jr. (I did not do that, don't know him) or is that Mr. Terrell Jr. saying to put an end to the topic, and to move on?
Anyway, it appears that I hit a few nerves. Sorry, don't take it personal, I certainly don't. This board is just a place to discuss issues. This one has run its course and it really is time to put an end to the topic and move on. At the end of the day the only ones who really know what happened are the ones who were there. I guess if I could make a point at all, I would hope that it would be Love Thy Neighbor. The whole incident was hard enough on all involved and it is sad that many found it such a good opportunity to, as someone said earlier, kick a person when they were down. Too bad so many people today take pleasure in that. While I have found this to be an interesting experience, I am moving on. You all should really move to other subjects on this board. There are many more worthy conversations going on, many that deserve the attention focused here and if they were given the attention, maybe some changes (hopefully, good ones) could be implemented to help improve our community grow and prosper and create a better community for our children and grandchildren to grow up in.