Post Info TOPIC: Redhound Football Team

RE: Redhound Football Team

Thank you to the poster 2 above, you've made the point about what it takes to play football, and  you do not have it and more than likely never did. 

Your comment about "what the heck is a redhound"  explains it all.  Since your kids play for corbin, it may be a good idea to check into the history of corbin sports and see what it is.  

I'll bet you're right there on the sidelines as your kids are practicing soccer, listening for any curse words (if you're so niave that you don't think coach's curse, then climb back into your cave)  that may be uttered by the coach, or the coach yells at your johnny or suzy and you want to chastize the coach for singling out your kid for something that you just know they didn't do, or you run out on the field if they fall down or get a bruise of a little bloody, or you call a lawyer if they don't make the starting lineup.

The values and fundamentals kids learn in high school sports is what carries them on to successful futures as adults.  No matter their chosen profession, if they know hard work and a little pain and suffering are required to be successful, they will do fine. 

This thread is about football, and what it takes to play and to win.  The big post you all are upset about is just that, what it takes to play and win.  The coach's can only do so much with the players they have, both in numbers and in talent, and the other successful programs at corbin know this as well. 



Football is a Game but we spend alot of School Money (Tax payer Money) and time Employing and Insuring Coach's.

Watch the two Jewel Coach's at any game they attend or practice, they will not talk to or mingle with anyone. They completley avoid the Communication and Community Building Part that is needed to Build a Program and be Inclusive.

Regardless of what they think, the Parents are the Boss and Control the purse strings, especially in 2007. Learn to Interact or the Teams will get worse which has happened over the last 3-4 years.

The School Board knows what is going on with these guys and how the program has deteriorated. When some of these things begin to embarass the School at the State Level their attitudes will change!



I'll say this, all this talk has made me promise myself I'll attend as many games as I can this year.  Especially the home games.



We never miss a game. They are our team win or lose. Go Redhounds!



On one of these sites it talks about Football produces stronger althletes than any other sport, etc.  I would like to see each team  take a fitness test and measure body fat.  We will see who is in shape and stronger when it comes to fitness level.  If anyone thinks football produces better and stronger athletes then you are just fooling yourself.  I challenge all Corbin and surrounding people to come to a soccer game and then go to a football game.  Compare the fitness level.  In soccer their are no time outs.  Its pure running of 11 players on the field for 40 min. halves. 



The Last Poster makes some very good points, even if the Footbal Programs did create great atheletes today they would not be playing for the Jewel's.

What few Great ones produced in Corbin have broke Rushing records at other schools and chosen not play here.

The Soccer Program is King in Corbin now, the numbers and best players are no longer on the Football Field.

The Gate for Football Games would hardly pay the Jewels & Coach's Salaries, the Money to fund these programs is coming from the District Tax Monies for all sports. The Budget for the Corbin School System is in the Millions, the gate at the football games will not make a dent in the real numbers to support the Kids.

This is not UT's Neyland Stadium



Anonymous wrote:


Most of the kids who quit football from middle to high school can't handle the self discipline and physical intensity to play high school football, even freshman football. Many will start and then quit when they realize what it takes to play high school football. Little league and middle school football is more of a basic introduction to high school, to make sure they know their fundamentals, know what to do, and when to do it. Middle School football is more of a fun time, not the seriousness of high school football. High school football is a contact sport, a very direct, in your face, head to head, contact sport. It's the kind of sport where the very intent is to hit someone. Thats why they wear helmets. And most kids now days, can't handle the ferocity of knowing they will be hit, hard, and with malice to hurt or injure them, on every play. It always dirty, there's always injuries, there's cursing, there's hitting, there's blood, and it takes long hours of practice and study to learn what each and every player on the field has to do. The coach is going to yell at you, he's going to call you names, and he's not going to be nice about it. If he leads you around the practice field by taking your facemask and walking you through a blocking pattern, or a defensive blitz, so you'll know for sure where you're supposed to go, and you won't forget it next time, then so be it. You will remember your instructions because you will remember what will happen if you screw up. The tackle better know what the running backs are doing, and the full back better know which way the guard is taking his man on every play. One breakdown from any given position will break the play, and you don't want to suffer the wrath of the coaches, and most of all the other players, when it's you that broke down. Every kid can't be a quarterback, and every kid can't run the ball, and when you have parents down at practice wanting to tell the coach where their Johnny should play, how long he should play, and how good he is, they can't handle the truth, neither little Johnny or mom and dad. Mommy's and Daddy's let their kids quit at the slightest sign of not liking it, the slighest sign of having to suck it up and play on, having to play hurt and have your ankles or wrists wrapped, and their answer is usually, "you can always play soccer". More parents have told their kids to quit football in the last 5 years than the kids wanting to quit themselves, all because the coach don't think little Johnny is another Peyton Manning, and mommy and daddy does.

Redhound Pride, it's still very alive. For a AA team to hold their own against 3, 4, and 5A schools is a great thing. That way, when you play your own class, you've had the hard knocks you need to win.


Great Post! This makes it crystal clear why kids who now have a choice of other sports, choose basketball, soccer, baseball, golf, track, nothing instead of football. Maybe a new attitude of appreciation and respect for kids would help...if not, bring in coaches that does respect the kids. If holding our own means losing by just a few points instead of alot, then weve accomplished that but if you'll check, its still a loss.




Soccer is King, according to whom?  

And a fitness and body fat test, for what, comparing a tackle to a soccer position. It's apples and oranges.

Regardless of all the parents whining, soccer isn't there yet.



Someone made the comment football has stronger and better athletes.  I say give all sports a fitness test and lets see who is in better shape.  The standardized fitness test doesn't make a specific test if you are a tackle on the football field or if you are a soccer player.  A fitness test is for all to see what level of fitness you have and what body percent fat you have.  FYI body fat is very unhealthy.  A soccer player or basketball player is going to outlive a fat football player.  Parent know this and would rather their child be in shape and not pay the price for the rest of their lives like football players do.  They are the ones who can't walk etc.  Ask any doctor. 



I'll bet the ratio is 3 or 4 to 1 (3:1----4:1) on the number of Kids coming out for Soccer Vs Football. Add in the other sports that are growing and we will have barely enough to field a Football Team in the near future.

My suggestion is start working the parents right now before we get much further down the road we are on, the poster got it right, respect! You better start showing these parents that respect quickly or the Goose that laid the Golden Egg will take flight.



Those that can, play football.

Those that can't, play soccer.




Does the School System own the Practice Field next to the Vocational School and who schedules the teams that can use it?



Those that can, play football.

Those that can't, play soccer.

HMMMM, are those the Can's that gave up 62 Points Mboro last year, gave up 30 Plus per year to South Laurel, and ended the season at 7-5 and barely broke even in the weakest district in the state?



Yes they are.

And those that can't, play soccer. A bad football game beats any soccer game any time.



I hope our football team has a great year. I will be there win or lose.

It is great to see the soccer program getting recognition and facilities. They have not been accorded their fair share of the pie.  Their parents and supporters have quietly gone ahead and done a great job in supporting our young people. They deserve our highest respect.

Football is not the only choice anymore. I played football for Corbin and I am not sure I would go through what kids have to go through today. My coach took time to try to help some of our boys that needed to get their heads on straight. And he helped some of them go on to be outstanding people.  The easiest thing to do with a so called problem is to run them off. But sometimes the good Lord wants us to not just win on the field but also win in the hearts of those we are teaching.



Yes they are.

And those that can't, play soccer. A bad football game beats any soccer game any time.

This sounds like two guys on this site parading as Leaders who never ever played a down while the rest of us were winning Chapionships and sweating it out, practicing 3 times per day and creating a run of Powerhouse winners that set the standard.

There is nothing worse than kids practicing and having no chance of winning a State Title, running the kids off, cutting down the pool of talent to pick from, then trying to hide all the politcal games but in the end the team can not perform.

I don't accept bad football games here in Corbin period, we are used to setting the standard higher at the State Level, wanting to watch bad football games only come from the guys who never snapped a down and did not get it and the sweat it took to build the program.

Nothing good comes from bad football, given the time & effort the parents and kids put in it only hurts the program!!!!!



Anonymous wrote:

Yes they are.

And those that can't, play soccer. A bad football game beats any soccer game any time.

When Corbin is getting beat bad in a football game, see how many are left at the end of the game.  Its usually coaches relatives and players parents.  Nobody is left in stadium.  See who finishes in region tournament football or soccer.



Anonymous wrote:

Those that can, play football.

Those that can't, play soccer.

HMMMM, are those the Can's that gave up 62 Points Mboro last year, gave up 30 Plus per year to South Laurel, and ended the season at 7-5 and barely broke even in the weakest district in the state?

This guy also got it right.  I am sure these games didn't have a single rehound fan left, other than parents of players, coaches, cheerlearder etc.  You may be eating your word



Anonymous wrote:

Those that can, play football.

Those that can't, play soccer.

HMMMM, are those the Can's that gave up 62 Points Mboro last year, gave up 30 Plus per year to South Laurel, and ended the season at 7-5 and barely broke even in the weakest district in the state?

So why are all the football people upset with soccer.  If those kids can't play football, then what is the big problem between football and soccer.  The only issue I see is the use of the field.  They pay their taxes and go to the same school.  All corbin kids and sports should be allowed to use both practice field and field on Roy Kidd Avenue.  Who says its just a football field.  Let all sports use all facilities.  My feeling is a lot of the soccer kids got sick of the football issues and are having more fun playing soccer.



We need to stop arguing and get out and support the Hounds against Clay Co. tonite.  We should have a good outing.  See everyone there.



I attended game and couldn't believe the small turn out.  Has football lost its following.l



Some of the big county schools have such high enrollments they have more students available to play sports.

There are so many more sports to attract young people. Football Coaches tend to remember how things were when they were playing football, and times have changed. Communications are very important. If your tough, hard nose style turns kids off you won't attract as many players and many will drop out.

Coach Jewell is a wonderful teacher in the subjects he teaches at Corbin High School. He is a good person. There just needs to be some selling to the kids about the value they receive for all the many hours, days, weeks, and months they will have to sacrifice.

Coach Ted Meadors was an outstanding player and head coach at Corbin and led the 1939 team to an unbeaten season. He later coached as an assistant after he came back from World War II. He was tough, but he had a sense of humor to go with his tough approach. And he treated everybody the same. He was just as tough on the stars as he was with the other players. And he never had a goal to get rid of somebody he didn't personally like.

Ossie Burch also had that sense of humor and a way of inspiring you to do your best. He came up with some special play for every big game. He was one of the first high school or college coaches to develop a change in the play you called in the huddle if you lined up and the other team had gone into an eight man line. There was a code word the quarterback used to change the play at the line of scrimmage.

I pull for all our coaches and we have some very hard working men and women who are dedicated to our kids. It is a tough pressure packed life for coaches. Leadership, Communications, conditioning, game plan, ability to teach fundementals, and the ability to motivate and inspire are key ingredients.

And it helps to be able to listen.

My freshman year at the University of Louisville we played Eastern and my former teammate Roy Kidd and I were opponents. In the bottom of the 10th inning with two outs Eastern got the winning run on second base with first base open. Guess who was coming up to hit? Roy Kidd, a terrific left handed
clutch hitter would face a right handed pitcher. Our manager came out to talk to our pitcher and I was playing third base. As Manager "Jolly John" Hellman came out to talk to our pitcher, I went to the mound and said, "Skipper, you are going to intentially wald Kidd aren't you?" He scowled at me and said, "I've been coaching college baseball 20 years and here you are, a freshman, telling me what to do. You get back to third base and shut up!"! I persisted, " but coach I was Roy's teammate and he is a great clutch hitter. With first base open it would be better to have a right handed batter to get out."  And he really got on me and I went back to third base. The second pitch to Roy Kidd was hit into left centerfield and the runner scored and we lost.

Years later I was with Coach Hellman and kidded him about that time he would not listen to a freshman. He claimed he could not remember it and got the old scorebook out of a file cabinet in his office. He thumber through the book and there it was, Roy Kidd drove in the winning run in the 10th inning.

Let's cheer for all our Redhound teams.

It also pays to be able to listen.

Bob Terrell, Sr.



BT Jr hit the nail on the head. The coaches need to be good CEO's as well as coaches. They have to convince kids to choose football over soccer.  The coaches need to started selling the good side of football even to current freshman athletes.



Anonymous wrote:

BT Jr hit the nail on the head. The coaches need to be good CEO's as well as coaches. They have to convince kids to choose football over soccer. The coaches need to started selling the good side of football even to current freshman athletes.

I know of several freshman that are not playing football simply because of the coaching "horror stories". There are several kids playing football because there dads were blinded by "redhound pride" and forced their kids to play. Change the coaches attitude from "its your obligation to play and I will treat you like dirt" to "I appreciate the sacrifices you and your parents are making and I wont you to have fun playing".




Be their friend??????????  Is that what you want?????????

I know, we'll hold their hand and wipe their noses after each down, and then give them cookies after a score, and maybe we can let them bring their laptops to the game and allow a myspace log on timeout between series.

These kids who quit because of the "horror stories" usually have the moms and dads that believe in the time out corner or counting to 5 when they misbehave.  And, who more than likely never played organized, disciplined sports in their lifes.

Let them quit, they can play soccer.



The point is football needs players and community support to be a top program. No one is suggesting wipping anyone's noses. A way has to be foun d to get the athletes to play. Just having an image of being" big bad and tough is not working



A problem the school board has caused is allowing two events to be scheduled at he same time.  Last night there was a football game at home and a girls soccer game at Somerset. the girls soccer players  should have been at  the football game cheering for the boys. there is too much going on.

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