Shelton can see past the trees and the forest, and knows what it'll be like on the other side. The rest are just there cause they have nothing else to do.
I have seen the mountaintop.
Oh wait ... that quote was someody else.
You are not doing Shelton any favors by posting your BS.
You are not doing Shelton any favors by posting your BS.
In fact you are probably hurting him.
He needs to tell you to stop.
You are right on this point. It is apparent that Shelton is just the latest plaything of the Terrell board, kind of like Suze Razmus was used on the Tourism board to do someone's dirty work. As soon as she disagrees with the board agenda, she will be thrown away like dirty toilet paper. Same goes for Shelton. I hope he is smart enough not to be used. I think he would probably deny any knowledge of this board if he knew about some of the praise he is getting here. It could really hurt him in the next election.
You are not doing Shelton any favors by posting your BS.
In fact you are probably hurting him.
He needs to tell you to stop.
You are right on this point. It is apparent that Shelton is just the latest plaything of the Terrell board, kind of like Suze Razmus was used on the Tourism board to do someone's dirty work. As soon as she disagrees with the board agenda, she will be thrown away like dirty toilet paper. Same goes for Shelton. I hope he is smart enough not to be used. I think he would probably deny any knowledge of this board if he knew about some of the praise he is getting here. It could really hurt him in the next election.
You are not doing Shelton any favors by posting your BS.
In fact you are probably hurting him.
He needs to tell you to stop.
You are right on this point. It is apparent that Shelton is just the latest plaything of the Terrell board, kind of like Suze Razmus was used on the Tourism board to do someone's dirty work. As soon as she disagrees with the board agenda, she will be thrown away like dirty toilet paper. Same goes for Shelton. I hope he is smart enough not to be used. I think he would probably deny any knowledge of this board if he knew about some of the praise he is getting here. It could really hurt him in the next election.
You might get more support and respect if you learned how to turn off your caps lock key, idiot!
My call is that Gregory, Shelton and Farris will win regardless of who runs against them.
I think you are right. They would win by a margin of several hundred votes over anyone else. They are doing a good job even though they get they slammed here on the Terrell board almost every day. I'll bet that McBurney will endorse Gregory, Shelton and Farris if they run for re-election and maybe Lynch too. But we still need people to run. It is the American way.
My call is that Gregory, Shelton and Farris will win regardless of who runs against them.
I think you are right. They would win by a margin of several hundred votes over anyone else. They are doing a good job even though they get they slammed here on the Terrell board almost every day. I'll bet that McBurney will endorse Gregory, Shelton and Farris if they run for re-election and maybe Lynch too. But we still need people to run. It is the American way.
You are right. I think the fact they get slammed here almost every day will probably gain them a 100 or so more votes than last time.
The others, the mayor included, just patronize you or give you the old "no money" answer, or the "we'll have to talk to Hammons" answer.
I have not ever heard of Mayor McBurney or any of the commissioners saying this. Are you sure you know what you are talking about?
"No money" - the city has spent more money on special projects in the last few years than ever before.
"We'll have to talk to Hammons" - it would have to get really bad for the Mayor to use the City Attorney as an excuse.
Maybe you are confused or maybe the Mayor dusted off a Times reporter once with the Hammons excuse but that is not business as usually with McBurney and the commissioners.
Why would you want to bash a good mayor in your Joe Shelton praise thread?
Anonymous wrote: Ed Tye. He had his day, he's a good man, but stands for nothing. He goes along, makes no waves, never agrees or disagrees. We've had those before, we don't need them now.
I agree with you but Jimmy Vance is desperate for some Sunday Sales candidates. He will convince Ed Tye to run and will buy his signs for him again. He may even get out the old "Re-Elect Ed Tye" billboard sign. That sign was a campaign law violation the last time since Tye was not an incumbent commissioner in the last election. Vance is making Ed Tye into the Gaitwood Galbraith of Corbin politics.
Anonymous wrote: All that said, would you mind expalining your "deadbeat city employees" comment? Just what are you talking about? Seriously.
I would like to know that too. I have some ideas about a few city employees that don't appear to work very hard but maybe its just that I don't know all of the details about their job. I think there is a boss or two that needs to retire out and at least one employee that is downright hateful.
By the way, if some of you are getting burned too bad on this board you might want to check in to getting some Remote IP Tracking software so you will know who your friends are when you see them.
I don't know about any Remote IP Tracking Software out there but everyone should remember that there is no absolute anonymity on the web. IP addresses are required by law to be kept by various sites and programs so that there will be records in case of terrorism investigations (CALEA act) and with all the hackers, crackers, phishers, phreaks, etc.
Any computer user is only limited by their own technical abilities. The anonymous surfing network TOR is a great program. The US government actually invented it for security but it too has been cracked.
For example, if you were to send me a WORD document, I could tell you the serial number and year of publication of the software, when it was installed, when the document was first made, when it was modified, and the serial number of your processor which is unique to your specific computer, and I'm not all that good at it, just a novice actually. Every single packet sent over the internet has source and destination embedded in it for all the world to see.
Someone might could even download a sample of the actual software that a message board is using and by applying some basic computer programming skills could attempt to take it apart. They could check for security loopholes that are specific to that board. Reverse engineering. Practically every board is made so that the owner can remove troublemakers, that is done by their unique IP address. All of that is built right in to the board software. Technical know how is the key.
You can bet your bottom dollar that if someone got on any message board and threatened a high ranking government official or something similar, the Secret Service would have their home address in less than an hour. Just look at all the anonymous internet predators that have been arrested, they thought they couldn't be located either.
Probably little or none of this applies here but my advise to anyone on any message board would be to be careful what you say about someone else. Nothing on the internet is secret. Get your point across but be nice.
I was very pleased and grateful for the votes i received during the city commissioner's race. I personally felt like I could have done a better job, but it was my first time running. Next time my campaign will be conducted differently. For the person that i disappointed, I am sorry, and I do not represent the bar crowd, I represented myself. Yes, my wife and I go out on Friday nights for some time to ourselves after a hard week, and yes nine times out of ten we go to the depot. Alot of our friends our there and we go to socialize and have a good meal (does that make me look like I am representing the bar crowd?) I don't think so. But anyway, back to my story, it was my first time running and my campaign will be run different if and when I run again.
Thank you for your honest and heartfelt response. I feel you would have made a great commissioner, and I still do.
I supported you then, and will again should you choose to run.
You're the next generation of leaders of our town, and your integrity and honesty will be much sought after, and your business experience will be much appreciated by all.
Thank you for responding, and I hope to see your name on the ballot again in the next election.
Thank you for your honest and heartfelt response. I feel you would have made a great commissioner, and I still do.
I supported you then, and will again should you choose to run.
You're the next generation of leaders of our town, and your integrity and honesty will be much sought after, and your business experience will be much appreciated by all.
Thank you for responding, and I hope to see your name on the ballot again in the next election.
Thank you for your response, and your support, but i haven't decided if I will run this next term or wait til the next, but I will run again.
My call is that Gregory, Shelton and Farris will win regardless of who runs against them.
I think you are right. They would win by a margin of several hundred votes over anyone else. They are doing a good job even though they get they slammed here on the Terrell board almost every day. I'll bet that McBurney will endorse Gregory, Shelton and Farris if they run for re-election and maybe Lynch too. But we still need people to run. It is the American way.
You are right. I think the fact they get slammed here almost every day will probably gain them a 100 or so more votes than last time.
Here's a question: When electing a City Commissioner, what qualifications should an individual possess to become one?
I am not here to bash or obliterate an individual, but rather ask the voters to discuss what they believe would make a candidate qualified to serve in a public office such as this.
I think we have a good commission, but there is always room for improvement. A fresh face with fresh ideas.... an individual who possesess a proven business attitude and ability to follow through with promises... whatever it may be we have a responsiblity to elect people who can get the job done and not just show up at meetings and watch the proceedings.
Whatever qualifications the individual voter wants their city commissioners to have. If you are a liberal then vote for liberal commissioner candidates. If you are a conservative then vote for conservative commissioner candidates. If you like to sit at a bar on Friday nights and would like to expand that to Sunday night then vote for Sunday Sales commissioner candidates. Not a real hard decision.
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Whatever qualifications the individual voter wants their city commissioners to have. If you are a liberal then vote for liberal commissioner candidates. If you are a conservative then vote for conservative commissioner candidates. If you like to sit at a bar on Friday nights and would like to expand that to Sunday night then vote for Sunday Sales commissioner candidates. Not a real hard decision.
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I would like to see the commission board be more active in attracting industry and jobs. I realize one person cant do it... but I do see an opportunity for the commissioners to inact some incentive packages by using the special tax dollars they are receiving.
I would like to see something done about the Knox Co. Occupational Tax dollars not coming back to the city like Whitley's does.
I would also like to see a candidate talk about how to enhance our emergency and first repsonse teams. The police force suffers from employment issues... the fire departments are all housed except for one in old run down buildings.... these are all items under the control of the commisioners.
The VA clinic is a hot item, but doesnt seem like it is getting the attention it deserves. Maybe a candidate has a plan to make this happen. Remember, our veterns are the reason we have the freedoms to vote. Isn't it time we showed our appreciation and give them the respect they deserve. The push to do this in the old Tracy apartments was a joke. The city needs to meet with the VA and offer them the land to build here, in a spot that would be accessible to any vet needing to travel here and not just from this area. If we can spend big bucks on an expo center, this shouldnt be a problem.
Finally, Marlon has been put in as the Recreational Director. Excellent move. Now lets see more than just one commissioner stand up and do something for our kids. Our kids deserve better. The skate park was a positive action, as well as the intent to do some new fields at the old civic center. We need commissioners to work together with Marlon, the Tri-Co Soccer Assoc, and the TCSA. Regardless of whether or not you like sports, our children need these facilities to keep them active, healthy, and out of trouble.
You sure covered a bunch of stuff there. Perhaps you could elect the experts on each subject. Try to get Bruce Carpenter, Wayne Willis, Carson Mullins, Gary Price, Doc Butler and Marlon Sams to run. And who is the one commissioner that stands up for kids? Are you back on your Joe Shelton BS again?
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Shelton can see past the trees and the forest, and knows what it'll be like on the other side. The rest are just there cause they have nothing else to do.
I have seen the mountaintop.
Oh wait ... that quote was someody else.
You are not doing Shelton any favors by posting your BS.
I'm a Dolphins fan, a UK fan, a Reds fan, and a Tony Stewart fan. I'm a Redhounds fan, and a Republician that is voting Democrat. I'm a Vetran, and go to church (not as often as I need to I'm sure) and worship in my own way. I'm for Sunday alcohol sales (ironic I put that after the going to church part, isn't it), and I'm for voting for casinos.
As a fan of all those above, I should be able to tout my desire for all those teams and such to do well, and not worry about others slamming me just because I pull for a certain team, group, person, cause, etc.
All that said, if I want to use this forum to brag on what I consider to be a good commissioner, and a good person, then what's the problem. I'm not saying all the others aren't as good, I just think one is really good. I know all the commissioners and the mayor personally, and I agree with the other poster that Shelton is an excellent commissioner. Is there a problem with that?
So, if you like another commissioner better, then by all means, blow your own horn. Maybe, just maybe, if some of you out there will tell the rest of us what the good points of your person is, then maybe we'll all know it and also begin to support them as well. Like I said, I know them all, but I don't know as much about their stands and causes, so tell me what they are.
Don't get mad at me for supporting what I believe in. Tell me more information about others so I can support them too.
I doubt that anybody got mad but the same poster that praises Joe Shelton is the one that bashes Phil Gregory and Bruce Farris. I don't know about Dennis Lynch. He gets jabbed every now and then but it doesn't appear to be from the same poster.
It is well known that Gregory and Farris are conservative and have a great deal to do with Corbin being in a sound financial condition as opposed to being in a deficit as the city was just a few years ago.
Most likely the criticism is coming from someone who had a plan scuttled recently and may be trying to blame Gregory and Farris for it.
In fact that is the word around town about the message board bashing. Just some people that didn't get their way and they are trying to hurt Gregory and Farris since it is clear that those two just don't go for anything out there unless it is a sound idea.
Some will say yes to just about anything. I am glad that we have elected officials that will look after the public money. There will always be people that want to take our tax money and paint the town red.
Please correct this if it's wrong. The year the occupational tax was passed, was the year that it came out the city was in dire financial problems. I believe it was reported, our surplus funds were gone, due to the city leaders using them to pay the increases in our various insurance premiums for city employees health insurance, increases in fees the city had to pay, and some new equipment we had to buy to maintain fire ratings. This came out that year that whitley passed their tax, and we were going to, but they spread the wealth. This came right after Knox county refused to share their corbin end taxes with us.
I believe Gregory was a commissioner prior to this, was he not. If not, excuse this post. If so, he helped contribute to the problem by not addressing it, and not telling the people about it. Mayor Miller and WIlliamson was a part of this problem, as well as Bill Ed Cannon. The people didn't know about this. The papers didn't report it. In fact, until David O. Smith began writing his letters to the editor in both papers, hardly any of the people knew of the problems of the city and county. Also, this all happened on Alan Onkst's watch, as well as Ed Tye. They both went out when Farris and Shelton and Lynch was elected. Is that correct.
Now that's what I recall and have been told.
If that's wrong, please correct it, and I'll apologize.
The only people that complain about "bashing" coming from this board are the ones that are now being questioned about certain things from the past. Like the $25K nibroc donations, and the city finances before the occu. tax was put in. Also why we're not getting any tax money from knox county, and the CSX annexation fiasco, as it appears someone was lied to, and it appears also the city lied.
When Shelton and Farris got elected it was those two verses Miller, Gregory and Onkst, known then as the Three Amigos. It sounds like you are saying it is time for Gregory to go.
When Shelton and Farris got elected it was those two verses Miller, Gregory and Onkst, known then as the Three Amigos. It sounds like you are saying it is time for Gregory to go.
Why did Corbin get its finances improved? Occupational taxes, restaurant taxes, and increased business license taxes. The people of the area bailed Corbin out of its problems by having to pay more and more of their money to overcome poor management. The same is true in Knox County and Whitley County. If Corbin would go after its rightful share of Knox County's Occupational taxes Corbin could cut its business license taxes and insurance taxes.