Post Info TOPIC: Circuit Court Clerk

RE: Circuit Court Clerk

You put that issue together perfectly.  In most places the fat cats couldn't get away with this kind of tepid journalism.  This area can be something very special but justice must be consistent and public servants must be honest. Let's keep the pressure on these privileged few.



The previous two postings  were right on. The biggest problem, from my point of view, is that the local media is gutless. I stopped my subscription long ago. In fact, when I did subscribe, I made it a point to read The Tribune just before bed time so that I would go to sleep with nothing on my mind.

As far as being afraid, many people are fearful of losing thier jobs if they speak too loudly. I have seen many less offenses profiled on "Dateline" and "20-20" than this. It's 2006 for heavens sake. National Security and identity theft is at issue here, not just getting into bars underage. Why were those licenses not destroyed at the clerk' office?



The FBI has set up a corruption tip line (1-877-628-2533) to facilitate reporting such crimes and a web site



Yeah, you've got a point on teaching kids a lesson. I guess I'm just getting a little sick of all this "the people with power, blah, blah, blah....the little guys, blah, blah, blah". It sounds like a bunch of sour grapes ad nauseum. But, anyway, thanks for the response, he should've spent some time in jail, and you're right, if his sister hadn't gotten off so easily, he probably would've never even considered it.



Anonymous wrote:

Yeah, you've got a point on teaching kids a lesson. I guess I'm just getting a little sick of all this "the people with power, blah, blah, blah....the little guys, blah, blah, blah". It sounds like a bunch of sour grapes ad nauseum. But, anyway, thanks for the response, he should've spent some time in jail, and you're right, if his sister hadn't gotten off so easily, he probably would've never even considered it.

I agree with you. Iam a little tired of it also, but, have You read this weeks News Journal? Whitley County Commonwealth Attorney allows a couple from Michigan to plea down from virtually the same felony charges as the Barton kid out of fairness. I would like to know what is fair in any down plea of a felony, especially when identy theft is concerned. I would also like to know if there would have been a "fair decision" if that couple had not been Afro-American. Mr. Trimble had no choice, knowing that the NAACP would have been all over this story and we would be watching MSNBC live from Whitley County. Only prayer can help this community.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

Yeah, you've got a point on teaching kids a lesson. I guess I'm just getting a little sick of all this "the people with power, blah, blah, blah....the little guys, blah, blah, blah". It sounds like a bunch of sour grapes ad nauseum. But, anyway, thanks for the response, he should've spent some time in jail, and you're right, if his sister hadn't gotten off so easily, he probably would've never even considered it.

I agree with you. Iam a little tired of it also, but, have You read this weeks News Journal? Whitley County Commonwealth Attorney allows a couple from Michigan to plea down from virtually the same felony charges as the Barton kid out of fairness. I would like to know what is fair in any down plea of a felony, especially when identy theft is concerned. I would also like to know if there would have been a "fair decision" if that couple had not been Afro-American. Mr. Trimble had no choice, knowing that the NAACP would have been all over this story and we would be watching MSNBC live from Whitley County. Only prayer can help this community.

QUIT YOUR CRY BABYING AND DO SOMETHIN BY CALLING The FBI has set up a corruption tip line (1-877-628-2533) to facilitate reporting such crimes and a web site



You assume that no one has contacted the hotline. I haven't lost my little "RED WAGON" but have almost lost hope because I talked personally to an FBI Agent and was told that this particular problem was considered low priority. NOW WHAT?



The people of this county don't have any recourse to stop this corruption except the vote the rascals out. The law enforcement people don't want to rock the boat. The newspapers don't want to stir up things that may cost them advertising business. The crooks prevail. The peoplel sleep and only a few vote or care.



Anonymous wrote:

In most cities the news media would be asking these kinds of questions, and would be all over this type of political corruption, i.e. County Clerk's two children arrested six years apart on the same Felony charges with little or no punishment, a cop with a history of trouble with cocaine and Meth in his blood while on the job, voting irregularities, county's $18 Million debt, $$ spent on a new airport that just sits there, thousands pumped into a useless waterpark, etc, etc, etc.

My wife and I just moved here from Michigan, and are amazed at what goes on here. Why are the local papers here such whimps? Is it a lack of talent and ability? Are they muzzled by ownership? Are they afraid? Do they enjoy dedicating 3/4 of the paper to children's beauty pageants? I feel like I'm reading the printed version of Regis and Kelly, not a newspaper.

"The job of an independent press, the Fourth Estate, is to keep government in check." - Thomas Jefferson

"A GOOD newspaper, I suppose, is a nation talking to itself.” - Arthur Miller



That was very well stated. The people of this area will never know who made money when they sold the land for the Waterpark. Who made money on selling the land for the Williamsburg Post Office? Who made money when they sold the strip mined land for the Whitley County Jail House? Who made money on the land where the Whitley County Airport is located? Who made how much money on the land the new Corbin Exposition is going on and how many years will it take for that land to be excavated? These are all questions that we will never see answered by our justice or new media in this area. They are all part of the same political group that runs our area.



The law and justice system take care of the power group. I hear there is a screen writer who is working on a Television movie about the airport, jail, post office, waterpark, and include the poverty that is all around these high cost and questionable places and how bad the corruption wreaks all over the place. Wouldn't it be great to see a show on TV that includes the characters who were included in jail land transaction? Maybe someday our political leaders will have to do the people's business in daylight and in the open. Do we really care? I do!



Has anyone thought of Lonnie Anderson being political? I find it interesting that Lester Shelley is now working with the Dept. of Transportation -- I believe in mcCreary Co.... The political connections are much deeper than the Barton Family!!!! What are the thoughts about Anderson? Have you not seen him arm and arm with Senator Williams, Fletcher, Neighbert, etc?



Anonymous wrote:

In most cities the news media would be asking these kinds of questions, and would be all over this type of political corruption, i.e. County Clerk's two children arrested six years apart on the same Felony charges with little or no punishment, a cop with a history of trouble with cocaine and Meth in his blood while on the job, voting irregularities, county's $18 Million debt, $$ spent on a new airport that just sits there, thousands pumped into a useless waterpark, etc, etc, etc.

My wife and I just moved here from Michigan, and are amazed at what goes on here. Why are the local papers here such whimps? Is it a lack of talent and ability? Are they muzzled by ownership? Are they afraid? Do they enjoy dedicating 3/4 of the paper to children's beauty pageants? I feel like I'm reading the printed version of Regis and Kelly, not a newspaper.

The timing of your post couldn't have been better. Of all of the things that are going on in the World, I pick up this morning's Times-Tribune and what do I see on the Opinion page - not political corruption, not the New Mayor who takes office in just two weeks, not Iraq, not even a heart-felt Christmas story. No, the big Times-Tribune editorial for this weekend's edition is about Armpit Hair. No, I'm not making this up, read the Saturday morning Times-Tribune and you will see the "hard hitting" journalism that you are talking about in your post from a few days ago - Armpit Hair.

I completely understand what you are talking about, and if anyone out there doesn't, read today's Times-Tribune, page 4.



Come on people, these are very informative reads. I hear next week's Corbin Times opinion will be on unsitely pimples, followed by hard hitting Winter Weather editorial special entitled "Kitty Litter: It's not just for Cat Poop."

Do I hear Pulitzer?



Anonymous wrote:

Come on people, these are very informative reads. I hear next week's Corbin Times opinion will be on unsitely pimples, followed by hard hitting Winter Weather editorial special entitled "Kitty Litter: It's not just for Cat Poop."

Do I hear Pulitzer?

lmao - ain't it the truth.



Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

It really makes you wonder. Linda Schutz loses by 2 votes 4 years ago, and then by hundreds of votes this past May. Did Barton do such a great job those 4 years and become some sort of local hero to warrant picking up this type of additional support in this year's primary? I don't think so.

After talking to people who were at the court house in May and last Tuesday, and listening to both WCTT and WEZJ that night and hearing how screwed up the process was at the court house last Tuesday night, it makes you wonder.

The current Whitley County voting machine -->

      First, before you make wild accusations or rumors of conspiracy, you should do some research.  The main reason for Barton's margin of victory in this election was due to a much larger voter turnout, as opposed to the previous election, in which there was one of the lowest voter turnouts, per capita, ever recorded.  Barton may also have worked much harder in this election.  Do you know for a fact that he didn't?

      Next, before you run down the voting process in Whitley County, you should know that new voting machines were purchased to help expedite the voting process and eliminate voter fraud.  Anytime you have change within a system or process, you must allow for additional time for personnel to learn how to effectively use this new equipment.  Or we could go back to the old way, where anyone with a little $$$ could manipulate the numbers, and with little chance of being caught.

Blah Blah Blah. Let's try going back to the honest way.



There was an article in the paper this week about the Homeland Security problem resulting from false identification documents including drivers license fraud. This is happening in many areas of our nation and is a very serious and dangerous problem for our security system. And it has happened in our county twice by the family that is in charge of our driver's license system. Will we ever learn?



I think the last Poster makes a very good point. This is a National problem and is getting worse, it's bad enough that this happens but the Folks committing these Serious Crimes are the very one's who are running the Clerks office.

Very disturbing, not sure what the Law states but I would wonder if this problem continues to pop up within this very office if the Att. General has any Authority to Remove Mr. Barton from office?

Again---Bad enough that this happens period but coming directly out of the Clerks office makes it even worse, this is the second Incident within this Family over the last 6-7 Years that involves Illegal Activities with ID's.

Where is Mr. Stumbo, our Atty General on this one?



Anonymous wrote:

Come on people, these are very informative reads. I hear next week's Corbin Times opinion will be on unsitely pimples, followed by hard hitting Winter Weather editorial special entitled "Kitty Litter: It's not just for Cat Poop."

Do I hear Pulitzer?

This past Saturday's Times-Tribune "Opinion" column was actually very good. However, the Times-Tribune's front page headline "Whitley County Closes Out Year Debt-Free" is very, very misleading. Burley Foley did commendable job the short time he was in office, and the county might not have accrued additional debt in 2006, but the County is still $18 Million in debt from past mis-spending and other assorted BS previous to Burley, and will be in dept for years to come. Why the Times-Tribune has to sugarcoat much of what they write, as to not ruffle anyone's feathers, is beyond me.



Your Correct

Mr Foley had a Large hand in creating the Huge Deficit as he was a sitting Magistrate on the Fiscal Court during those days. The Article was very Mis-Leading and implies a great job was done, had they done this same thing several years ago Whitley County would not be in the shape there in, they also had the State standing over them to Make sure they finished where they are suppose to be.

The only accomplishment here is the court did what they were suppose to do and folowed SOP?

Wow! Have not really dumbed down our Standards.



The people of WHITLEY COUNTY, when it comes to voting seem to do some strange things. Some of these elected office holders may have a name that people are familiar with. Or they see the office holders in their local newspapers often.ALOT of voters around election time get voter infatuated with some NON-Qualified candidates because they belong to a certain party, or just knock on their door and ask them to vote for them. I hear this alot, that people say that bcause this person came by and ask me to vote for them Im going to vote for them. Do they know if this person has good management skills? Do these candidates have a long history of proven experience? This is what I mean by voter INFATUATION. I will end this by saying this!

Burley Foley went into office in Jan of 1994. Leroy Gilbert was Judge Executive until 1999.The county had a good treasurer and help. Gilbert left office, left Mike Patrick {elected} with a balanced budget from the TAYLOR Debt. Patrick took over and Foley was re-elected. From this point on the County was sunk with an 18 million dollar debt,and Foley and Patrick slapped you in the face with a 1% payroll tax. This mismanagement was all done in a 5 year period.WOW!

What happened? Patrick bails out and quits.Foley stays. Why did they not take our Counties management system serious then? Burley Foley will not answer these questions to this day. Yet Governor FLETCHER appoints Burley Foley as County Judge???? The debt was a mis-managed problem that Foley was a part of not all. And now when things got tough Mr. Foley seems to have to take being a County Judge serious. Did Foley have a 100% attendance rate at all the fiscal court meetings in the last 5 years? Remember this is when the debt was being accumulated so rapidly. Remeber this, Foley was never elected by anyone for COUNTY JUDGE EXECUTIVE. And now the NEWS JOURNAL seems to be praising Foley for his outsanding 1 year state leashed performance. Do they not understand what a Fiscal Courts responsibilities are when they are voting and discusssing County Buisness? Why is this county still in major debt and Why do we still pay a 1% payroll tax? In my opinion, the article was sort of mis-leading. TELL THE WHOLE STORY.SOUR GRAPES!!!!



But the good news is that the new Judge Executive can drive a bulldozer, is a lawyer who has never practiced law, didn't show up at two debates, and the number one thing he plans to do is kill the dog license. We can all rest at night knowing the family that sold the county the land for the jail is now in power.



Wow-----The last two Posters make Great points!!! The Difference is Foley was NEVER elected to this office, White was, right or wrong he got the most Votes.



Ok Bobby you and Daddy need to get over it and move on with your life



Bobby and Daddy are over it. I have won some and lost some in life but I keep moving on to try to do something that will help someone else,. And I am not afraid to put my name to my postings.

Bob Terrell, Sr.



Anonymous wrote:

Ok Bobby you and Daddy need to get over it and move on with your life

Hey BT Jr., I know you get a laugh out of silly messeges like the one above my friend, but I gota say, whoever this particular "Circle Jerk" is should realize many, many people like myself share these opinions and post these comments. These few "Circle Jerks" look in the mirror and realize they really haven't accomplished anything in their lives other than their own warped perception that they are some sort of "Big Shot" here in Corbin, one of over 19,000 towns in our country alone. Their sad way of conducting their lives is only surpassed by their insecurity, and the only areas where they really excel is in jacking over other people for self-gain, all for the sake of being percieved as "Powerful" in a town that 99% of the world has never heard of. We have a great town, but we are a dot in the world, and we are no more or less important or better than any other community.

We are untimately judged on how we treat other people, not how much money we make, what we drive, how many people we can look down on, or the worst, where we stand in the "Corbin Social Circle" --- what a silly goal to set for your life. If these few "Circle Jerks" went to New York, Atlanta, Kansas City or even Lexington, they would be eaten alive in the game of life and wouldn't stand a chance - and they know it.

Several of these "Circle Jerks" fail miserably in the "Do Unto Others" part of life. One day they will have their "Judgement Day" and will wish they had conducted their lives much differently. Maybe they think having some sort of percieved power here in Corbin, KY will open the Pearly Gates for them. They better think again.



I assume the last posting was not an attack on the Terrell Family. I hope not. Both Bob Jr. and Sr. are good and decent men who care for this community deeply. As many lifelong residents of this area know who the "POWER PEOPLE" are we also are aware that they will stop at nothing to enhance thier personal gains. There should be no power structure. We all should want what is best for OUR community regardless of who we try to perceive ourselves to be. The "POWER PEOPLE" think that they are beyond reproach because of their wealth and treat others accordingly. There will come a day when they realize that, as far as I know, A hearse has never pulled a U-HAUL.

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