Every time a company moves out of Corbin or closes in Corbin the Chamber of Commerce members and leaders should be concerned. They should ask Why? Why? What was done to try to keep it from happening?
Darn it, you are right! And it's not just Vangent either. They should be searching their sould anytime ANY business closes or leaves.
Why didn't they ask questions when Joy gas station closed? Why didn't the mayor or commission do something when Hunan went out of business? Why oh why couldn't Carpenter offer incentives to the Gaming Castle to keep them here? If we lose the pet store that's there now, that is tax money the city won't get and workers who won't be able to put food on the table.
The economic development director needs to get off his lazy butt and start offering incentives to places like Johnny's Mighty Muffler, Hardees and the downtown dry cleaners. I'm sick of this "it's no big deal" attitude. The B team needs to go.
Now hold up there just a sec poster! I don't think it is fair to blame Carpenter for Hunan and Joy gas station. Those went out of business before he took over.
I agree with you that any business that says they are leaving or may close should get some kind of city incentives.
You have a good point but I think any person in a leadership role should take responsibility and give an explanation for adverse things that happened under their watch. I don't know if Carpenter was the guy who let Hunans go maybe it was the director before him but it certainly showed a lack of control in that area. The Hunan building sat empty for a few years and it even had widespread effects on the surrounding community. Whitley and Knox has subsequently had to hire an animal control officer at additional expense to the taxpayers.
Did the chamber just write a check to Bruce for $10k, for the trailers, and they'll let him just show up with them with no receipt, like he does for nibroc.
Will they demand an invoice.
Will he get bids on these trailers.
Estep and Tipton just gives him a blank check for nibroc, will the Chamber do the same.
It'll be interesting to see what we get for $10k, and how he accounts for the money. I wouldn't have thought Tom Blair would have went for that.
Did the chamber just write a check to Bruce for $10k, for the trailers, and they'll let him just show up with them with no receipt, like he does for nibroc.
Will they demand an invoice.
Will he get bids on these trailers.
Estep and Tipton just gives him a blank check for nibroc, will the Chamber do the same.
It'll be interesting to see what we get for $10k, and how he accounts for the money. I wouldn't have thought Tom Blair would have went for that.
The best thing to do would be to go to the next chamber meeting and ask them all of these questions in person. Of course, you have to be a chamber member first and I doubt you are. If you are, then you must have guts enough to stand up and ask your questions, which I'm pretty sure you lack.
Did the chamber just write a check to Bruce for $10k, for the trailers, and they'll let him just show up with them with no receipt, like he does for nibroc.
Will they demand an invoice.
Will he get bids on these trailers.
Estep and Tipton just gives him a blank check for nibroc, will the Chamber do the same.
It'll be interesting to see what we get for $10k, and how he accounts for the money. I wouldn't have thought Tom Blair would have went for that.
The best thing to do would be to go to the next chamber meeting and ask them all of these questions in person. Of course, you have to be a chamber member first and I doubt you are. If you are, then you must have guts enough to stand up and ask your questions, which I'm pretty sure you lack.
And of course you again feel that we should serve the chamber members and they should not serve us. You have to be one of the status quo city leader or committee members to give such an arrogant comment. That's the way Estep and all those around him think, that we owe them for doing their job, when actually they owe us for letting them do what they do.
Last poster is right on the money. Times are changing and everything that you do is Public now, no more spending 10K on trailers and all the other boneheaded moves these guys have made!!
If these guys are going to spend and act like it's 1970 then this time around the Tax Payers will know it. If you don't like the public spotlight and can not speak and account for yourself clearly, then you may want to look for another line of work.
And of course you again feel that we should serve the chamber members and they should not serve us. You have to be one of the status quo city leader or committee members to give such an arrogant comment. That's the way Estep and all those around him think, that we owe them for doing their job, when actually they owe us for letting them do what they do.
So basically you are saying that you are not brave enough to go to a meeting and ask your questions. I bet you are not even a chamber member.
And of course you again feel that we should serve the chamber members and they should not serve us. You have to be one of the status quo city leader or committee members to give such an arrogant comment. That's the way Estep and all those around him think, that we owe them for doing their job, when actually they owe us for letting them do what they do.
So basically you are saying that you are not brave enough to go to a meeting and ask your questions. I bet you are not even a chamber member.
It doesn't matter, brave or not, member or not, go to the meeting or not. I don't have to. I have this forum to voice my opinions and ask my questions. That's why the status quo group of the mayor and commission and city management employees, the committee chairpersons and their members, hate this board so much. We, the board posters, throw questions out that has never been asked before. And believe me, people read these questions and ask these people. I know that for a fact, and they have no answer. Particularly on the knox county occupational tax issue.
If we'd had this board up and running like it is now, ol' mayor Miller would have had a hard time too, along with that entire group of commissioners.
It doesn't matter, brave or not, member or not, go to the meeting or not. I don't have to. I have this forum to voice my opinions and ask my questions.
If you cannot understand that the chamber won't be posting what you want on this forum, then I question whether you have a brain or not.
It is a private organization that only serves its members, not unpleasant blowhards like you who probably have never paid a cent to the organization. If you lack the guts to go ask for the info in person then you aren't going to get it, plain and simple.
It doesn't matter, brave or not, member or not, go to the meeting or not. I don't have to. I have this forum to voice my opinions and ask my questions. If you cannot understand that the chamber won't be posting what you want on this forum, then I question whether you have a brain or not.
It is a private organization that only serves its members, not unpleasant blowhards like you who probably have never paid a cent to the organization. If you lack the guts to go ask for the info in person then you aren't going to get it, plain and simple. For someone who does not like this message board you seem to use it very much. We may not agree with you but its good to see you use this method of expressing free speech. Those of us who like this message board also like to have freedom of speech.
It doesn't matter, brave or not, member or not, go to the meeting or not. I don't have to. I have this forum to voice my opinions and ask my questions.
If you cannot understand that the chamber won't be posting what you want on this forum, then I question whether you have a brain or not.
It is a private organization that only serves its members, not unpleasant blowhards like you who probably have never paid a cent to the organization. If you lack the guts to go ask for the info in person then you aren't going to get it, plain and simple.
Oh, it'll come out. Regardless of what you think, the chamber membership isn't some secrete orgaization, it's talked about openly. And when customers of these business's start asking them questions, they'll answer them. The above quotes sound like Estep's arrogant responses to criticism's about him and his committee.
What will come out? Is there some kind of big secret?
I'm a chamber member and talk to chamber members regularly. The only complaints I've seen are on this board by people who aren't even members.
This website has made Estep and carpenter more popular than the Beatles!!!!
They could get Elected to any office in the City Because of this dumb Website.
You must be living in a cave. Popular is not the proper adjective to use to describe them. Is this a dumb website? It has really gotten your attention. Two or three of you love to cry about this website, but this website is only a resource for all of us to give our opinion. That is what America is all about.
Get out and talk with the people of this area and don't just hang out in a bar and listen to a couple of grump cronies.
Anonymous wrote:Do you own the website Humility? No. Did you sell the trailers to the Chamber? I've heard two major companies will come to our area because we have the trailers.
Thanks Humility for supporting the chamber. I have not heard that before but I have heard that many businesses will join the chamber because of the trailers. If the trailers bring new business to Corbin that can only be a plus. Thanks again!
Its Christmas! Why not give the digging a brake for a while. Remember "What would Jesus do or say" in this type of situation. If you are a true believer of Jesus Christ you would not be acting this way. You are a sinner. Its just like the man who lust over the women in his mind. Hey its still adultry. This applies to all threads. I wish I could post is on every single one of them.l
Anonymous wrote:Do you own the website Humility? No. Did you sell the trailers to the Chamber? I've heard two major companies will come to our area because we have the trailers.
Its Christmas! Why not give the digging a brake for a while. Remember "What would Jesus do or say" in this type of situation. If you are a true believer of Jesus Christ you would not be acting this way. You are a sinner. Its just like the man who lust over the women in his mind. Hey its still adultry. This applies to all threads. I wish I could post is on every single one of them.l
Have a wonderful and merry Christmas to all.
the post above must have missed reading this. verygood post! yes a sin is a sin
It doesn't matter if you take one piece of gum or the entire package, its still stealing.
If you talk bad about your neighbor! What? Yes its still a sin!
Anonymous wrote: I've heard two major companies will come to our area because we have the trailers.
That's awesome! I don't think the Chamber of Commerce intended for it to be an industrial recruitment tool, but if it's had this kind of effect it truly is a good decision on their part. Maybe some people ont this board will get off the Chamber's back now because of this good news. Thanks for telling us about this.
My guess is that he would ask why we are buying trailers when we could feed the poor with the 10K, probably the last thing on his list for chamber money would be to buy a few trailers?
I'm pretty sure he would NOT advise us to purchase trailers for the chamber.
Come on folks, this was about a silly move. We have stubbed our toes dozens of times down through the years, made many mistakes that we have learned from but this one has to rank up there in the top five!!!!!!!!!!
Let's take these trailers back to the provider, try and get our money back and start over agian. It's not to late to do correct a bad call!!!!
My guess is that he would ask why we are buying trailers when we could feed the poor with the 10K, probably the last thing on his list for chamber money would be to buy a few trailers?
I'm pretty sure he would NOT advise us to purchase trailers for the chamber.
Come on folks, this was about a silly move. We have stubbed our toes dozens of times down through the years, made many mistakes that we have learned from but this one has to rank up there in the top five!!!!!!!!!!
Let's take these trailers back to the provider, try and get our money back and start over agian. It's not to late to do correct a bad call!!!!
For all we know the chamber has not purchased the trailer. I think some people are just looking at anything they can to dig at Bruce and Co. Their are some pretty respected members on the chamber who voted to get the trailer. Lets see Bill Hanson, Tom Blair, David Keck, Joe House, Lynn Tipton, Jeanne Hensley, Christy Babb. Maybe we haven't heard what the real reason for the trailers is.
My guess is that he would ask why we are buying trailers when we could feed the poor with the 10K, probably the last thing on his list for chamber money would be to buy a few trailers?
I'm pretty sure he would NOT advise us to purchase trailers for the chamber.
Come on folks, this was about a silly move. We have stubbed our toes dozens of times down through the years, made many mistakes that we have learned from but this one has to rank up there in the top five!!!!!!!!!!
Let's take these trailers back to the provider, try and get our money back and start over agian. It's not to late to do correct a bad call!!!!
For all we know the chamber has not purchased the trailer. I think some people are just looking at anything they can to dig at Bruce and Co. Their are some pretty respected members on the chamber who voted to get the trailer. Lets see Bill Hanson, Tom Blair, David Keck, Joe House, Lynn Tipton, Jeanne Hensley, Christy Babb. Maybe we haven't heard what the real reason for the trailers is.
Hey, I don't care who these people on the board are because they are supposed to represent me, a business owner and member, and they're not, and in my opinion, as a chamber business member, they screwed up big time, and I've let them know it.
I would rather have them give the 10k to the Lions Club Christmas Basket Drive or the empty stocking fund, not to Bruce Carpenter.
I understand it as being an event trailer and a trailer to haul stuff. I guess they can continue renting these instead of purchasing and having them available for members to use as well. the cost of renting over a period of time is unreal. What is the point! Just because you hate Bruce or some of is members. That not reason enough. Ok I will relay the message, give Lions Club 5 and give Stocking Fund 5 thousand and you will be happy. HUH!