Maybe London will go ahead an Annex us now also????????????? Maybe Estep can also Lobby to have Dantley drive Annexed into London to. It's only a few Hundred yards across the bridge to Laurel County.
The Mayor & City Commision should move to disolve the Tourism Board immiediatley and enact Emergency Powers to take this Board over.
I don't know what all the fuss is about hiring a london person. We already have a london paper, whats the difference. Everyday you open up the daily it is full of london stuff. tell me the difference.
The Mayor & City Commision should move to disolve the Tourism Board immiediatley and enact Emergency Powers to take this Board over.
Here's an idea. How about going to the next city commission meeting and suggesting this. I think you would probably be laughed out of the room for such a stupid idea.
The Mayor & City Commision should move to disolve the Tourism Board immiediatley and enact Emergency Powers to take this Board over.
Here's an idea. How about going to the next city commission meeting and suggesting this. I think you would probably be laughed out of the room for such a stupid idea. Most people in Corbin would rejoice with celebration and laughter if only Suzie Rasmus was left on the Tourism Commission. And people in town would like to see the city commission get some guts and backbone.
Yes, the people in London ae laughing, and Don, Bruce, and Tipton are to, sitting back in their chairs smoking their cigars, feet on the desk, and mapping out their plans for the next tourism cash donation to nibroc which won't have to be accounted for. Now that Tipton is in the mix, I wonder what his part will be in this drama.
After reading the article on Terry Forcht and his companies, I wonder if the London firm Estep hired is a holding of Forcht's, or a sub-company of one of Forchts. How would you check that.
The article said, when he starts a business, and finds that he has to depend on an outside entity for some service or item, he simply buys a company that can supply it so he can literally be the customer and the store at the same time.
Anonymous wrote:Yes, the people in London ae laughing, and Don, Bruce, and Tipton are to, sitting back in their chairs smoking their cigars, feet on the desk, and mapping out their plans for the next tourism cash donation to nibroc which won't have to be accounted for. Now that Tipton is in the mix, I wonder what his part will be in this drama.
After reading the article on Terry Forcht and his companies, I wonder if the London firm Estep hired is a holding of Forcht's, or a sub-company of one of Forchts. How would you check that.
The article said, when he starts a business, and finds that he has to depend on an outside entity for some service or item, he simply buys a company that can supply it so he can literally be the customer and the store at the same time. Those are good questions. I have never seen such a mess. Thank goodness Suzie is here and has the nerve to express her opinions. I have talked to a good number of people who previously told me they believed it would be in their best interests to be annexed into the city of Corbin. Now they don't want to be in the city. There is nobody who will stand up to a few power bosses who will runover anyone who doesn't agree with them.
Corbin sits on the edge of greatness but some people want to hold it back.
I read on another thread here about a Tourism Expo, held for tourism people each year by the state. And Corbin has never been. But this year Ms. Meyers is going.
I can't believe our people have never been. I guess Estep and Co. feel they know all they need to know about tourism. Thank goodness he goes out in february.
Who takes over for him then. Do we get a fresh new face in there. As long as it isn't Tipton we'll be fine.
I read on another thread here about a Tourism Expo, held for tourism people each year by the state. And Corbin has never been. But this year Ms. Meyers is going.
I can't believe our people have never been. I guess Estep and Co. feel they know all they need to know about tourism. Thank goodness he goes out in february.
Who takes over for him then. Do we get a fresh new face in there. As long as it isn't Tipton we'll be fine.
The new tourism website has been born and outgoing Chairman declared it to be outstanding. It only took nearly 4.5 months to bring this baby to life. It is fitting that when the new website comes out the old chairman goes out. And he has no idea in how the money he approves is being spent.
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CORBIN, KENTUCKY -> Corbin Tourism -> Corbin Tourism Comm. hires London Firm for Corbin Tourism. Will Estep now fund the Chicken Festival?