For Goodness Sakes Give Garvin A Chance!
I Fred Garvin officially throw my hat in the ring for the upcoming US Senate seat held by Jim Bunning! My qualifications include: =Being portable and can move quickly =Likes to work at nght =Hangs around the Gym =Liks the New York area, kinda grew up there =Very popular =Social Drinker =Good Looking =A...
Fred Garvin, MP
A full time Tourism Director: who would you pick for that important position.
The survey committee recommended a full time tourism director, and I couldn't agree more. But, who would you pick. Is there anyone local that could do the job, or should we put out the word we're looking for one on the internet. Remember, the committee said our town needed to broaden our horizons using...
The Advocate
Is it a parking thing? Is it discrimination? Is it jealously?
Tipton says no to the pow wow due to parking. That is really strange.
Even stranger, Patil abstains from voting, and in trying to figure out why, he says his hotel is already full on that weekend due to the summer traffic, or something lik...
The Advocate
Pow Wow or Horse Show
I've heard a lot discussed this past week since the bit Pow Wow was approved by the Tourism Commission as a project. Mainly, how many people are truly interested in seeing how this goes and want to attend, but also how Estep and Tipton are totally against it, Tipton for parking, Estep just generally aga...
The Advocate
Anyone interesting in Caving
Anyone interested in caving let us know, we may end up planning some trips now that the weather is getting better. Southeast Kentucky Speleological Club http://home.alltel.net/tanders/SKSC.html
Garvin's Popularity Shocking!!!!
With Ole Don out of the way now things will begin to drasticaly change, Fred Garvin is the rising star in this area. The Poll numbers from the WKRP News Journals indicate Garvin's popularity is soaring in the area and shortly he may very well controll all Night Life, Web Sites, City Business.
The man h...
Waste Management
Corbin Tourism Comm. hires London Firm for Corbin Tourism. Will Estep now fund the Chicken Festival?
Did I read that correctly, the Corbin Tourism Commission hired a London Web firm to run the Corbin Tourism web site?
Wow, talk about supporting your local business's.
Next thing you know, Estep will be giving the Chicken Festival money from Corbin Tourism.
Tourism Budget
Has the budget for the Tourism Board been in the newspaper? It seems like I remember seeing it a few months ago but I may be mistaken. Tourism should have quite a bit of money to spend with the motel and restaurant tax. That is probably why a restaurant association was recently formed because whenever th...
Give our people a chance
It's hard to understand a few things, our folks down at city hall are giving a good effort. We have talented people in the offices and yet they continue to get pounded. If the people outside the city would simply stop picking on them, give them a chance, and stay out of their business the city would do much...
Corbin Citizen
New Tourism Website, where is it? Is it up yet? Or are we waiting for a new chairman?
This was discussed in several groups in the last couple of weeks. Where is the new tourism web site?
If it's up and running, I haven't found it yet, so if it's out there, let me know and I'll hush.
But, and interesting point was made about his issue.
Could it be that even though Estep got the old site,...
The Advocate
ROAD TRIP!!! Car or motorcycle, some great rides are all around us.
The wife and I were talking about the tourism issues here, and she reminded me of a sunday evening back in october, when an out of town couple asked us where they could drive for some nice fall scenery. They mentioned they had been down through the Gatlinburg area, but commented on the traffic problems....
Gun, Knife and Military Collectibles Show: we used to have a few.
I've been to these shows in lexington, knoxville, somerset, and louisville in the past few months. There was a huge attendance at all of them.
I sure hope we can get these back soon. We used to have them up at the old civic center every once in awhile.
Isn't Estep's tour up now, and we should have a new chairman in March.
That was the word that was passed some time ago. Estep is done in February, a new chairman in March.
The Advocate
Fred's Plow & Hoe
Once again I Fred Garvin will step forward and save the city millions, new in town and "dig" the scene.
I can easily finish the work needed at the civic center, I can attach a simple front end grade to my travel trailer and finish the job.
Very well known around the New York area and have a Hi...
Fred Garvin, MP
Bike Trails: could this work here.
Bike trails are the big thing now. I was riding around town, and was wondering if and how this could work here. Any thoughts.
Upcoming Vacancy "Board Director"
I hear there is a possible upcoming opening on the tourism board soon. I feel I have many qualifications for this postion and can offer the city my many talents. Who could I contact about applying for this as I want to contribute!
Fred Garvin, MP
Why doesn't the TOURISM COMMITTEE put out something like these sites.
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There are a lot of suggestions here. The Tourism Committee needs to take heed and publish some of these. Do any of those people on the tourism committee ever get out of their offices to look around. It doesn't seem like it. These are some great ideas.
Devil's Creek legend...
Does anyone have any information about the Devil's Creek Church. Supposidly they use to dabble in the occult down there. Would like to know about where it is and if it is still there. Rumor has it, someone burned it down. If anyone has info on this , give us a email. Maybe we can go check it out and add this...
Grey Ghost
Looking for more stories.
I was interested in more Ghost Stories for the Williamsburg / Corbin area. I have a few on the webpage and would love have more to add. http://ky.ghost.story.googlepages.com/home Check out the pages and let me know if you have more to add.
Grey Ghost
The new tourism web site isn't up yet. Wonder why.
Based on the meetings I read about in the paper, I just thought that the committee had already done their homework and had the new site ready to go.
I tried logging in today, and the page came up, but it says under construction or something like that. I thought it was a go after they voted to close the othe...
Sgt Rock
Kentucky Fried Chicken Museum, worth a visit.
For you tourists that wonder why this post is in the tourism section, it's because our KFC is the first. The original Colonel's restaurant.
It has a small museum/exhibit area within the restaurant, and is well worth visiting. It was featured on Alton Brown's travelers show last year, I don't rem...
TOURSIM: How about buying an ad in a Myrtle Beach booklet. Bring them to Corbin.
I know this is a crazy idea, but, we were looking over our literature from last years trip to Myrtle Beach, at all the restaurant guides and Sun Fun books and such, and we came up with an idea.
The Corbin Tourism buys an ad for the KFC Museum, puts it in one of those books, and advertise the "Birthpla...
The Advocate
What does "Tourism" mean to you?
This came up after our last trip to the Gatlinburg area a few weeks ago.
Should collected tourism funds go mainly toward sponsoring events, such as ones that try to bring in people from farther than 75 miles from town, to try to get them to stay in town for a few days? Or, for smaller, more locally orient...
Military vehicle collectors show and display. This would be a nice event for corbin.
I attended one of these down around Chatannooga this past year, and it was very interesting. It drew hundreds of people the day I was there, and I spoke with the organizers about how well the attendance was. They estimated 5-7 thousand over three days.
There was all kinds of vehicles and equipment, m...
Sgt Rock
Antique Farm Equipment Show
I hope this type of show is in the plans for our mainstreet program. This would be great on a weekend, using the two parking lots behind the old Newberry's and Boundarant Drug.
They had this at the state fair, and they have them often in Tennessee, and they're well attended.
Downtown christmas lights, the ones that cross over the road.
Don't know how else to describe them, the ones that go all the over the road, like in Pigeon Forge.
A few of those would look nice at each end of main street, and maybe one in the middle.
Maybe we could get the banks to sponsor a few. They're about all that's left downtown.
Dec 20, 2007
by Anonymous
Main street: How it going any suggestion
1 2
With our new main street program I would like to see suggestions on how we can improve our main street. I think this will be a very helpful thread to our manager.
Dec 16, 2007
by LynnCamp68
Who will take the Tourism Committee chairpersons role in February.
I hear this is sort of an attrition thing, that it goes by seniority, is that correct? If so, then who will take the seat when Estep is done in February.
Dec 16, 2007
by Progressive
When is the next Tourism Committee meeting, date and time.
Just wondering, anyone know. I called the tourism number, and they didn't know at the time. I also asked for an agenda for the next meeting, and they said they didn't have one at this time, and to call back in a week or so. Also called the Chamber of Commerce, and they said to call the tourism number. Good t...
Dec 15, 2007
by Anonymous
Tourism Superhero
When out of no where with Corbin's Christmas lights not all burning brightly a Great Champion and Crime Fighter appears!!!! It's Don Estep under that Mask & Cape magicly flying himself from pole to pole and repairing Corbins Christmas decorations!!!
Once again our Caped Crusader saves Corb...
Tourism Expo: Corbins tourism committee has never attended. Is that true.
I read this in the paper from the downtown forum, about a Tourism Expo, or something like that, put on by the state, and that no one from corbin's Tourism Committee has ever attended. Is that true. I wonder why?
Nov 18, 2007
by Anonymous
To the Tourism Comm. members, what do you think,,,,
1 2
,,,,,,,,,,,about the recent antics and ranting of your current chairman. Do you support this. Are you a part of this. Are you just sitting on your hands hoping it will go away. Why do we not hear from any of you? I know we probably won't get a reply from any of them, but, maybe, someone will read this post...
Times Tribune is London paper
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Look at Todays sports page, it only has a photo submitted from our area. The rest dealing with London.
GOLF !!!!
Golf in the tri counties is a touchy subject. Although this is a Corbin Tourism thread and a corbin website, in this case, we have to go out of town to help the golfer tourists.
Tri County Country Club- A private course located on 25W, going toward Barbourville. I don't know if they allow out of town g...
Oct 22, 2007
by Anonymous
Taste of Home Cooking Show, we used to have this, why did we lose it.
We had this show here for a few years, and it looks like we lost it to london.
Why. Did our tourism people not think it was worthy of their attention. I went to all of them in corbin, and it was packed. Actually, they turned some people away.
We need to get them back.
Somebody dropped the ball on this
Oct 21, 2007
by Anonymous
Christmas Decorations: some across the road ones like pegeon forge, how about it tourism committee
Those decorations that span across the road like they have in pigeon forge and gatlinburg. They would look nice at eah end of main stree, and Kentucky st. too if they aren't too expensive.
That would be a worthwhile project for tourism money.
Oh, and a downtown christmas decoration contest, for t...
Oct 21, 2007
by Anonymous
Gun and Knife Shows: hopefully our new Expo center will bring them back to this area.
I travel 5 or 6 times a year to some really good gun, knife, and military collectibles shows. They would be great for our new expo center.
We used to have some here in the old civic center, but they stopped. London has had a couple, and Somerset has had a few in the last year. I've been to Lexington, knoxvi...
Oct 21, 2007
by Anonymous
Which committee was over the Rodeo last week, and why was there no concessions?
Anyone know which of the official committees was in charge of the Rodeo last week. Tourism, Econ Development? And, that said, why was there no concessions set up for it. That was a big mistake. Which ever committee was responsible for the event, should have made sure there was some kind of concess...
Oct 14, 2007
by Anonymous
Any model railroders out there?
This is becoming a big tourism draw in the last few years, model railroading shows and exhibits.
Whitley County airport
How is the Whitley County Airport performing? Has the traffic been surging through that airport as was predicted? Is it going to have the long term boost in our area's economic growth that was projected? How much did it cost and what are the annual operating costs? When will the taxpayers get a look a...
Sep 29, 2007
by Anonymous
Corbin Speedway and London Dragstrip
Yes, we even have racing here and around corbin.
Corbin speedway, located about 5 miles or so outside of corbin on hwy 25, right next to the road, is an 1/8th mile ( i believe) paved oval track. They run late model cars, a local "street class" ( a camaro class) small trucks, chevetts, a rookie race, an...
Sep 20, 2007
by Anonymous
WWII P-38 Airplane Exhibit- Well worth the trip.
I know this isn't a corbin attraction, but, in this case, it doesn't matter.
Located at the Middlesboro Airport, a local man there paid to have a WWII P-38 Lightning airplane removed from the polar ice cap, intact, and brought back to Middlesboro to be totally restored. It's an awesome site to see...
Hot Wings Eating Contest: Home of KFC.
Here's something for NIBROC, or whenever. Since we're the home of KFC, how about a Hot Wing eating contest. Get KFC to go in with it, and do it down at NIBROC park. Eating contests are the big thing around the fair circuit now. You could weigh the wings before they start, and the weigh the remains. Just a...
Sep 16, 2007
by Anonymous
"Meet Me Downtown" Thursday Night Event Series
Our current Tourism Board is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Here are our present committee members for corbin touirism. They are public position holders, voluntary, yet they should be held accountable for any decisions made with regard to tourism issues at hand. Feel free to contact them. If you should happen to contact them regarding an issue, let us know w...
Aug 25, 2007
by Anonymous
Higher Education!!! Corbin area colleges
Corbin is very lucky as it has many higher education offerings in and around Corbin. Many parents, and young adults alike, do not want to jump ship and leave the nest the first year after high school, and Corbin and the surrounding areas offer the ability to begin your higher education without leaving...
Aug 25, 2007
by Anonymous
Times Tribune breakdown, interesting stats here.
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As if I don't have anything else to do, this newspaper thing has me concerned. I'm on vacation this week, with nothing really planned, so, I'm trying this this week. I'm breaking down the paper. Ads, news, sports. I'm going to see what is in it. I'm not using the legit classifieds I am using the "...
Aug 25, 2007
by Anonymous
Cumberland Falls State Park
A tremendous attraction for our area. For any out of towners reading this, it's worth a visit. It's only about 15 miles or so, but give yourself 30 minutes to get there. Coming off of I-75 south, turn right, and follow the signs. Coming north, turn left.
The falls are gorgeous to look at, and there ar...
Aug 24, 2007
by Anonymous
Laurel Lake
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A very beautiful lake, although some say it is small compared to others nearby. Grove Marina is located on the whitley county side, and is a very nice facility. Head west on 25E (correct me if that's wrong) and follow the signs as well. There is a camp ground also.
I'll let others comment on the lake'...
Jul 28, 2007
by Anonymous
NIBROC- Our county fair
NIBROC (that's Corbin spelled backwards by the way), is our county fair. Corbin isn't a county seat of any three of the adjoining counties, so, we really have no county fair as the others do. So, we had to come up with some kind of event that would equal their county fairs. We didn't do the farm events, or t...
Jul 28, 2007
by Anonymous