I have been a member of various chat lists for approximately nine years and never have I experienced anything like this one. I thought chat lists were to learn, improve your mind, and communicate ideas. Obviously, I am out of touch with reality. When my children were young and said, "He hit me." I, in turn, asked the question: "And what did you do to make him hit you?" My point is that there are two sides to every story. Since I did not attend the meeting in question, I cannot express an opinion, but intuition tells me the story is a bit slanted and tainted. How much brow-beating does it take to satisfy? Have you ever noticed that the hardest worker is the one who gets the most criticism? If you don't do anything, you have nothing to be criticized for. How many of you are willing to put yourself in a voluntary, unpaid position which requires a great deal of personal time, and then be blasted, ridiculed, and criticized for your efforts? Not many, I would guess! I am not pointing my finger at any specific individual, but considering what I have read here, I would also venture to say your favorite TV shows are "Cops" and "Jerry Springer". I find it interesting that nearly everyone on this list is named "Anonymous". According to the comments, I wouldn't want my real name known, either. In fact, the Corbin websites are the only ones I have ever seen where people do not reveal their names. If this is the kind of information readily available to readers of the message boards, I whole-heartedly agree that the city is wasting its money. How many out-of-towners, after reading these message boards, would say to themselves, "Now, that's the kind of city I want to visit."? I would guess you wouldn't see many stopping in Corbin on their way north/south. This website is definitely an eye-opener, but the person who considers it the highlight of his day, needs to get a life. Also, who enjoys hearing someone called a thief and a crook? And who likes being blasted because he has a different opinion? I have never seen such back-stabbing on a website. Owners of other lists would reprimand or eliminate a person from participating if they made derogatory, inflammable comments. Sorry, folks! You've crossed the line when it comes to passing judgment on other people with your critical comments. Constructive criticism is okay, but this is garbage! Wake up and do a little soul-searching. Now, after speaking my piece, I hope to stick to more constructive endeavors.
RE: "I'm running the show here!" Estep says to Corbin citizens.
Very well said. This board is all about the ownership team. Always the same tales of their great accomplishments and how much they love the area. In reality their only motivation is their own advancement, always trying to get another marketing contract at the expense of their neighbors or trying to stick their nose in something so they can say that they were responsible for a great thing. Most of the people of the area have seen through them. Everywhere they go people dread to see them coming because they are so stuck on themselves that they are willing to do the town harm.
Let tourism get whoever they want for their website.
Don't call them ... they'll call you.
Why don't you just let it go? Wouldn't you stand up for yourself if you were attacked in the newspaper? The Tourism Commission has not told him to quit trying. Just the chairman.
Very well said. This board is all about the ownership team. Always the same tales of their great accomplishments and how much they love the area. In reality their only motivation is their own advancement, always trying to get another marketing contract at the expense of their neighbors or trying to stick their nose in something so they can say that they were responsible for a great thing. Most of the people of the area have seen through them. Everywhere they go people dread to see them coming because they are so stuck on themselves that they are willing to do the town harm.
You are very good with words like "their", "them", "that" and "those", but you never state any facts or examples - just many empty words. Give me an example of "them" sticking their noses into something they were not asked to, or didn't have a right to.
The actual few you state that dread seeing "them" coming are the same few that didn't want McBurney elected, don't ever want to hear constructive criticism, can't ever say "yes, we could do this better", and don't want to give up control, even when they are very wrong.
In response to the 4th message above, if you ask people that were at the meeting, the board members, the mayor, the media from both papers, unfortunately the story from the newspaper is accurate. I also think that if you look throughout these messages there are some pretty good comments and ideas going on. The stuff where they dont give much other than a personal shot you have to ignore. I like this site, the rest of the site gives great information on corbin and our area.
UK Wildcat wrote: The actual few you state that dread seeing "them" coming are the same few that didn't want McBurney elected, don't ever want to hear constructive criticism, can't ever say "yes, we could do this better", and don't want to give up control, even when they are very wrong. -----------------------------------------
Has Mayor McBurney been opposed in anything that he has brought up? If he has, please tell us what.
And who are you talking about when you say they "don't wantto give up control"? Tell us that too.
I have been a member of various chat lists for approximately nine years and never have I experienced anything like this one. I thought chat lists were to learn, improve your mind, and communicate ideas. Obviously, I am out of touch with reality. When my children were young and said, "He hit me." I, in turn, asked the question: "And what did you do to make him hit you?" My point is that there are two sides to every story. Since I did not attend the meeting in question, I cannot express an opinion, but intuition tells me the story is a bit slanted and tainted. How much brow-beating does it take to satisfy? Have you ever noticed that the hardest worker is the one who gets the most criticism? If you don't do anything, you have nothing to be criticized for. How many of you are willing to put yourself in a voluntary, unpaid position which requires a great deal of personal time, and then be blasted, ridiculed, and criticized for your efforts? Not many, I would guess! I am not pointing my finger at any specific individual, but considering what I have read here, I would also venture to say your favorite TV shows are "Cops" and "Jerry Springer". I find it interesting that nearly everyone on this list is named "Anonymous". According to the comments, I wouldn't want my real name known, either. In fact, the Corbin websites are the only ones I have ever seen where people do not reveal their names. If this is the kind of information readily available to readers of the message boards, I whole-heartedly agree that the city is wasting its money. How many out-of-towners, after reading these message boards, would say to themselves, "Now, that's the kind of city I want to visit."? I would guess you wouldn't see many stopping in Corbin on their way north/south. This website is definitely an eye-opener, but the person who considers it the highlight of his day, needs to get a life. Also, who enjoys hearing someone called a thief and a crook? And who likes being blasted because he has a different opinion? I have never seen such back-stabbing on a website. Owners of other lists would reprimand or eliminate a person from participating if they made derogatory, inflammable comments. Sorry, folks! You've crossed the line when it comes to passing judgment on other people with your critical comments. Constructive criticism is okay, but this is garbage! Wake up and do a little soul-searching. Now, after speaking my piece, I hope to stick to more constructive endeavors.
Thanks for your comments. The problem is that Mr. Estep can rip people in his editorials, in the Tourism Commission meetings, but he can't take criticisim on a website like this. He has bragged that because he is a publisher he has barrels and barrels of ink that he can drown people in if they fool with him. What has not been in the newspapers are the vile emails he sent to Bob Terrell, Jr. and at the last meeting a friend I trust very much told me at the end of the meeting Don called Bob Terrell, Jr. an a_ _hole. From the reports in the paper Terrell kept his composure and cool and did not use any profanity to Don. But what you believe is that the rest of us should succomb to the powerful publisher and let him get back with his intimidating behavior. Talk to people in Corbin and you will find the people overwhelmingly support Terrell's website.
The problem is that Mr. Estep can rip people in his editorials, in the Tourism Commission meetings, but he can't take criticisim on a website like this. He has bragged that because he is a publisher he has barrels and barrels of ink that he can drown people in if they fool with him. What has not been in the newspapers are the vile emails he sent to Bob Terrell, Jr. and at the last meeting a friend I trust very much told me at the end of the meeting Don called Bob Terrell, Jr. an a_ _hole. From the reports in the paper Terrell kept his composure and cool and .... (YAWN!)
Missing the forest for the trees: * After reading the newspaper articles, am I the only person that caught the fact that taking bids for the Tourism website will save taxpayers thousands of dollars? * Oh, and didn't the agreement between the two parties expire in August? * And what's with this welfare mentality people have about the Tourism website anyway? Why should our tax money go to one person by default? Couldn't he bid on the project like anyone else? Shouldn't other options be investigated? Would you acknowledge the fact that maybe they are getting a better deal, or are you too far stuck up someone's behind to see another side to things? I thought Tourism had a pretty nice website ... but many other people can make good websites. I could care less about all the personal issues between the two men, and whether somebody called someone else an a_hole at the meeting. In the end, regardless of the spat, the Commission appears to be looking out for the best interest of the public. I commend them for doing the right thing.
You pay for a $50 website, you get a $50 website - ask anyone who has tried to get one around here. Take a look at the city's website that they get for pennies, and you can see they get exactly what they pay for. I think its corbin-ky.gov - take a good look.
Also, having been involved in tourism for years, Corbin's tourism gets approximately half of their marketing and website costs refunded from the state's tourism department. So if they pay $300 for marketing, the state reimburses half, and Corbin only pays $150. Its good to get all the facts before you judge.
You pay for a $50 website, you get a $50 website - ask anyone who has tried to get one around here. Take a look at the city's website that they get for pennies, and you can see they get exactly what they pay for. I think its corbin-ky.gov - take a good look.
Just looked at the city site with the address you provided. Not too bad. Fairly easy to navigate and has some minutes from various meetings and other useful information on there, and even looks pretty decent. You've just proved to me that tourism was really getting ripped off if you can get this for pennies a month! Whose the city's website company? They should put in a bid. From a neutral perspective it sounds like the tourism board made a good call.
Why are you so defensive of the current Tourism website company anyway? Doesn't hurt your pocketbook, or does it?
You pay for a $50 website, you get a $50 website - ask anyone who has tried to get one around here. Take a look at the city's website that they get for pennies, and you can see they get exactly what they pay for. I think its corbin-ky.gov - take a good look.
Also, having been involved in tourism for years, Corbin's tourism gets approximately half of their marketing and website costs refunded from the state's tourism department. So if they pay $300 for marketing, the state reimburses half, and Corbin only pays $150. Its good to get all the facts before you judge.
Just looked at the city site with the address you provided. Not too bad. Fairly easy to navigate and has some minutes from various meetings and other useful information on there, and even looks pretty decent. You've just proved to me that tourism was really getting ripped off if you can get this for pennies a month! Whose the city's website company? They should put in a bid. From a neutral perspective it sounds like the tourism board made a good call.
Why are you so defensive of the current Tourism website company anyway? Doesn't hurt your pocketbook, or does it?
I think if you are trying to sell our town to the world you don't cut corners, you want to put your best foot forward. If we bring more tourists to Corbin, book more hotel rooms, draw more people to our restaurants, draw more to our local events like nibroc, etc, then this kind of money isn't even an issue. And I looked at the citiy's site also - anyone can see there is no comparison. Not a knock to the city's website company, but it's level of professionalism wouldn't accomplish drawing tourists to out area. If you want cheap, it fine. We don't need cheap to promote our area.
You sound like your objective is to win some personal battle over doing what is best for promoting Corbin and bringing tourists.
Just looked at the city site with the address you provided. Not too bad. Fairly easy to navigate and has some minutes from various meetings and other useful information on there, and even looks pretty decent. You've just proved to me that tourism was really getting ripped off if you can get this for pennies a month! Whose the city's website company? They should put in a bid. From a it sounds like the tourism board made a good call.
Why are you so defensive of the current Tourism website company anyway? Doesn't hurt your pocketbook, or does it?
Anyone can compare the two websites and see a huge difference, and also see you are far from a "neutral perspective" - now thats rich. Thats like comparing a Ford Focus and a Toyota Camry. Like they say, you get what you pay for.
Have you ever looked at the Tourism Section on this website? Corbin is getting two Tourism websites from Terrell for the price of one. And his website's are kept up to date. The biggest problem with websites is that most of them are not kept up to dat. Terrell keeps his up to date.
You sound like your objective is to win some personal battle over doing what is best for promoting Corbin and bringing tourists.
You are kind of arrogant to assume you have a monopoly on knowing what is best for Corbin and the Tourism Commission? How do you know the company that submitted a bid won't do an even better job, for less? Or do you just blindly support the owner of this website no matter what?
You sound like your objective is to win some personal battle over doing what is best for promoting Corbin and bringing tourists.
You are kind of arrogant to assume you have a monopoly on knowing what is best for Corbin and the Tourism Commission? How do you know the company that submitted a bid won't do an even better job, for less? Or do you just blindly support the owner of this website no matter what?
I believe most members of the Tourism Commission are happy with their current website. They are the ones who will decide. The decision will not just be made by the Chairman. You have a right to your opinion and I have a right to mine. I have reviewed all the Corbin website's and the Corbin Tourism website and this website are by far the best. Do we ever want to be best at some things or are we just satisfied in being part of the herd?
Tourism just needs to decide what it is they are looking for in a website. This site, for example, is OK if you don't mind American Express, cigar ads and other clutter. But that stuff is probably not worth Tourism paying additional taxpayer money for. Besides, it is all about money, just another marketing account. Tourism members also need to realize that if they ever cross the webmaster then the father and son team will attempt to discredit them on this board, just like they have the present Tourism chairman. So bear that in mind. Some of you Tourism members may be buddies now but if you ever have to take a stand and vote against them you will most likely become a target.
Tourism just needs to decide what it is they are looking for in a website. This site, for example, is OK if you don't mind American Express, cigar ads and other clutter. But that stuff is probably not worth Tourism paying additional taxpayer money for. Besides, it is all about money, just another marketing account. Tourism members also need to realize that if they ever cross the webmaster then the father and son team will attempt to discredit them on this board, just like they have the present Tourism chairman. So bear that in mind. Some of you Tourism members may be buddies now but if you ever have to take a stand and vote against them you will most likely become a target.
Before you criticize something be sure you know what you are talking about. This is not the website Terrell does for Tourism. He gives them the Tourism section on this website free. It averages 1,200 contacts a day.
The Website done for Tourism is another website with no advertising on it except the Kentucky Unbridled Spirit logo. The website he does for Tourism does not have a message board like this, but it does have a capability to receive messages from inquiries of tourists or other interested parties.
This website also has many other features including Economic Development, Fine Arts, Medical Center, Schools, Technology Center, cruise in program, weather, news, sports, radio, and other subjects. The city does not pay a penny for this. It is amazing that a few people bust their butts for people and a community and some people don't appreciate it all.
I agree with the last post. Some of these people who criticize the website should take time and go through this one. This is a terrific story about Corbin and the TRI-County area.
When you search "Kentucky Message Boards" this is one of the first ones to come up, and I have seen it first and third in two systems. It comes up several notches ahead of the UK Wildcats Athletic Message Board.
I have never seen one in Industry or government that is any better than this one. And the Tourism website that he also does is excellent. People can be proud of both these websites. The proper term is a marketing message board.
I agree with the last post. Some of these people who criticize the website should take time and go through this one. This is a terrific story about Corbin and the TRI-County area.
When you search "Kentucky Message Boards" this is one of the first ones to come up, and I have seen it first and third in two systems. It comes up several notches ahead of the UK Wildcats Athletic Message Board.
I have never seen one in Industry or government that is any better than this one. And the Tourism website that he also does is excellent. People can be proud of both these websites. The proper term is a "marketing message board".
I goofed. The proper term is "a marketing website".
Anonymous wrote:The website he does for Tourism does not have a message board like this ...
The way I read this the Tourism website, which taxpayers have paid handsomely to maintain, has fewer features than this one. Are we being cheated?
Now that I think about it, it's a relief. If it did have a message board like this, you might as well spread tourist-i-cide all over Corbin or build a wall around our town. Who'd want to come after reading all the self-serving garbage written here from day to day.
Everyone who plays waterboy for this sites webmaster has managed to avoid these basic questions. How do you know the company that submitted a bid to the Tourism board won't make a better website? Shouldn't they be given that chance since they are the only ones that bid? Why should one person just be handed money to do their website without making a competing bid? Wasn't the agreement between between the two expired anyway? Where's the victim?
I have no problem with the Tourism website now. But my mind is open to the possibility that they could have more for less. Why isn't yours?
Tourism just needs to decide what it is they are looking for in a website. This site, for example, is OK if you don't mind American Express, cigar ads and other clutter. But that stuff is probably not worth Tourism paying additional taxpayer money for. Besides, it is all about money, just another marketing account. Tourism members also need to realize that if they ever cross the webmaster then the father and son team will attempt to discredit them on this board, just like they have the present Tourism chairman. So bear that in mind. Some of you Tourism members may be buddies now but if you ever have to take a stand and vote against them you will most likely become a target.
I don't know what website you are talking about, the Corbin tourism website has no American Express ads or any others on it. It's was a very professional site at that - corbinkytourism.com.
I don't think the Terrell's have said anything about the current chairman. I believe he has articulated it all by himself.
Tourism just needs to decide what it is they are looking for in a website. This site, for example, is OK if you don't mind American Express, cigar ads and other clutter. But that stuff is probably not worth Tourism paying additional taxpayer money for. Besides, it is all about money, just another marketing account. Tourism members also need to realize that if they ever cross the webmaster then the father and son team will attempt to discredit them on this board, just like they have the present Tourism chairman. So bear that in mind. Some of you Tourism members may be buddies now but if you ever have to take a stand and vote against them you will most likely become a target.
You're right. This site is great for watching You Tube videos, or if I want to buy an Ipod.
I think you've nailed the whole problem with this website debate. Tourism members may be reluctant to act because they don't want to be bashed and ridiculed here. The chairman's frustrations probably stem from the fact that he's tired of being bullied and second-guessed for trying to do the right thing and is fighting back. Good for him. I admire people who will stand up for themselves and their convictions in the face of adversity.
I think the TRUE picture is, that this is NOT about economics. Taking bids for the website, how much it costs to maintain, the quality of the website.....these are legitimate questions if the commission was really concerned about these things. And, yes, I'm sure that they are concerned on some level.
BUT, it is ALL about shutting up Bob Terrell, JR, and the people of Corbin who post comments that Don Estep does not want to hear. Plain and simple, that is what's going on.
RE: "I'm running the show here!" Estep says to Corbin citizens.
Nice try folks two post up. Actually talk to some of the Tourism Board members and you will get the true picture behind this issue and the "bid". The funny part is that I also build websites, and I never saw the ad, as did nobody else who builds websites around here - just call and ask them. Want to know why nobody saw it? It only ran one time in one paper - Estep's paper of course - and was never run in the daily. It was also burried where nobody could find it.
Can you guess where the only bid came from? The same people that does the News-Journal's website and has an ad on the News Journal's home page at www.corbinnewsjournal.com.
What a coincidence.
Bob's websites are professional, place great in search engines (still trying to figure out how you do that) and look impressive - anyone who looks can see it. All you have to do is compare them to the others.
So, Estep wants the company that does his site for his paper to get the bid. Sounds normal for Don, that sure didn't come out in the paper.
Would you happen to know who owns the website company that Don wants to do the tourism site. Let's see, wonder which family it will be related to, either by blood or marriage.
Very interesting.
Oh, and I too checked the other websites out, and my vote would go to the current site webmaster. There is no compairison in my opinion.
Don Estep is a wolf in sheeps clothing, and anyone he feels stands in his way, or his bosses way, will suffer the wrath in his paper, (but only once a week).
I don't like the way the tourism committee is being run, so, I am going to complain about it, and as a taxpayer, I can do that. Are you a taxpayer, if so, then you can voice your opinion. If you're not a taxpayer, then, you have no say whatsoever in this matter.
The only person on that committee that has some true vision of what it should be doing is Ms. Razmus. The other's are just go-alongs. She speaks her mind, but fairly. She is a friend of Estep's, but, that's ok, she will not let him run over her.
Estep showed he is a true horses a%$ in their meeting, and that is totally uncalled for in that venue. He showed contempt for the people he serves, the committee he chairs, and the town he represents.