I brought this over from another thread. It was talking about the property owners in corbin and the condition of their property, and stuff like that.
So, if you live OUTSIDE the city limits, what would it take for the city to convince you to come into the city, to annex your property into the corporate limits?
What are some of the pros and cons of annexing into the city? What do you think.
YOU tell ME why you would not want to come into the city. I would just like to know. The annexation police isn't going to swoop down and annex you against your will.
If our leaders know why you DON"T want to consider coming in the city, maybe they could look at it and change some things to make you want to change your mind. Maybe not.
I know that everyone does not want to come into the city, that's ok. I do notice many times that the people who gripe and complain the most about the city issues, are the ones that use city services and business's the most. And many times, the ones that bash the city government the most, are the ones that don't live in the city and really has no say in the matter anyway.
I was just wanting to know what it would take to convince you to come into the city limits as a resident.
There are good points to coming into the city too.
I lived in a number of different places during my career and we always wanted in the city, even a small one. Why, property values are better. Insurance rates are lower. Police and fire department services are better, and the land is kept cleaner. I live in the county now and what I have found is that the further people live from the County Courthouse, the less service they receive. Our county property taxes have gone up 40% on my house since 1998. If we tried to sell the house I doubt we would get a price any higher than what we paid for it in 1998. I have some property in the county and recognize there is a need to have good land as well out in the county.
If the City of Corbin had a population of 15,000 or more it would be amazing how much more support we would get out of Frankfort. There are 33,000 people who live within 5 miles of downtown Corbin. If Corbin was able to take in 7,000 more people who live just around the community we would have more clout and have an improved infrastructure. Look at Georgetown, Danville, Richmond, and Elizabethtown. But we are an area of little splinter groups and little splinter groups spend more time sticking each other than in having an effective purpose and plan and making things happen.
The last county in Kentucky touched by I-75 between the Tennessee line and Ohio that will get a three lane system north and south on I-75 will be Whitlely County. The worst two exits, 25 and 11 are both in Whitley County. Our county won't get that section expanded for 16 years. Why? We don't have the clout. We would rather be a splinter than a big tough stick. Our future could have the brightest sunshine in the world with more jobs for our people and an improved quality of life. People want their children and grandchildren to have an opportunity to have a good job in our area and not have to go somewhere else to pursue their dreams. If you want something important you have to have the guts to go after it. Why would a company come to our area and invest millions of dollars in an area in which people don't want to be in the city limits?
I heard it said at a Chamber of Commerce meeting in Dallas years ago, that there is no city in America that has met its full potential unless its founding fathers had been wise in getting enough land in its city limits to grow and have some control over its future. We have opportunities available that we will not reach unless this area has a community with some clout. London is making great strides and while our opportunities are available we sit by and watch them pass us by.
If I recall correctly, was it the late 70's or early 80's when the laws were different concerning annexation, the city of corbin annexed in the first reading of the ordanance, all the areas around the laurel county portion of corbin to include American Greetings, NCR (now gone), Certain Teed, all the areas around the truck stop on exit 29 down to highway 312, and back into corbin. Remember, the laws were different then.
And, the city commission, knuckled under to pressure and stopped the annexation. I didn't live here then, but subscribed to the local paper, and also talked with my parents and my wife's parents about it. They could have doubled the city's size.
But, they wimped out. Maybe someone can enlighten me on the specific year,and maybe even the commissioners on at that time.
That said, the first thing anyone I have ever talked with about coming into the city mentions, is how much MORE it will cost them.
The first thing they mention, city sewer service. When would they get it? Would they get it?
And one thing always comes up,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the insurance tax, on their homes and cars. (Of course, if they don't bring it up, I do. It's only fair to let them know about it). Otherwise, it pretty much breaks even most of the time. That is, if the tax is still in effect, which I believe it is.
They like the idea of police and fire protection being available as well.
Thank you, NIBROC Fan. I want persons who may disagree with me to understand that I realize there is room for disagreement on this subject. During the recent election one of the major concerns people expressed to me was about the lack of good paying jobs. We must understand that when we want something that is important to our children and grandchildren and future generations, it won't just happen. We must do the things necessary in making our community attractive for people who make decisions on where they will invest their money for the business they operate. Corbin's size in population has changed very little over the last 40 years. However, outside our city limits there has been growth. We must have some clout and a strong voice to get the new, good paying jobs for our people. It is up to us to do it.
There are some folks who are trying to Fool the people of Corbin and also the ones that do not live in the city of Corbin as well. Individuals that have served as previous ECONIMIC DIRECTOR, CURRENT TOURISM PRESIDENT, and OTHER TOURISM COMMISSION MEMBER, who are not RESIDENTS of the CITY of CORBIN. Why is This???? Can Mr. Terrell explain to all of us where he RESIDES, and why he and some current members of the TOURISM COMMISSION run their mouths about annnexation but yet do not reside in the City, or have not approached the City Commission about annexing there Big Nice Homes first in their fine Neighborhoods. According to the latest Bell South Phone directory Bob Terrell Lives out in FOX RUN ROAD. Those Homes would be a major Boost for the City of Corbin, I'm sure Mr. Terrell would agree. How about the Current President of the Tourism, does he live in the City, Why not???????? Time to Fess up and tell us why?????
Anonymous wrote: There are some folks who are trying to Fool the people of Corbin and also the ones that do not live in the city of Corbin as well. Individuals that have served as previous ECONIMIC DIRECTOR, CURRENT TOURISM PRESIDENT, and OTHER TOURISM COMMISSION MEMBER, who are not RESIDENTS of the CITY of CORBIN. Why is This???? Can Mr. Terrell explain to all of us where he RESIDES, and why he and some current members of the TOURISM COMMISSION run their mouths about annnexation but yet do not reside in the City, or have not approached the City Commission about annexing there Big Nice Homes first in their fine Neighborhoods. According to the latest Bell South Phone directory Bob Terrell Lives out in FOX RUN ROAD. Those Homes would be a major Boost for the City of Corbin, I'm sure Mr. Terrell would agree. How about the Current President of the Tourism, does he live in the City, Why not???????? Time to Fess up and tell us why?????
After reading all of the previous posts under this topic, the only person running their mouth seems to be you. Everyone else has offered an honest opinion, not an argument or running their mouths. I'm quite certain Mr. Terrell would love to be in the city limits, in fact he has talked many times of selling his home and moving into the city. I also believe he would have no objection to his area being annexed into the Corbin City limits, but I believe his neighbors have a say in it also.
Your comment about trying to fool the people of Corbin is hilarious - who signed his name to his comments and who didn't, anonymous?
I agree with last Poster! There are some folks who want try try and tell others what's best but DO NOT Practice what They Preach. If Mr. Terrell is so strong about annexation then he needs to stand up and be a Man about this and get a Petition Drive started in His Neighboorhood and approach the City Commission. I'm sure his neighbors wouldn't mind. And the City Commission would greatly appreciate his heroic efforts!!!! Can you Tell us why you have not done this yet?????
I think Mr. Terrell states his position quite clearly, at least to most people. If you read Mr. Terrell's ENTIRE post, which you evidently did not, he says he lives in the county - as does the Corbin city attorney, many, many board members, many, many of our school teachers and others. Mr. Terrell bought his home because that was the home his wife and he wanted, with 5 children, 8 grand children and I believe a great grandchild on the way, there wasn't a house in the city that fit their needs - I know because they looked in the city for months before they bought their current house. He wishes he was in the city limits - read the post entirely.
I would listen with great interest Mr. Terrell's input, knowledge and experience from Corbin, or from Copenhagen, if that is where he had chosen to live. How many successful global business people retire back to the Corbin area, or back to their hometown area, wherever it might be? He could have chosen Florida, Arizona, California or anywhere, but he came back to help his favorite community, to watch his favorite Redhounds, to be with his favorite people. Anyone who disrespects this man needs to take a good look in the mirror and question themselves, and the community needs to look at those who disrespect people like Mr. Terrell and question their real motives. Bob Terrell did more for this community when he lived 1000 miles away than most of us who have resided here all our lives have. His opinion is extremely valuable wherever he lives, or has lived.
Now, if we get back on the real topic that you tried to veer off of, you will post an opinion on annexation like the other posters have. So the real question is, do you agree with Mr. Terrell's comments and the other posters, or do you feel annexation and growth for Corbin is wrong?
My wife and I would be pleased to be annexed right now if we could. We own two pieces of property in Corbin., and you are correct that our present house is not in the city. Again, I respect those who may not agree with me on this subject. But the truth is if Corbin had a higher population of about 15,000 we wouldn't have to wait for 16 years to get I-75 made as wide in our county as it is in just about everyone between the Tenness line and Cincinnati. Whitley will be last.
My family grew up in Artemus, Harlan County, Meadow Creek, and I grew up in Corbin. Everything should not be in the city, but the facts are that if we truly want the area to prosper and provide our young people opportunities for the future we need some of the people who live close to Corbin to be annexed. If we don't want to do that, we should accept the fact that our opportunities will be reduced. I don't have to worry about it because I am not your Economic Dev. Director anymore. But I still do want our area to live up to its potential.
Then why have you not come forward to your neighbors with a petition Drive to be annexed in to the city.??? Would your neighborhood out in Fox Run Road be a big Boost to the City of Corbin as far as a Tax base? You have never answered this question!!!
This is an Issue that has been evolving in Local & State Politics for a long time, residency and City Involvement from those who do not live in the city. I read Bob's points below and agree with him on almost everything he says, no question the city must be in the expansion Business to be able to procure lot's of needed Monies & Grants form both State & Federal Agencies, Bob's not the only one who has been in several different states and ran numerous Business Ventures.
The point here and it is always painful but true is that Folks must live within the city for various reason's, one of the Biggest is the Tax issue, Mr. Terrell does not pay Corbin Tax's, he probably pays Corbin School Tax's but is exempt from actual city tax's. When individuals live outside the city limits but have a hand in creating and lobbying for any type of tax within the city it creates a conflict of interest. To keep everything clean the individuals should live within the city limits.
Anytime we have Economic Development Directors, Tourism Directors they may or could have a Hand in either lobbying or possibly helping to enact Tax's upon City Residents, this again is bad business as folks who are not being effected by these moves are charting the course and making policy, not a clean game at all and certainly nothing new.
All the points made about Bob are very true, a great guy, I certainly belive no one on this web site who has met Bob would disgaree. This just puts anyone on the outside in a very tough position, this is something that most cities Like L'ville, Lexington, Cincy are all very strict about and a real No No in most places. My advice here is either begin petioning an annexation drive by gathering the signatures in Fox Run or move in to the city, ya can not have it both ways here, your either in or out? These are all personal Choices.
If I talk to the City Commission and Mayor this week would they tell me there has been a Petion and Signature drive in Fox Run to become part of the city? How many Signatures did you get? Did it come up short? Or have you not even attempted to do this? No rock throwing here just questions that people will ask.
My cousin, wife and I own two pieces of property in Corbin's city limits so we do pay taxes in Corbin. I would be happy to have our personal home annexed into Corbin. I served four years as Corbin's Economic Development Director and I found that Corbin's local politicians are fearful of pushing annexation because this is such an emotional issue. Whenever the word annexation is mentioned there are some in opposition of it who start immediately a loud and negative campaign against it. When I responded on this forum on this very controversial issue I used my name.
All I was trying to do was give my own opinions from my experience. I don't pretend that I know all the answers to the issues. But I believe it is healthy to discuss these tough issues with civility so that we understand our options.
Corbin's greatest opportunity for significant growth in the near future is in the possibility of getting a coal liquification program. There will be several places selected soon and I understand our area is one of the candidates. That would be great. I believe in time the land near the new site for the Exposition Center will be developed and that will be one of the most beautiful areas in Eastern Kentucky.
Why is it my job at age 73 to go out and lead an annexation drive? Since I moved back to Corbin in December, 1998 I have spent a lot of my time helping Corbin. I may not have lived in Corbin but I did help raise the money for the Ossie Burch Fieldhouse program, and one-third of the cash that came in was from outside Corbin. I don't live in Corbin but when I was Economic Development Director I furnished my own car, gave the office my personal fax machine which they still have, bought a printer for Shirley Clark's work station because her printer was falling apart and we had little money to spend on our office. I am not trying to pit the city against the county.
Several years ago I offered to put a presentation together and have a Town Hall meeting on annexation but it was decided it was an issue with too much emotion. I provided our Congressman, Senate President, and local officials a 22 point plan to help Corbin become an Exceptional Community but I got no response. That plan included the importance of more land being in the city.
But in the final analysis, if people don't want to come into the city they should not throw bricks if we don't get more jobs and if the world passes us by. What do you think? Bob Terrell, Sr.
To try to answer some of the questions a few of the other posters have posed, regarding their petition.
You can check my answer with the experts, but, you can't annex, by law, property that doesn't join present city property, unless a state road, such as Ohler Road, and now I-75 from exit 25 to the laurel county line, or the new bypass, runs through the present city property. That said, Mr. Terrell's petition would have no use. You can't annex an island in the ocean. Unless of course the ocean borders the area that is the city limits of the town you want to annex into.
The Cobblestone Estates is the best example to use. A small square of land in the city in the middle of other county property. The Ohler road is contiguious (is that spelled correctly) to the city, so, if you adjoin Ohler Road, then you can annex yourself into the city.
Do you know where Fox Run Road is???? Go out there and look if you do. It is way off the beaten path. Why are they there, in that location? It is the LAND, available land. That said, if they have corbin city water, then they already pay double the water rates the in city folks pay. Corbin is still making something off of them.
I challenge the previoius poster to drive around corbin and find some land, semi-flat, developable, land, to build a 3000 sq ft home on. Find it and let us know. I know many folks who would love to buy it and build in the city.
Why do you think they are building a new elementary school on 5th street road. NO LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That land is not annexed into the city as of now. Will it be. Talking to some of the "powers that be", it will be. That is for the police, fire, and lower insurance rates that come with being in the city. Also, the teachers and employees salaries will be occupational taxed, with 75% going to the city, and 25% to the county. If not in the city, whitley county would get 100%. The down side, the school system will pay the insurance premium tax. (that's my pet peeve). Now, the homes and property will be allowed to annex into the city if they wish. Will they, not initially, as most don't know anything about the pros and cons of coming into the city. Another good thing about the school, the city sewer will come out to that point. That gives all those around the school the opportunity to hook on. By the way, outside city sewer rates are almost double those of inside rates.
Drive down to the high school. Look around. To expand, they have to buy up homes and tear them down and expand. We need a new high school now. Where would we put it. One place, the industrial park. Plenty of land, it's in the city, and good roads. Where else could they put it? Seriously. I know of no place in the city now that it could be located on. If you do, let us know.
If you read the papers in the last year or so, the city received grant money to run sewer out to Tattersall (another story in itself). Not run to homes, just to the neighborhood and throughout the area. The residents still have the option to tap on if they want to. I haven't heard about that lately however. The good thing, Tattersall is in the city SCHOOL district. Not city limits, just the school district. Some folks out there don't like that, especially the ones that send their kids to the Whitley School system. But, that's the way it is.
Any sane person who has ever met Bob Sr clearly understands his resume and fantastic Business Background, no question at all!!! Period.
Now----Forgive me for Dis-Agreeing as some other Folks have been around the Horn also and have served in other larger cities that have been down this road. Bob has made a Personal Choice here, he does not have to lead an annexation drive anywhere but ONCE again he does not live in the city, a personal choice. No question Bob and MANY others have donated to the Ossie Burch center, several of us donated and put money into the Corbin System while Bob was long gone so let's not get in to who has done what, several folks have donated their time and money and not just starting in 1996 or when ever when Bob Returned, no question Bob has been a Super contributor to the corbin Program but so have alot of other Folks.
Bill Hoover and the Pepsi Plant along with many many others have also been very involved in Corbin Systems, let's stop there as we could easily start comparing receipts and Money donated, some folks may get their feelings hurt, no reason to do that.
The bottom line here again is it is much cleaner and Fair to be a City resident when serving on any Board which may directly effect the City Tax Payers, my advice may be to Build on those two Acres of Property you own or simply buy inside the city, Last time I checked there were several Homes listed within the city and many folks would be willing to sell if approached. Bottom Line here is most people like where they live, again a personal choice.
Other Cities have enacted these policies to make sure folks from all over the world do not put their fingers in the cookie jar of local politics, in this case we clearly know who bob is and how generous and helpful he and his family have been for many years, unfortunatley the Law should and has been applied equally in most other cities. What would keep someone from Jellico Creek in South Whitley County or South America from being involved in the Chamber or Tourism Boards in Corbin and helping to enact Tax's on Corbin Citizens???????? They live in Whitley County just like Bob???
I have heard all the reasons and Excuses here, stop. Either move in to the City or help as a Volunteer and Fund raiser or a number of any other things (Which I think Bob already does, and very well I might add) but no appointments to any Boards that may or could have taxing Implications on Corbin Citizens.
One thing came to mind as I read your post. One of the principal parties in the Chamber of Commerce fiasco (from another post and I'll post this there too), is that person who made the statements regarding the accounting procedures, does not live in the city limits. So, you post taken to heart would eliminate that person from the equation and the problem. And I believe one of them lives in the town to the north. We'll only know if we can find out who the board members are.
All that said, I just wanted to know what some of the people would want to have in order for them to come into the city limits from the county. No politics, just an itemized list so to speak.
Anonymous wrote: There are some folks who are trying to Fool the people of Corbin and also the ones that do not live in the city of Corbin as well. Individuals that have served as previous ECONIMIC DIRECTOR, CURRENT TOURISM PRESIDENT, and OTHER TOURISM COMMISSION MEMBER, who are not RESIDENTS of the CITY of CORBIN. Why is This???? Can Mr. Terrell explain to all of us where he RESIDES, and why he and some current members of the TOURISM COMMISSION run their mouths about annnexation but yet do not reside in the City, or have not approached the City Commission about annexing there Big Nice Homes first in their fine Neighborhoods. According to the latest Bell South Phone directory Bob Terrell Lives out in FOX RUN ROAD. Those Homes would be a major Boost for the City of Corbin, I'm sure Mr. Terrell would agree. How about the Current President of the Tourism, does he live in the City, Why not???????? Time to Fess up and tell us why?????
So, someone posts the question: What would it take to convince YOU to annex into the city limits?????
So, since the question is directed at people who live outside the city lines, people outside the city lines are who you want to reply, right? So, Bob Terrell gives a well thought out, smartly put opinion, and he is accused by someone (who obviously didn't read all of Bob's previous posts on this subject, and doesn't obviously know Bob) as trying to fool someone.
It's good to see that Bob cares about Corbin and the surrounding areas as much as he does, and takes the time to express his desire for improvement. Isn't that what we all want? (or should want?)
When we read again in today's paper how much crap is going on in the power families in Williamsburg and Whitley County those of us in the Corbin area should realize we must make Corbin a stronger and more awesome community. People who live close to Corbin are getting the shaft from Knox County and Whitley County Fiscal Courts. If we can get Corbin's population up the 15,000 people we won't have to give a hoot how those counties treat us. Come on and let's make a difference. Let's make Corbin the best community it can be. Stand up for Corbin!
3 Questions in response to Mr. Terrell's earlier post about the need for new jobs (which I agree is the #1 problem in the city and would attract annexation):
1. Do any past or present Economic Directors or Civic Leaders know some of the reasons businesses gave for NOT coming to Corbin? Can we improve these things?
Example, I think the 14% insurance tax is probably high on the list (was this CSX's reason for backing out?). Effectively, the tax is 14% because the city gets 10% BUT the insurance company is allowed by law to add 4% to collect the money and send to the city. So, for every $1000 in insurance we spend in the city, we pay $100 to the city and $40 to the insurance company to collect it. I have property inside and outside the city, and my county volunteer fire department rating is so good, that my insurance outside the city is much cheaper than inside.
The big selling points for Corbin are cheap utilities, fantastic geographical location and transportaion, cheap workforce, etc., etc.. So, what are the negative issues overshadowing these?
2. Somebody mentioned how London is advancing at a faster pace than Corbin. Corbin has a State Sponsored Industrial Park in the city limits, yet London-Laurel County is getting a new Auto Parts Factory, and other new industry into their County Industrial Parks at an amazing pace. I would guess the State Sponsored Industrial Park in Corbin offers more tax and other benefits than the County Sponsored Industrial Parks in London, how can London get these new businesses and not Corbin? In short, what does London have that Corbin does not, and why not?
3. Would it make sense for Corbin to hire a consultant type agency to represent it in attracting new businesses into the area? Example, hire a consultant group to "sell" Corbin in New York City where many of these large businesses have offices and where deals are put together everyday.