So, again, our tax bills are late. No deductions on this years tax forms. So, those waiting for that extra 5-8k tax decuction on your itemized 1040, call up Bill Ed Cannon and Mayor McBurney, and let them know what a good job they're doing.
Bill Ed said it's a software problem I believe, well fine, did they wait till december 1st to check it out and see.
I expressed my total dissatisfaction to them today. Not to the employees, as they can only do what they are allowed to do with what they have. But I blasted our leaders today. And they deserved it.
Forward thinkers, I think not.
All the city citizens, send them a thank you card when your itemizations come up short.
Another good point. If some folks use the tax software you can buy and do it yourself, and you go ahead and use the tax deduction for the 07 taxes, knowing you shouldn't, and you get audited or something and end up paying a big penalty and interest, send the bill to "care of corbin elected officials".
So, again, our tax bills are late. No deductions on this years tax forms. So, those waiting for that extra 5-8k tax decuction on your itemized 1040, call up Bill Ed Cannon and Mayor McBurney, and let them know what a good job they're doing.
The city manager needs to do some serious butt kicking in the city collectors office. There is no reason why the city collector should not have been on top of the property tax bill problem. If this butt kicking does not happen then the city leaders need to do some serious butt kicking in the city managers office.
The two in the city collectors office should have been the ones on top of it.
The city manager too maybe. Call the mayor and commissioners.
Maybe some butts will be kicked and some heads will roll.
ALL city employees report directly to the city manager. He manages the city. He is responsible. The buck stops with him. If he don't have enough sense to check on important things like this, he needs to go. Don't blame this on staff, that's why we have management, and in this case, one member of management.
If a head rolls, it should be his.
And to go a step further, the commission and mayor needs their eyes opened as well. This will be a good campaign issue for a new candidate.
Time to clean house. Bill Ed is a huge problem for the city. The baggage of lies and misrepresentations he carries along with his inept abilities as a leader makes this as good a time for change as any. The tax bills represent small potatoes to the irrepairable damage he has done. Its time for one of our outstanding commissioners to make a motion for immediate dismissal of the current city manager. If they dont see this as the last straw, then its time for a change in commissioners as well.
This is totally unacceptable, for a city to wait until the last minute to find there's a problem with something like this.
Some disciplinary action needs taken, on whomever is responsible.
For many, the tax deduction on property taxes is a big part of them itemizing for their refunds. The city manager don't have to worry because he lives outside the city limits, and it won't affect him.
This is a total communications breakdown within the city hall administration.
Tax time is upon us now, and I'd say within the next couple of weeks as many begin preparing their taxes, they'll begin to see how much the tax bill issue will effect their refunds. For those using those Tax Cut home prep programs, they'll see very quickly how it effects them, as you can plug in numbers and watch your refund amounts change.
Since the value of housing has gone down and many home mortages have been defaulted I would think the value for property taxes should have gone down 5 to 10% for this past year's taxes. Maybe the tax cut we will get is why this is taking so long? But it sure seems that one major thing the City Manager and tax office should have as a high priority is sending out the tax bills and collecting the taxes.
They won't try to get Corbin's rightful share of the occupational taxes from Corbin that end up in Knox County and Barbourville, and they fail to get out the tax notices. Wow!
While the city has been blaming new software for the late tax bills, I saw the News Journal story yesterday and London, Barbourville and Williamsburg use the same new software, but had their tax bills out 3 months ago. The Mayor says heads will roll if it happens again. If it happens again?
I remember hearing him talk about cleaning house before he ran, and its been a year now and nothing has changed.
Come on mayor. Its time to replace talk with action.
This is interesting, having a problem with software is not the issue. Not knowing this issue was a show stopper 3 Months ago and trying our system out to probe how anything new would work is the issue.
Any new operating system should be tested, double checked and fail safed long before the tax bills would even go out.
Our city has great potential, some of the best minds and talent in the world is at our fingertips, now is the time to tap the folks who can deliver results and make this a great area to live and raise our families.
Jack Welch, one of the top CEO's in the world told me the ability to surround ourselves with folks who have skills we may not have is the key to building a super team that can deliver great results, this does require humility and and good leadership skills.
The sky is the limit in our area, the talent is there, the time is now for our area to sieze the moment and expand, improve and take our greta city to the next level.
You're right WM, we can do it. But aparently NOT with this mayor and commissioner board we have right now. For them to let this tax bill issue happen, again, is almost enough to ask them to resign. The one that should go, and right now, is the city manager. This is HIS fault, it happened on HIS watch, and it's HIS responsibility. HE is management, HE is a paid, everyday employee of the city, and is over ALL the city operations.
I remember the "clearing house" comment by the mayor, and it just hasn't happened. Same goes for our committees and their chairpersons.
I spoke with three citizens of corbin today about this issue, and they all agreed, it's the city manager who is the problem here. He dropped the ball, and is looking for excuses for what to blame it on.
Wonder how many times the mayor will let this happen before he does something about it?
Still no tax bills. We should find a way to penalize the city manager and mayor they way they would penalize us for not paying on time. Maybe they shouldn't take a paycheck until the tax bills are out. Divide their salaries by a daily rate, and we take off that amount until they're in the mail. That will get their attention.
It should be a great embarassment for the city leaders and management to have this happen. And as it stated in the article in the paper, they have no idea when they'll get them out.
The city manager and the mayor and commissioners should not be paid until they are mailed out. I know that's illegal, but, it's a good thought in my opinion.
This falls squarely on the city managers shoulders, and no one else. You get what you pay for in my opinion.