No Question of a Great Job this year by the Tri-County Sports Authority, weaveing in the 7th & 8th Grade under this Leadership would also be the right move.
Great Job Folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To this poster:
I am thrilled to hear that this program has had success this year. There is nothing as rewarding as working with these kids. I have to say to this poster though that you have no idea what you are talking about when you are talking about "weaving" in the 7th and 8th grade program. Just because they have had some success with little leaguers does not qualify this group to take over what is already a very well run program. Brent Jackson puts his heart into every aspect of his job as the head coach of this program and he does an outstanding job. He sacrifices many things to be there for these kids and all because he loves the kids and the game. And I just have to add that if it had not been for Brent Jackson and Gregg Foley for the last several years, the Tri-Co Sports Authority would have had to start from scratch and I can't help but wonder, having been there about 12 or 13 years ago when the little league program was revived under the recreation dept, whether they would have been as successful without the ground work that was already laid by Brent and Gregg. I am not trying to take away from these individuals, because it is time consuming and hard work to run a program like this, but I have to tell you that I have seen Brent Jackson work like a dog for several years to try to keep it going. He would be the first one there and the last to leave. After all the parents and coaches were gone, it was always Brent there picking up garbage, making sure all was left in order. He was there to hand out equipment and pick it up. Most of you have no idea the obstacles that he came up against all while trying to keep the program going for the kids. Don't dog Brent now by saying his program should be "weaved" in. 7th and 8th grade is successful due to the hard work and dedication this man has to this program. Check out their records, they do just fine. Why don't you just support what appears to be a great start to a successful little league program and quit throwing jibes at the others.
The Tri-County Sports Authority has done a Great Job!!!! Sounds like Sandy may be a little jealous of their accomplishments???
The Corbin Program from Little League to High School was winning State Championships long before the folks that Sandy mentioned were even a twinkle in Daddy's eye's. Many hard working people like Amos Miller and Ed White were coaching and grooming great future teams many years before any of the current folks involved were around.
Be careful giving your own family tooooooo much credit, we had a program long before they showed up.
As a coach and sponsor in the TCSA, I am proud to be a part of this program. As far as bringing in the 7th and 8th grade, I agree with Sandy that Brent and Greg have done a tremendous job with that level. I dont think bringing in that program is as important as the little league teaching our kids the fundamentals for the upper programs. The TCSA will serve as a breeding and training ground for our middle and high school athletics, and provide each with a stronger base to draw from. No need to fix what isnt broken, but rather develop more disciplened players for our jv and high school teams. I know for a fact, Coach Jewell is behind the TCSA, and is excited at the prospect of what will become the future in Corbin Athletics.
Nice summary, a great job by the sports authority this year. The issue here is losing the Kids at the 8th Grade & Freshman Levels. Right now the Varsity program has had a super season but the last two years before this was not so sparkling. Many of the Athletes that came from our Little League Program over the last ten years have either Quit, Playing Soccer, Playing at other Schools (And just read the Paper) or just plain do not wish to play.
Look at the numbers drop off as you start from 8th Grade on up to the Varsity Program? Maybe that's why we were 6-6 Two years ago and 7-6 last year? Ya think?
This year will hopefully be a great year for the Program, now, you said no need not to fix what is not broken, how did you come to that conclusion? You had a great year at the Sports Authority this year but those kids Pay to Play, right. There actually buying the playing time and your rules say they must play at least 2 Quarters, right?
It takes a little more Recruiting savy when the kids move up, the Kids playing in the Sports Authority are from all over, not just Corbin. many are in the Laurel, Whitley or Knox School districs and are moving on to those programs rather than staying with the corbin program. This has been an issue for many years and should be looked at.
Many before you thought having the Kids in the little League Program Longer gave us the Edge to keep the Kids in the Corbin football System and create relationships and bonds which would give us a chance to keep those kids in the system through high school.
Things do not just revolve around the Tri-County Sports Authority but also includes having future Redhounds at the Varsity Level, with South Laurel, Knox Central, Bell Counties all being MAJOR football powers now we have to be a little more forward thinking.
The Sports Authority has did absolutley great this year but we have much improvement to do in recruiting and retaining these players after Little League.
Sorry AJ but your a little off the mark on this one. Still a great job this year!
That is a good point. With so many kids playing in the TCSA program that live in other school systems it may be a good feeder program but not necessarily for Corbin. I am not saying that this is bad but just that the point should be considered when evaluating the goals of our little league football program.
First of all, Brent Jackson isn't my family. I just happen to think he's a respectable man who deserves to be given credit for the hard work he has done and continues to do today. I told you that I would not take a thing away from the job that has been done through the TCSA. I have nephews that play in the program. I don't have a bad thing to say about it. It takes hard work and dedication to make it work. What I did say was, don't start on Brent Jackson, thinking that the TCSA is ready to "weave" his program in. The 7th and 8th grade needs to be just what it is, school football. Personally, I think 6th grade should be school ball too. and not little league. One poster hit it on the head when they said this program, the TCSA, needs to prepare these children for the next level. All of these programs from the bottom up, need to work together, not against each other. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, no one seems to want to work together, they just want to be praised for what they do and want to bring the other programs down. You will never reach a point where everyone is happy. I am from Laurel County, I know what it is to have a football team that shall we say, doesn't experience success. (I graduated a while ago). Corbin has a rich tradition that it seems many are wanting to tear apart. Take pride in their past accomplishments, understand that there will be hard years. I am not saying there are not problems and issues that may need to be addressed. I don't have enough knowledge and information to judge that or speak about it. Like everyone else, I hear the rumors. It just happens to be my opinion that there are certain individuals who are just bent on dragging everyone down. Coach Miller is a wonderful man and there were several others which I understand were greatly involved in bringing up many through the little league program years ago. I've heard many from this area, men and women, talk about the great times they had growing up playing and cheering in the little league. But why do you have to jump from giving them credit straight to giving the TCSA credit? What about the years in between? There were several difficulties for several years but there were also dedicated individuals who were trying to make it better. I've been around it for at least 14 years. I know the people who tried to make it better and I know most of the obstacles they were up against which prevented them moving forward sometimes. Brent and Gregg happen to be a couple of the ones who were trying to build a successful program for the youth of the community to have to play in. AJ Carr hit it on the nail when he said that this program needs to be a training ground for the next level. All of these adults at each level need to work together to create the pride and tradition that I understand used to exist in Corbin and to make this a lot more about the kids and a little less about theirselves.
My husband, Wendell, just walked in the room as I was finishing the last post and wanted me to add that Amos Miller was and is Corbin Football at it's finest. There's no greater coach or person than Coach Miller. The opinions I state are mine and not Wendell's but he said he does agree that the TCSA is doing a great job and there are great people behind this program. He hopes that they will have continued success and that this will be a great feeder program for the middle school. He has to say though that the poster that commented about the kids quitting in the eighth grade, he's unsure what you meant. Are you saying they are quitting coming out of 8th grade or before? He hasn't seen a loss of the kids going from 7th to 8th so he's unsure what that poster meant. Wendell said back in his days the little league was a great thing for the kids, that was really all they had, and he's glad to see the program building back up to that and more with all the kids around these days. Wendell said he hopes this will encourage the kids to get off the computer and video games and become more active playing sports, whichever sport they chose. Wendell said as for Brent and Gregg, they put everything they have into getting the program up and going and family or not, Brent and Gregg are two of the finest people, both of whom have a great love for the youth of this community, that you will ever meet. It's time for everyone to quit knocking the other, no matter what sport or what problem may exist, the Community needs to come together for the good and future of our youth. Wendell said put your differences aside and quit fighting amongst yourselves and realize that we are all Corbin, not Corbin little league or Corbin Middle or Corbin High, just Corbin.
I agree with you for the most part but many of the kids playing in the program are not Corbin kids and will not be attending Corbin when they reach high school age. As a result, quite often Corbin kids are overlooked and not worked with as they should be. They end up getting bored and find something else to do other than football since life on the little league sideline is not as exciting as life on the little league field.
This is probably true but when you have a successful program with that many children, it is an unfortunate fact that some of your better athletes get overlooked. What's the solution? You don't want to keep out the other counties, it's a pay to play situation, not exclusive to Corbin, it's not possible to play this level at school. How do you solve it?
Amos Miller got the players after they were taught the fundamentals by people like Dave Huff, Jim Lee Crawford, Frank Claybough, and many others. They gave Ed and Amos some well rounded, fundamentally sound, ball players. Ed and Amos just took all the different teams, Falcons, Nuggets, Green Waves, and Wildcats, and molded them into one unit, to learn the one team concept for Archie Powers program.
The guy six posts up was on everybody's back about the Jewels, until they're winning now, and he has an obsession with the kid playing for lynn camp thinking he should be at corbin.
I'm not going to get the football/soccer thing started again, as the kids are the ones that suffer in those arguments.
My husband, Wendell, just walked in the room as I was finishing the last post and wanted me to add that Amos Miller was and is Corbin Football at it's finest. There's no greater coach or person than Coach Miller. The opinions I state are mine and not Wendell's but he said he does agree that the TCSA is doing a great job and there are great people behind this program. He hopes that they will have continued success and that this will be a great feeder program for the middle school. He has to say though that the poster that commented about the kids quitting in the eighth grade, he's unsure what you meant. Are you saying they are quitting coming out of 8th grade or before? He hasn't seen a loss of the kids going from 7th to 8th so he's unsure what that poster meant. Wendell said back in his days the little league was a great thing for the kids, that was really all they had, and he's glad to see the program building back up to that and more with all the kids around these days. Wendell said he hopes this will encourage the kids to get off the computer and video games and become more active playing sports, whichever sport they chose. Wendell said as for Brent and Gregg, they put everything they have into getting the program up and going and family or not, Brent and Gregg are two of the finest people, both of whom have a great love for the youth of this community, that you will ever meet. It's time for everyone to quit knocking the other, no matter what sport or what problem may exist, the Community needs to come together for the good and future of our youth. Wendell said put your differences aside and quit fighting amongst yourselves and realize that we are all Corbin, not Corbin little league or Corbin Middle or Corbin High, just Corbin.
In the last several years there has been a number of players who have quit after the seventh and eighth grades. A lot of them were not treated right and decided to play other sports instead. It was always a whos who got to play. It still is that way. Some things will never change. The coaches also don't realize who will stick it out. Most of the time it is not the kids who get the chance but the one sitting on the bench who should have been given at least a chance. Winning and losing in the middle school and rec league doesn't mean anything. Wow they won a championship in the middle school. Does that get you in the hall of fame. They should be working on developing all kids to develop for the reason you don't know who will stick it out.
You don't think a championship at any level is an accomplishment? That means that at that particular level, you're the best. I've been taught and teach my children to strive to be the best you can be at anything you undertake. Champion?, doesn't really get any better than that. I'm gonna leave myself open here, since it seems to offend people that I take up for my family, but I would bet any one of you that 9 out of 10 kids who play for my husband, have nothing but respect and appreciation for him after they leave his team. They might not like him a whole lot during the season but I' ve seen with my own eyes how these kids respond to him after the game and season is over. I won't do it on this board but I could name you any number of kids that have, in some form or fashion, expressed to Wendell, their appreciation after graduation, telling him how much he had influenced them and what he meant to them. If the kids chose to leave the sport after middle school, it's the coaches fault? I don't think so. I had a daughter that played soccer four years at Corbin. She didn't play a lot, but she loved being there and being a part of that team. Was she given equal opportunity? I don't know. The parent in me would probably say no but that's because I am the parent, I wasn't the coach. I wasn't qualified to make the call of who should play just because I sat in the stand and watched the game. She stuck it out for the love of the game. Maybe the kids that quit after middle school just don't love the game, or maybe they don't love the rules or maybe they like another sport better. That doesn't mean the coaches have done anything to "run" them off. I tell you what, I've been told that Coach Jackson or Coach Foley are willing to talk to anyone of you who have a problem with them. Come see them anytime and tell them your opinion. Don't hide behind this board as a no name throwing shots at them. You will not find a better coaching staff, men that are there for the right reason, than what you find at the middle school.
Sandy, why don't you encourage your friends and other parents to post on this board. They can do it anonymously, or with a user name (not their real name), or even their real name. Ask them to put their 2 cents worth in here. We need that, this board needs that.
The more people that post and discuss things here, the more well rounded our community will be. Corbin is not the Mayberry everyone thinks it is. You've seen that yourself lately.
Nice summary, a great job by the sports authority this year. The issue here is losing the Kids at the 8th Grade & Freshman Levels. Right now the Varsity program has had a super season but the last two years before this was not so sparkling. Many of the Athletes that came from our Little League Program over the last ten years have either Quit, Playing Soccer, Playing at other Schools (And just read the Paper) or just plain do not wish to play.
Look at the numbers drop off as you start from 8th Grade on up to the Varsity Program? Maybe that's why we were 6-6 Two years ago and 7-6 last year? Ya think?
This year will hopefully be a great year for the Program, now, you said no need not to fix what is not broken, how did you come to that conclusion? You had a great year at the Sports Authority this year but those kids Pay to Play, right. There actually buying the playing time and your rules say they must play at least 2 Quarters, right?
It takes a little more Recruiting savy when the kids move up, the Kids playing in the Sports Authority are from all over, not just Corbin. many are in the Laurel, Whitley or Knox School districs and are moving on to those programs rather than staying with the corbin program. This has been an issue for many years and should be looked at.
Many before you thought having the Kids in the little League Program Longer gave us the Edge to keep the Kids in the Corbin football System and create relationships and bonds which would give us a chance to keep those kids in the system through high school.
Things do not just revolve around the Tri-County Sports Authority but also includes having future Redhounds at the Varsity Level, with South Laurel, Knox Central, Bell Counties all being MAJOR football powers now we have to be a little more forward thinking.
The Sports Authority has did absolutley great this year but we have much improvement to do in recruiting and retaining these players after Little League.
Sorry AJ but your a little off the mark on this one. Still a great job this year!
I appreciate your post and obvious passion for Corbin Football, and I will be the first to say, Ive been off the mark before.
I will respond, however, to your comments on keeping this kids in the Corbin System, Pay to Play issue, and my conclusion as to not fix what isnt broken.
1. The majority of kids playing in the TCSA are enrolled in the Corbin School System. I know this due to my position in this organization, and a phone call to one of the board of directors who knows the rosters.
2. Yes, its true there was a fee for players to play in this league. Yes, they must play 2 quarters each. So now please explain why how this effects or hurts Corbin's chances at retaining players? I'm not sure your angle here? Let me also state, the TCSA provided scholorships from corporate sponsors to families who were unable to pay the registration fee, and they did so in a most respectful way as to not embarass any parent or child.
3. My conclusion to not fix what is not broken... I was referring to the middle school program. I believe Brent has done an excellent job, regardless of record. I believe as the TCSA gains maturity, the middle school league will benefit, as will the high school program.
Again, I appreciate your post. I enjoy reading what others think, even if they disagree with my opinion. Thats the beautiful part of being American. We can agree to disagree without being disagreeable.
I will continue to support the TCSA, both with corporate sponsorship and my own personal time. I believe athletics provide a healthy, positive enviroment for our kids. It doesnt bother me that the TCSA is developing players for other schools.... What does bother me is that we dont provide our kids something more than tv and videogames. If another school benefits from the TCSA, then that school system has been blessed. Your right, the world doesnt revolve around the sports authority... This program and its purpose revolves around the kids.
If you are truly passionate about Corbin Athletics like I am, get involved and help us out.
AJ, the most important part of this is don't let the critics get to you. If you do the best you can for these kids and can lay down at night knowing that you are there for the right reasons, then you have managed to accomplish something worthwhile. The kids should be everyone's bottom line here. If you are not in it for the kids you are there for the wrong reason. At the level of TCSA, you have to be give equal playing time to each child due to the fact that you have to charge the fee to play. The money has to be generated to cover your overhead. As long as the money goes straight back to the kids, which it does, then the cost shouldn't matter. The scholarships have always been available, and this is a great testimony to the fact that it's not about raising money but about giving the kids the chance to play. Keep up the good work. I am sure the coaches at the next levels are looking forward to getting kids out of your program who are educated about the fundamentals of the game and ready to move on to a higher level of competition. If everyone will take the positive attitude you seem to have and start supporting ALL levels of this game, I believe Corbin's tradition of great football can be restored and what's more important, these kids will start to reap the benefits.
I certainly will try and clarify my points a little more:
1. You said a Majority is enrolled in the Corbin School System, is it 90% or 51%? I know the people on the teams also and can name you at Least a Dozen that are not enrolled in the Corbin School System. I also have seen your rosters and 75% do not even live in the city limits, that's perfectly ok but your figures are off my friend and you know it. The population of Corbin is only about 7500, run a Quick Google Search of the address's provided and my point will be made. Nice try and using the word Majority.
2. My point I was trying to get across to you is the TCSA and the Little League Program before you arrived had similar rules, the parents who drove many miles in so the Kids could practice, play the games sometimes drove many many miles and made great sacrifice for their child to play, I also agrred with the two Qtr rule as we had that 25 years ago also. But the point I am attempting to make to you is these kids face a different game after Little League and we darn well know the numbers drop off, count the number of 8th Graders playing today Vs the number in Little League two years ago, it's about a 30%-40% drop off. My angle is paying to play is great but does not work at the 7th & 8th Grade levels under the Current system. Now, many of these kids do go to Laurel County, Whitley County & Knox Central after Little League, I also can show you the same Rosters of some of these teams (Players) that came out of our program. It's fine that they play somewhere else but in the end we would like to have as many numbers as possible in our feeder system as Corbin is still only a AA School and the Loss of just 4-5 Key Lineman, Backs, Etc can change a great season to a 6-6 Season, like two years ago and 7-6 last year.
3. I don't get your point here, no one said Brent has not done a good job coaching, he's a great guy and works super hard. This is Strategic Recruiting Issue that we saw coming down the Pipe about 15 Years and we have still not got our arms around the solution, as the County schools expanded our Influence at Holding several players begin to decrease, especially with South Laurel and Knox Central, the Whitley & Oak Grove system is now pulling kids in who used to play here.
My overall point is to try and keep the kids in something like Little League a few more years to develop more of a Bond for the Program and the longer a Kid stays with us the more attached to the system they hopefull become, that's my point and this issue was disscussed 20 Years ago when we saw the County School Systems begin to build ne facilities and expand.
This is not personal but a strategic point in recruiting, all of the great coaches in the world will not help a small AA School surrounded by massive AAAA=AAAAA Teams if we do not have a plan to hold and keep the kids we invest in. I'll say again, super job the Sports Authority and your time investment.
Corbin High School is full of kids that were discouraged in their little leage and middle schools years by the many coaches who were too interested in racking up wins. These coaches seem to lack the ability of looking over the players and figuring out the Corbin kids that need to be worked with. Instead they want to go with the kid from Artemus, or Girdler or Hawk Creek because they are strong or fast or a hold back. These kids rarely show up in the Redhound locker room because they go to school somewhere else. By that time the Corbin kids that stood on the little league sideline and watched them play have discovered soccer or something else. Plus it is an age old story in Corbin ... a little league coach who just happens to have a kid that is all star material.
Corbin High School is full of kids that were discouraged in their little leage and middle schools years by the many coaches who were too interested in racking up wins. These coaches seem to lack the ability of looking over the players and figuring out the Corbin kids that need to be worked with. Instead they want to go with the kid from Artemus, or Girdler or Hawk Creek because they are strong or fast or a hold back. These kids rarely show up in the Redhound locker room because they go to school somewhere else. By that time the Corbin kids that stood on the little league sideline and watched them play have discovered soccer or something else. Plus it is an age old story in Corbin ... a little league coach who just happens to have a kid that is all star material.
The football team next year will be very thin on lineman unless the coaches or players can talk a few of the players who gave up the game during or after middle school to come back out. The junior class is loaded with athletes who do not play football for one reason or another and I'm afraid that will be reflected on the field next year.
The middle school coaches do an excellent job. Everyone expects them to win and they want to win which results in most of the best players playing on both sides of the ball which results in only 14-15 kids(several are usually holdbacks out of this group) getting much playing time. When you factor in that some of these more advanced players deciding to concentrate on another sport in high school(usually basketball)the potential number of high school football players usually drop to 10-12 kids in the freshman class.
Most of the kids who rarely play are not going to go on to play at the high school level. It's a tricky situation, especially when you figure in some kids are older or more mature at this grade and are bigger and stronger than a kid who might have a much larger upside as a player for the future.
I think it would be fair to say there is no exact science to keeping kids in the Corbin System. Regardless of how any program is setup, or where a child lives, it still comes down to whether or not a child will decide to play at the next level. I realize not every child will become a redhound, much less a football player. Rather than be focused on restructuring the 7th and 8th grade program, I would rather be focused on what we do have right now, and how we can influence a childs young mind into being a purpose driven individual. I love Corbin Athletics as a whole, and would hope everything we are doing right now will have a positive effect on these programs, but the most important thing is that we remember what the real benefit of children being involved in Athletics is. I coach 14 kids presently, and have watched them progress from individuals to a team. I love everyone of them like they were my own, and to be quite honest, I wish the season was not ending. We have made it to the Super Bowl, and the only way that happened is our kids played with their heart! They have accomplished a goal together. Teamwork is more than just a statement, its an initiative. The TCSA has provided a young group of kids the opportunity to learn life lesson #1... work together to achieve a common goal. I hope the Redhound Athletic program benefits from the TCSA, but more importantly I hope our community and region benefits more. The ultimate goal we should be working towards is leaving this town better than we found it.
I respect your opinions and comments, and appreciate you sharing your ideas.
Once again, thank you for your service and great job this year. I must however disagree with you once again. We as a program tend to focus on the present but should be visioning toward the future, especially if we know and see problems for our high school team on the horizon.
I believe we have to do not just one thing but two as we try and keep pace with our future teams:
1. Continuw the great job your doing presently with the sports authority!
2. Look closely into expanding the (TCSA) Program to Include the 7th & 8th Grade or maybe just the 7th?
There are numerous solutions to this issue but bottom line is still trying to keep the kids in the system and create the bond that will pay dividends down the road. Unfortunatley there is somewhat of a science here and many of whom have come before you learned many lesson's, and many of which were not passed down properly and acted upon.
The city of corbin has not expanded it's Boundries and or annexed in years, we have not built a new school since 1975 while other County Schools have built Multi-Million Dollar Facilities, we are playing Little League games at Lynn Camp because we can not get a field in Corbin for the kids to play on. I can go on and on, but this is only a few of the reasons and challenges that we must overcome if the varsity program is going to be a success.
Many many of us have coached and have had great teams, your excited and proud as you have every right to be, sounds like your kids have did a super job!!!!! You have to look past this success and see how important retaining those very kids that have helped you go to your super bowl, we want to retain as many of those kids as possible next year and on up to the Varsity level!!
My blackberry went off with an email that there was a reply to my post, so I had to check back in and read.
I will make comment on the new facilities and having to play at the old Lynn Camp Field.
First of all, I want to say THANK YOU to the Knox Co. Board of Education for allowing us to play there. If it was not for them, this season could not have happened. TCSA owes a great deal of gratitude to the Board for their genorosity, along with Coach Mitchell.
Second, my business partner Steve Brock has donated labor and equipment to build two new fields at the Civic Center for next year. There will be 1 regulation size football field and 2 flag football fields. The city has granted exclusive use of these fields for the TCSA, and I want to say THANK YOU to our city commissioners, mayor, Bill Ed Cannon, and Marlon Sams for that gift.
The new fields will be home for our program, and will be the begining of a huge facility designed to accomodate our sports programs, including softball, baseball, basketball and soccer.
When we first heard the city was going to allow us to have property to play on, both Steve and I decided immediately to step up and get this project rolling. We are working diligently to get the work completed in time for next years season.
I understand your concerns and have duly noted your suggestions. I dont agree with your stance on the 7th and 8th grade program, but your passion is truly appreciated by me. Thank you for your posts, and being an ol coach, I would love the opportunity to sit down and talk about strategies with you to help make this program even more effective. I believe in learning from history, and listening to those who were part of that history.
Did you know that there are 8 or more kids attending CHS that are 6'3" and taller that choose to play basketball only? Undoubtadely these kids could help the football hounds. In most all cases these kids would play both sports but due to the football coaches' demands about practice and the lack of appreciation shown to the kids for their sacrifices to play both, the kids take the more fun only.