Corbin Topix message board, have you been there yet.
Theres a new board I found out about, Topix. It seems to be a sort of generic forum board, you don't have to register to post, but you can register if you wish.
It's wide open, and anything goes. They have a "report abuse" button, and sometimes certain posts or topics do go away, but, it takes...
Sgt Rock
CITY LEADERS ABANDON MEETING: Lynch stands up for the city.
This is one time I appreciate Don Estep's editorial. He gave an excellent synopsis of the recent meeting with the group that conducted the corbin survey. The daily paper dropped the ball big time on this meeting, leaving out all kinds of neat details.
I think that the mayor and city manager, whom I fe...
The Advocate
218 Corbinites completed the survey. Wonder who they were?
The results are in, and based on the article in today's Times Tribune, we have some problems. But, we have some good things to talk about as well.
Lets talk first about the numbers, only 218 people completed the survey. Thats not many for this area in my opinion. But, lets see who they might be.
The Advocate
Alcohol Sales: equally good and bad according to the survey.
Based on the Corbin survey's respondents, there was an almost equal feeling by those that completed the survey that alcohol sales were both good and bad for the cities development. Makes you wonder if the good filled out the survey at the Depot bar or O'Malley's, and the bad filled it out at their sunda...
The Advocate
City should start their own wrecker service- eliminate the problem.
A major issue over towing companies came to light a few weeks ago, concerning the "LIST" of towing companies that hauls the wrecked cars away from accidents in the city limits. I didn't realize how big an industry this is until I did some checking on this. I wondered, why the big deal. For $50...
The Advocate
Sewer Line to Nowhere!! City Utilities at work.
Hats off to our city utilities commission, for its lack of planning and foresight concerning the new miles long sewer line they're running to the new elementary school and tattersall.
Only our city utilities could run a line that long, and not even think of offering the people along the way the oppo...
The Advocate
$50K to Downtown Program- FANTASTIC
Hats off to Ms. Meyers and her Downtown program, for receiving the $50k grant to begin her downtown program.
The committee's comments alone shows her program is for real, and she is as well. I hope her detractors, Estep, Carpenter, and Tipton read the article.
We are all waiting to see what she has...
The Advocate
Corbin borrows 5 million to finish Expo Center! Your tax dollars at work.
That's what happens when you tick off the governor to be during the election, and only invite the republician candidates to speak at the Chamber of Republicians, er sorry, the Chamber of Commerce luncheons.
Maybe the local Republician supporters will cough up an extra 5 million to finish the cent...
Ward Cleaver
Expo Management Company: Is there a change now?
Estep says that the city has decided not to go with their previous choice of a management company to run the Expo Center. I hadn't read that, and as a matter of fact, that was the first I had heard of it since the last time it was published.
Strange how this wasn't mentioned an any of the meetings of the cit...
Ward Cleaver
APPLEBEE'S OPEN: Is there more to come! Is this NEUTRAL ground for the non-drinkers.
As we all know by now, Applebee's is finally open. And what an opening it has been for them, and for the City of Corbin.
I've been there twice, and althought the wait wasn't that bad, I've waited longer at other places, the food was outstanding, the service great, and the management presence awsome. O...
Ward Cleaver
City gets 5 Million line of credit- caused they ticked off the Governor!!!
We've read where the city has secured a 5 million line of credit with I believe the League of Cities, or some group similiar to that. It was stated it was to help finish the Expo Center should the funds be needed, and not available from the state. I feel this is both a good and bad move at the same time.
I hav...
Ward Cleaver
New Tourism Appointees!!! GOOD SELECTIONS!!!
Congrats to the new Tourism Committee appointee's, and to the mayor for choosing some folks that I feel will do the commission proud.
Suze Razmus, Betty Comer, and Nick Griewe are fine examples of civic minded people, partciularly folks that you can approach and talk to about things. Unlike Estep...
Ward Cleaver
How do you feel about whitley co. donating a sheriff vehicle to the McCreary Sheriff?
Putting the warm fuzzy feeling of helping others aside, how do you feel about the issue of the Whitley County Government giving the vehicle to the McCreary Co. Sheriff's Dept? I'll expect some comments about me whining about helping others, or it's the christian thing to do, and all that type of thing...
The Advocate
Plastic Trains vs. Dirt Excavation: Are they the same, or not?
After reading several comments by Estep concerning his role in the civic center dirt work project, it makes me wonder. In yesterday's paper, he commented that he just gave the money, and didn't have any say what they did with it.
Yet, when the train issue was brought up some time ago for the Downtown,...
The Advocate
TOURISM CZAR: What we need to keep everything in line for tourism issues.
Estep said it on his way out, and I agree with him. We need a permanent employee for the Tourism Commission. Better than that, that Czar needs to be over everything that even remotely relates to tourism.
We already have one on board, Sharea Myers.
She's done an excellent job with the Downtown proje...
The Advocate
NEWSFLASH: Corbin leaders make a decision, FINALLY!!!!
So our fearless leaders finally make a decision. They're going to bring suit against Knox County for our own money. They're actually going to do something. I believe they said this has been in the works for some time now. I wonder what they were waiting for, pigs to fly?
We all know politicians never e...
The Advocate
Some great advice...
When I went off to college I received some great advice from the College Dean, the kind of life altering advice that you feel obligated to share with others... [youtube=http://youtube.com/watch?v=u1hnwvWhbJw]
Kent Dorfman
"Where have all the posters gone???????????"
Hey out there fellow previous posters! Where are you?
I've noticed that you've been keeping to yourself lately since we have to register now. Surely that won't keep you from voicing your opinions.
We need you, all of you. You're what made this board the talk of the town. Our city officials dreaded...
The Advocate
Former Knox Judge Exec. to PRISON- thats what happens when you defraud the voters.
I'm sure you've all read this by now, Raymond Smith to the federal pokey. Mail fraud!!!
Now, while you're reading this article, does anything going on in corbin come to mind, where some goings on with taxpayers money and laws governing the spending of taxpayers money are at question.
The Advocate
WOW, our city government at work. No one knows now who told whom to start this project, and they all thought it was free. Man, do we have a commission and mayor and city manager that's on the ball or what.
Would you call this a "Immaculate Construction" project, where it just happened?
Ward Cleaver
VALIDATION AGAIN!!!!! Your site has made it.
Thank you to the lady writing the letter in both papers today. Some very interesting and detailed information. You have given more validation to this site. I would venture to say that two or three times the people are checking this site out now, and the letter today just helped prove the point. To th...
Whitley Co. Airport: tourism or not, is it a waste of money?
After reading the article in the daily paper about the Whitley Co. airport, I now know how it was being funded on a daily basis. Cumberland Falls and Sheltowee Trace. It's amazing those two places, by themselves, could fund the daily operations, or most of it percentage wise, with their taxes. I belie...
The Advocate
Property Value Assessments: Should they go down now???
Seeing as how the housing crisis is affecting the marketplace now, should we all petititon our local PVA"s to LOWER our property assessments.
They sure are quick to raise them year to year when they're selling well. We could use our own governments figures to get our assessments lowered.
The Advocate
Suze Razmus for Commissioner!
After reading Suze Razmus posts on this site, and knowing her and her community involvment for Corbin, she would make an excellent City Commissioner.
Hopefully, she'll take the office of Tourism Chairman next year when the seat changes, and then when the next election rolls around, she would thr...
Would like info/stories
I was interested in more Ghost Stories for the Williamsburg / Corbin area. I have a few on the webpage and would love have more to add. http://ky.ghost.story.googlepages.com/home Check out the pages and let me know if you have more to add.
Grey Ghost
New Tourism website should be great!
I remember some minor controversy on here about the tourism board and them deciding to hire a new website person. Well, I went to the site today just to see if anything was up, but it was only a temporary page. There was a link to the company that is doing the site though and they really have some impressive...
TIMES TRIBUNE AND NEWS JOURNAL: Will you investigate this bid fraud with the city, or help cover it up.
This issue with the old civic center rec project will show the true colors of both of our local newspapers. Will they truly investigate it, and report their findings? Will they ask hard questions and put our city officials on the hot seat? Will their Editors let them, will Hanson and Estep let them trul...
The Advocate
So what's the big deal about raising cirgarette taxes? Non-smokers really don't give a hoot.
I've been reading about this for months, raising the cigarette taxes. So why do we care. I don't. Raise them $5 a pack if you want, it's more tax money for the state, and maybe the high cost will make a few of them quit smoking. They're a luxury, they're not a necessity to life, and there is nothing good abou...
Anyone know of the old gas station
Grey Ghost
Friends Of Fred
Just moved into town, looking make new friends.
Fred Garvin, MP
THE NEW CASINO: which county will it go in, Whitley or Laurel.
So, we're in line for one of the new casino's. Which county will it go to. I hope Whitley, we need something to get the county going.
I'm sure all the preachers and their flocks will be out in force to vote against it, but, with determination, we can beat them. We just have to get out and vote.
Vote "...
Ward Cleaver
New in town
Just moved to the area, looking for friends. I dig Gladiator movies, white zinfandel and walks in the park.
Mark Foley
Should people on government assistance (the draw) be drug tested to receive their checks.
Another question that has come up recently.
How about it.
Should people that get government checks, other than social security as they paid that in themselves, be drug tested and have to be drug free to receive their check?
I mean welfare, food stamps, WIC, SSI, etc. All the checks they get othe...
The Advocate
Home-schooling Children
Can parents just decide to remove children from school and home-school them? Are there guidelines tests or something? I know parents who removed their 1st grader from a private school and he will tell you that he does a little work then just plays and watches TV the rest of the day. Does anyone know the r...
Did Estep drop the ball on the new Tourism Commission website? Or is it out there somewhere?
Well, it's been what, 3 months since Don got the votes to close the old website, and start his new one, the london based company. I've yet to find it anywhere, has anyone else. If you have, please let us know here and I'll gladly retract my sarcastic comments.
It looks like he was more intent on getting r...
The Advocate
I was interested in more Ghost Stories for the Williamsburg / Corbin area. I have a few on the webpage and would love have more to add. http://ky.ghost.story.googlepages.com/home Check out the pages and let me know if you have more to add.
Grey Ghost
CIGARETTE TAXES: Do you care if they go up?
There's talk of raising cigarette taxes, drastically. Raising them enough to make a difference in the state budget.
How do you feel? Do you care?
Personally, I don't. I don't smoke. Those around me don't smoke. SO, raise them $10 bucks a pack if you want. That's just my opinion, and it's only one op...
The Advocate
Is it this month when the Tourism Commission changes leadership?
Seems I recall that February is when the Tourism Commission changes leadership, and Estep steps down and McBurney takes over.
That was the rumor anyway.
But, I wonder if Willard will appoint his son as the Tourism leader, as it could seem it was a conflict of interest if he did.
The Advocate
Is Vangent (Pearson) leaving, and why?
I'd heard this for a few weeks.
They're leaving because they need a bigger building, and there are none around the corbin area.
What has the mayor and Carpenter been doing since this came out. They admitted in the paper they heard about it before today's article. Did they not make any calls. They ar...
Taking Applications ... City Manager ???
The rumor for years has been that city leaders were going to get rid of the city manager and get somebody that could actually run the city like a business. I think they would find that city government could be operated much more efficiently with the right kind of CEO in charge. A solid city manager would s...
Retired In Corbin
A message to the two new commissioner candidates: What is your stance on,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
To Ed Tye and Ms. Hagan,
I read the little blurb in the paper on you both, but, it really said nothing. I know you won't answer here, but, maybe you'll read this, or hear of it, and someone else will post it here.
I'd like to know your stance on the following, as I already know the mayor and present commis...
Sgt Rock
CORBIN TAX BILLS ON THE WAY: and they think they've done a good job?
So, corbin's property tax bills are on the way next week, maybe. Now people who itemize can get their taxes done.
I'm sure the Mayor and commissioners will spin this to their advantage, and give credit to Bill Ed and the gang for doing their job, poorly, but finally doing their job.
They'll shove th...
Sgt Rock
I've noticed fewer posts, but about as many reviews, since the sign in requirement.
I've noticed much fewer posts since the registration requirement, but, the reviews have kept up as far as I can tell.
Several new post names have popped up, and that's great, maybe they'll start posting more. Also, the totally silly posts have actually stopped, and that's what was needed. Now, onl...
Sgt Rock
Times Tribune Article Suggestions
I'm starting this thread based on an ad I read in the Times Tribune, saying if you had a suggestion for an article or story, to call them. I'm not big on calling, but, I thought this would be just as good if not better. I know Ms. Swindler reads this site occasionally, so, maybe she'll read it and put some of h...
Paramedics for the Fire Dept.: It's time for this now.
It was talked about years ago, and it's time we do this now.
Start our own ambulance type service in the city through the fire dept.
The knox co ambulance service is cutting back, as I understand due to problems with medicare and medicaid billing and payments. I understand that problem, as that is w...
The Advocate
Another week: No tax Bills, No tax bill news.
And another week goes by, no city tax bills, and no news on why, unless it comes out in today's paper.
It's not the mayor's or commissioners fault, it lies solely on the city managers shoulders, totally and completely.
I truly wonder out of the 7000 + citizens of corbin, how many can't file their tax...
The Advocate
Even our Rep. Siler says casino's are likely, and for Whitley County.
According to Rep. Silers own article, the casino issue could be on the ballot this year. And with the presidential electons, it'll be a big item.
If it gets on the ballot, I think it will pass, and we'll have one between the state line and Mount Vernon on I-75.
The Advocate
Fire Trucks on Main
1 2 3
Every day there are fire trucks racing down main street. Do we have that many fires? This is dangerous. Main street is too crowded as it is. Besides we have a fire department on Master street. The city leaders need to take a look at this problem.
Expo Center woes: Our elected officials will earn their money now. Good article Trent Knuckles.
A very good commentary from Trent Knuckles today. He writes a good column, no matter if i agree with him or not.
Depending on how much the Expo Center will be in the hole when the time comes, our elected officials will sure earn their money on how to finish, or not to finish it, when the time comes.
I tru...
The Advocate
I am authoring this thread due to a email I recieved a few minutes ago from a friend requesting prayer. This is a community board, so I write this with a heavy heart and a request from all who read to come together and join me in praying for the following:
Mackenzie Foley is a beautiful, vibrant 4 year old...
Ambulance in Corbin
I here that Knox Co EMS is cutting back on ambulance coverage in Corbin area. A few of the workers have said that they are only have one truck during the day and at midnight til eight no ambulance , I really hope that this is not true but if it maybe corbin fire dept might check to see what a ambulance or 2 cos...
Good Letter to the Times Tribune
Bob Sr's letter to the Times Tribune today was very good, pointing out several road projects that need to be completed. Time will tell if these projects are going to be addressed, and hopefully they will get done. They are all important, but the road at the new Corbin school needs to be a major priority....
FIREMEN: What do you think of the new fitness requirements?
I'd love to know what you think about the issue brought up in the paper this week. How do you feel about it. I really want to know.
Being grandfathered in is a good idea, and a fair one. Will this help things? Is it worthwhile?
I enjoyed your comments on the other post concerning the firetrucks on main s...
The Advocate
Forum for "Banned"
I was recently directed to a website called Topix.net where you can customize the forum for your city. I think the gentleman who has been banned from this site should log on there he can trash people to his hearts content on that site.
Since we're registered now, what's your opinions of committee members now, in or out of the city.
Now that we're all registered to post, what's all of your opinions now on the issue of out of city residents being on city committees as members and chairpersons?
I heard a story the mayor and city manager didn't like it, as they were catching flak from some over it. The consensus here was about even, b...
Ward Cleaver
Did Corbins tax money repopen the Knox Co. Jail.
I read where the Knox County Jail has or is reopening. I feel that they were able to do this only because of the occupational tax money from the corbin end of the county. You'd have to convince me otherwise.
This is a disgrace, and our city leaders should be ashamed to let this cash flow go unchecked.
The Advocate
BLOCK PARTIES: Bruce's answer to annexation!!! The trailer has a purpose.
Well, we now know one of the ideas for the trailer Carpenter wants the Chamber of Commerce to buy, block parties for the neighborhoods. If I read it right, one of the ideas would be to take them to an area outside the city limits, and have it set up to provide information to try to make people come into the ci...
The Advocate
INSURANE PREMIUM CITY TAX: Another back door city tax they want you to ingnore.
I read this somewhere on the board here a few months ago, about the in city only insurance premium tax they have on us. It's 10.75% (correct that if it's wrong) and it's on your property and car insurance for in city residents only. Look at your insurance premium billing sheet, and you'll see it tucked in...
The Advocate
Expo Center money woes: we were afraid of this?
This could get messy really fast. I think we all worried about this when we started this project. The republicians, the weekly paper group, will use this as a blog for their candidate not getting elected. They were dreaming, after all the messes that governor started.
We'll just have to wait and see...
The Advocate
CASINOS: Yes or No, Who Should Decide?
The weekly paper's editor had a good editorial this week, concerning the Casino issue and the belt tightening that is to come for the state budget.
He commented that the elected state officials should decide this, and not the people, through a popular vote. He says that's why we elected them.
The Advocate
Paint the Town: a great program for our mainstreet.
I read where this project is coming up. That's great. Sharea is doing a fantastic job.
Once it gets up and running, I think you'll have more and more interest.
The Advocate
Tax Bills Late again, Excuses Excuses: our city leaders at work.
So, again, our tax bills are late. No deductions on this years tax forms. So, those waiting for that extra 5-8k tax decuction on your itemized 1040, call up Bill Ed Cannon and Mayor McBurney, and let them know what a good job they're doing.
Bill Ed said it's a software problem I believe, well fine, did t...
HELLO!!! TIMES TRIBUNE!!!! How about an update on the knox co. occu. tax issue.
I would love to know what's going on with the knox county tax issue, and although I've made several posts concerning it, I figured I would direct this one to the Times Tribune people, maybe they'll see and and act on it.
We'd love to know what's going on, if anything with this issue. And, if the mayor and...
Sgt Rock
"Vacancies at city hall" Do you think they're serious?
I believe it was the mayor's comment this week in the paper, concerning the fiasco (SNAFU) of the city tax bills, and his comment about if this happens there will be vacancies at city hall (correct that if it's wrong please) that made me wonder, do you think he's serious.
There's only one vacancy that...
The Advocate
What is the turn over rate at Corbin Police Dept.
1 2
Does anyone know the numbers on this issue. I hear the police department is losing really good officers to surrounding agencies that offer a much less employment package. This tells me its not the money.What is the retention problem?
Would you rather pay higher property taxes, or have an occupational tax.
This thought started while commenting on our city leaders lack of action concerning the knox county occupational tax issue. The issue being, they're doing nothing about our money going to knox county.
My question: Would you rather pay higher property taxes in the city/county, or have a occupati...
The Advocate
Will new School on 5th Street Rd be annexed into city?
I think the school board will ask for the new school on 5th Street Rd to be annexed into the city? Can that property be legally annexed that far out of the city? What are the pros and cons of annexing it? Would the people that live out there try to block the annexation?
2008 City Commissioner Race
1 2 3 4 5
How about this for a possible 2008 commissioner race? A May primary would be needed to cut it down to eight. Phil Gregory, Incumbent Joe Shelton, Incumbent Bruce Farris, Incumbent Dennis Lynch, Incumbent Ed Tye Alan Onkst Suze Razmus Betty Comer Joe Butch White Trey Pennington Amos Miller Samant...
NEW BOARD POLICY: Should we sort of start over?
The new board policy of having to register a user name has cut down the number of posts, but it has also seemed to eliminate the personal slams and and snotty remarks so far. Sure you can still disagree with people, voice your own opinions, and even complain about local elected officials and city manage...
Whitley County Animal Shelter woes, thanks Samantha for your stories.
Another great editorial by Samantha. It was nice to know the story behind the story. I believe she mentioned they had asked her to cover their meetings, and then when she did, some really bad stuff came out. Then, all the guilty parties tried to blame the paper for reporting the information.
Sounds l...
Anyone know why the City of Corbin doesn't or hasn't sued Knox County for our Occu. tax money?
Does anyone know why. Maybe Samantha will read this and ask them.
Should the city enact a .75% tax on the knox county end, to get our share. If we did, then I bet the people would let Knox County to pay up or else.
I'm asking here, does anyone know why we haven't sued.
How many years has it been.
Editorial: Old Methodist Church as an arts center. Good idea!
I read Ms. Swindlers editorial yesterday on her proposal as the city buying the Old Methodist Church on main street and making it an arts center. This is a great idea. She mentioned the possible problem with the mayors son owing the building, the mayor being in his position, and Steve being on the touri...
Sgt Rock
A MILLION BUCKS in the bank, knox county gets our taxes, and an old library.
Corbin brags they have a million bucks in the bank so to speak for a reserve.
In the meantime, we have a library that needs replacing, and we're letting Knox County walk off with tens of thousands of our tax dollars without a fight.
The Advocate
When is an Industrial Banquet not about Industry: When it's held in Corbin.
1 2
Read Samantha Swindler's editorial today about the recent Industrial Banquet. Maybe they should call it the Non-Industrial Banquet, since there were not business or industry speakers there speaking. I'm sure we'll see a different attiude in the weekly papers editorial, and it will be all roses a...
Will Tourism give a blank check this year for Nibroc, or demand accountability.
I'll start this thread again,
so this year, if tourism gives a big amount to nibroc, will they demand an accountability for their money, or just give a blank check like before.
Opinions and comments?
Ladies: Does your hairdresser talk on the phone while she does your hair?
This could go for men too, does your hairdresser talk on the cell phone, or phone, while she does your hair. The last two of mine did, and notice, I said the last two. This one, doesn't. And the worse thing about it was, she talked about nothing but gossip and non business. That really irks me.
My husband...
Empty Stocking Fund: Corbin At Its Best
Thanks to all that made the Rotary Club/Times Tribune Empty Stocking Party a great success.
Rotary Club Member
Why do so many of you on here hate Corbin?
1 2
I read this board regularly and I am shocked at the negative way people talk about our town. It makes me think they must not really live here or they are sour because they don't have many friends or something. I think Corbin is a great community with so much going for it. We have some of the best retail store...
Cave adventures
Just curious as to how many people may be activitly participating in spelunking in southeast Kentucky. We have started back caving here back in 06 and are looking forward to many many new caving adventures in 2008. We hope to be doing some surveying of a possible new cave we located last year in McCre...
The Caboose at Wallens' Towing: worth a stop and see.
I've been meaning to write this for some time. If you haven't seen it lately, it's worth a stop and look at the railroad caboose at Wallen's Towing, just across the bridge from the city garage. I recall the newspaper article when they moved it to the lot, and they have quickly restored it and made a very, v...
Ward Cleaver
A Commissioner should be assigned to one dept. of the city to "liason" with the employees.
I suggest a city commissioner be assigned to one dept./area of city govermnent to act as a type of "liason" with the staff and city management. I have heard of issues between staff and management, and problems continue to fester and grow and make bigger problems.
A commissioner will mee...
Ward Cleaver
Opinions on the new registration to post policy. I think its good.
Personally, I'm surprised this hasn't happened sooner.
I've noticed that lately, nothing could be posted without the next comment on any post being a smart alec answer. It would be different if it was relevant, but they're not.
It's fine to disagree with something, or anything, but at least jus...
Sgt Rock
Wanted to buy: Trailers Call chamber of commerce.
1 2 3
Looks like they approved over $10thousand for two trailers. What a good use for our monies collected from the chamber of commerce members dues. Maybe they can get some government surplus toilet seats for $500. I'm sure there's some left somewhere in a supply depot.
We lost Harley, we may be losing V...
CITY LEADERS, you're now free to post here.
This has been discussed on here before, but with many sarcastic comments and remarks.
One said a city official would be crazy to start posting here, as they would open themselves up to liability issues and such. There is some truth to that. But, only if they put their actual name.
With us now regist...
Sgt Rock
WANTED: A Female candidate for commissioner.
We need a woman for commissioner. Why, well, why not.
I can think of several, but I'll put it out to the board first.
How many years have we let the Knox. Co. tax thing go.
A group of us were talking about this today. How many years has it been since this occupational tax issue with Knox County came about.
I know it was another administration or two ago, but, this is out of hand. All of our tax dollars going to Knox County and our city leaders aren't doing a thing about it.
Ward Cleaver
Is Economic Development doing anything about the vacant Ford lot.
Ok, the Ford dealer is gone, now outside the city, and in Knox county at that. So, our Economic Development director should be out recruiting for something to come into this area. Anyone heard anything.
Is this website tearing Corbin apart?
1 2
I agree with Mayor McBurney when he told me the tone on here is too mean. It seems like things are split into two groups, the Terrells on one side and everyone else on the other. this is a shame we should all get behind our legitimate elected and appointed leaders for the good of the town. me and the other gir...
St Camillus Academy
The St.Camillus School is scheduled to be razed: this would be a good time for our town to rally and try to keep this structure. I know it would cost a lot of money, however, other buildings have been saved that were as bad if not worse and this particular property has played such a part in our history. What...
Lazy Dazy
Corbin City salaries, what do we pay our people. Anyone know.
Does anyone know what what the starting salaries for:
Street Dept:
And, does anyone know the current salary for the city manager.
They're not in the budget, as far as the yearly budget or departmental budget goes, it only lists totals.
Is that a Feedom of Informati...
Dec 27, 2007
by Anonymous
Your site made the paper today, congratulations !!!!
1 2 3 4
I noticed today in the News Journal, that your website made the paper. Congratulations !!!!
Mr. Knuckles commented "neutrally" about your site in my opinion, but toward the end of his commentary, he compliments the issue of "local people aren't totally dead" when it comes to local issues and pe...
Dec 26, 2007
by Anonymous
The next Tourism Committee board members, Will they be in city or out of city residents?
1 2
It comes up in February I believe, 3 of the Tourism Committee members go off he board, maybe 4.
It will be interesting to see what Mayor McBurney will do when he appoints new ones. Will they be in or out of the city residents. This will really be an important decision for him, as he will set the tone for all...
Dec 26, 2007
by Anonymous
There is talk of a Bob Evans
There is talk of a Bob Evans coming to Corbin. Has anyone heard if this is true? LynnCamp68
Dec 26, 2007
by Anonymous
"I'm running the show here!" Estep says to Corbin citizens.
1 2 3 4 5 … 10
It seems he thinks he's running something by himself. Not his board, not the taxpayers, not the commission. Thank goodness for level headed people like Suzy Razmus. And his arrogance of not releasing the audit to the newspaper, he should either resign or be fired for that act. What is he hiding?
Dec 26, 2007
by Anonymous
Pat White is a great judge executive
Well here we are coming up on a year after the election and I have to say that Pat White, Jr. has turned out to be the right man for the job. I wanted to go to the fiscal court meeting in Corbin the other day but I couldnt make it. I just think it is so great that he is moving the meetings out into the community so th...
Dec 24, 2007
by Anonymous
Corbin Chamber of Commerce has record number of members
Just heard the other day that the Corbin Chamber of Commerce now has more members than ever. Dues are coming in and the coffers are overflowing! Our local business community is united and thriving. This is so exciting!
Dec 24, 2007
by Anonymous
Varsity Club hands over check for track
A good article in the weekend edition of the Times. Varsity Club hands over check for track. The club gave a check for $40,000 to the school board. Another great example of good people helping to make our community even better.
Varsity Man
Dec 24, 2007
by Anonymous
Downtown London's Christmas Decorations are really beautiful.
First and foremost, for those that will reply "if you like it so much, move there", you can stick it.
That said, after the ball game last night at north laurel, we drove down london's main street on the way home. It is beautiful. It is gorgeously decorated. A big well done to their city main s...
Dec 24, 2007
by Anonymous
Restaurant tax money down: Estep wonders why!
Interesting article in both papers about this, and in Estep's column. So, more are sleeping in corbin than eating. I agree with Estep on this one, it needs to be checked into. But, make sure it's done within the confines of the law, and not out of greed. The city isn't an auditing agency. Strange!
I won...
Dec 23, 2007
by Anonymous
triangle rose garden
I just wanted to compliment the garden club that planted the rose garden i the triangle where Main and Ky Streets rejoin in south Corbin. It is very attractive (even in the wintertime) and shows pride in our appearance. We need more of these little attractions. It wouldn't cost a lot of money and I think...
Lazy Dazy
Dec 23, 2007
by Little League Mom